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Differentiated Supervision
Armstrong School District
Today’s Goals Frequently Asked Questions Discuss Act 82
Why Differentiated Supervision? Discuss the Components and Cycling Process of the ASD Differentiated Supervision Plan Components of our Plan: Action Research, Portfolio, Formal Observation, Walk Through, Classroom Teacher Rating Form Provide each building with a scripted training tool and PowerPoint to facilitate an equitable professional development experience for all teachers across the district Building Level Team Planning for Teacher Training Purpose of the ASD Core Panel
Danielson Framework PDE has recognized Danielson’s Framework for teaching as the model for supervision of classroom teachers.
Purposes for Teacher Evaluation
To ensure quality teaching To provide a framework for professional development and growth JEREMY STARTS HERE There are two purposes for teacher evaluation: To ensure quality teaching To provide a framework for professional development and growth The PA model is growth-focused because there is a preference to focus on the learning that should result from the evaluation process. The grade isn’t as important as the growth.
Multiple Measures of Teacher Effectiveness – Observation/Evidence
Classroom observations by Principal/supervisor, including evidence that demonstrates behaviors associated with improving student achievement: Planning and preparation, including selecting standards-based lesson goals and designing effective instruction and assessment; Classroom environment, including establishing a culture for learning and appropriate classroom management techniques that maximize instructional time; Instruction, including the use of research-based strategies which engage students in meaningful learning and utilize assessment results to make decisions abut student needs; and Professional responsibilities, including using systems for managing student data and communicating with student families Danielson’s Framework for Teaching 2011
A Framework for Teaching: Components of Professional Practice
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities a. Reflecting on Teaching b. Maintaining Accurate Records c. Communicating with Families d. Participating in a Professional Community e. Growing and Developing Professionally f. Showing Professionalism Domain 3: Instruction a. Communicating with Students b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques c. Engaging Students in Learning d. Using Assessment in Instruction e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Domain 1: Planning and Preparation a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students c. Setting Instructional Outcomes d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources e. Designing Coherent Instruction f. Designing Student Assessments Domain 2: The Classroom Environment a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport b. Establishing a Culture for Learning c. Managing Classroom Procedures d. Managing Student Behavior e. Organizing Physical Space This is a graphic organizer of Danielson’s Framework for Teaching. You see the four Domains as the headings in each quadrant, starting in the upper left and going clockwise. But now you also see lettered phrases underneath each domain – these are called Components, and there are 22 of them in total. These components describe the qualities of teaching that are tied to student learning. The colors are important too. The “blue” domains are called the “on-stage” domains because they are directly experienced during the act of teaching. The “pink” Domains, 1 and 4, are the called the “off-stage” domains. That is, they don’t happen during teaching, they happen before or after. The off-stage components help remind us that teaching is much more than what we can see during the teaching of the lesson. It also suggests that teacher evaluation is much more than just watching a lesson; it includes gathering information about a teacher’s planning, and also about the professional responsibilities that the teacher regularly performs. In your Participant Materials, you have a copy of the Framework for Teaching on p. 2. But if you look at it closely, you’ll notice that copy also includes some phrases under each component – these are called elements. Elements may help you better understand what is included in a component, but when we’re collecting evidence during the evaluation process, we only go down to the component level. 7
Levels of performance Distinguished Proficient Needs Improvement
Failing And these are those four levels.
What is Differentiated Supervision?
Differentiated Supervision recognizes the level of experience, the effectiveness, and professionalism of teachers as well as the intensity and time commitment of the formal observation process using the Danielson Framework for Teaching The assessment supported by Differentiated Supervision is a formative assessment. (PDE Educator Effectiveness Administrative Manual, Pages 19)
Differentiated Supervision
Differentiated Supervision provides a framework for professional growth designed to improve teacher effectiveness, instructional practices, and student achievement. A committee of ASD teachers and administrators developed a Differentiated Supervision Plan based on PDE’s guidelines PDE has identified a supervision system consisting of a model that will result in the professional development of educators in terms of differentiated supervision. PDE recommends that temporary professional employees should not participate in Differentiated Supervision. (PDE Educator Effectiveness Administrative Manual, Pages 18-19, 47-49)
ASD Cycle of Supervision
1/3 Formal Observation Action Research Project/Plan Portfolio Walk Throughs will be used for all cycles of supervision
Formal Observation Based on Danielson Framework for Teaching
The forms are as follows: Goal setting (Form A), A pre-observation conference (Form B), Observation (Form C), A post observation conference (Form D),and A reflective session of the observed lesson (Form E) See Attached Rating Forms
Formal Observation Formal Observations will be supplemented by walkthroughs, informal observations, etc. Professional tenured employees will receive at least one summative evaluation per school year Non-tenured employees will receive two summative evaluations per school year
Action Research Plan Professional employees will develop a structured, on-going reflection of a practice related issue Professionals may work individually or in small groups, dyads or triads, to complete the action research project, Meeting notes, resources, data collection tools, and the results of the reflective sessions will be shared principal during the planning session (Form 1), mid-year review (Form 2), end of the year summary (Form 3), and reflection assessment (Form 4) (PDE Educator Effectiveness Administrative Manual, Pages )
Portfolio Professional employees will examine their own practice in relation to the Danielson Framework for Teaching (Form W) Serves as a guide for teachers for focus and direction in relation to the four domains. (Form V) is the goal setting form in which teachers will set goals for the year that center around the four domains, Resources, data collection tools, and the results of the reflective sessions will be shared with the principal at the mid-year review (Form X), at the end of the year summary (Form Y), and reflection assessment (Form Z) used for formative and summative evaluations (PDE Educator Effectiveness Administrative Manual, Pages 18-19, 47-49)
Walk Throughs Throughout the Action Research Plan, Portfolio, and Formal Observation Walk Throughs are done The walkthrough is conducted to provide feedback on the actions being taken to reach goals. The information gathered during the walk through will be shared with the teacher. (PDE Educator Effectiveness Administrative Manual, Page 19)
End of the Year PDE Rating Tool
The rating tool functions as a framework for the evaluation and summative process for classroom teachers , and is designed for local education agencies providing elementary and secondary education across the Commonwealth. See Form 22 (PDE Educator Effectiveness Administrative Manual, Pages 10-17, )
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