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BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas1 CARPENTRY TOOLS  Classification of Carpentry Tools 1)Marking and setting out 2)Cutting 3)Boring 4)Planing tools 5)Hammers and.

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Presentation on theme: "BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas1 CARPENTRY TOOLS  Classification of Carpentry Tools 1)Marking and setting out 2)Cutting 3)Boring 4)Planing tools 5)Hammers and."— Presentation transcript:

1 BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas1 CARPENTRY TOOLS  Classification of Carpentry Tools 1)Marking and setting out 2)Cutting 3)Boring 4)Planing tools 5)Hammers and screw drivers 6)Cramping and holding 7)Miscellaneous

2 BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas2 CARPENTRY TOOLS Marking and setting out  Marking lines /points on wood 1.Square : To set right angles 2.Bevel : To set angles other than a right angles 3.Marking gauge and mortise gauge: For marking lines parallel to the edges 4.Marking point and scribing knife:T o mark points and lines on wood

3 BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas3 Cutting tools  Tool used for cutting wood - Compass saw  Tools used for cutting timber members are - Coping saw, Cross –cut saw, Dovetail saw  Tools used for cutting and shaping joints are – Tenon Saw, Firmer Chisel, Mortise Chisel, Paring Chisel

4 BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas4 Boring  Used for driving holes in timber members  Rachet brace :- cutting bit is attatched to its lower end and the bit is rotataed with the help of brace handle  Centre Bit, Auger Bit, Rose Counter –Sunk Bit, Screw Drive Bit: Used for boring holes of different size and shapes  Brad Awl,Pointed Awl: These have sharpened and pointed ends wirth the help of which small and fine holes can be made.  Gimlet: It has screwed end with which small holes can be bored  Auger: Used for deep boring

5 BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas5 Planing tools  Used for Planing surface and for cutting small mouldings along the edges  Bead plane  Jack plane  Rebate plane

6 BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas6 Hammers and screw drivers  Used for driving nails and screws and other fastenings  Claw Hammer, Mallet Hammer, Spall Hammer, Waller’s Hammer.  Screw Driver, Ratchet Screw Driver

7 BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas7 Miscellaneous  Cramp : For clamping timber,to cut or make groove.  Nail punch: Making small hole before driving nail so that timber does not split on surface  Oil stone: Various tools and blades  Pincers & Pliers: For taking out damaged nails


9 Fastenings  Timber joints are secured in position with the help of following commonly used fastenings  Wire nails  Cut nails  Floor brads  Lath nails  Treenail  Pins  Screws  Coach screw  Bolts  Spikes BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas9

10  Connecters  Dig  Dowels  Sockets  Straps  Wedges  Fasteners BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas10

11 Fixtures and fastenings  Hinges  Bolts  Handles  Locks BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas11

12 Hinges  back flap hinge  Butt hinge  Counter flap hinge  Garnet hinge  Nar madi hinge  Parliamnetry hinge  Pin hinge  Rising butt hinge  Strap hinge  Spring hinge BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas12

13 BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas13

14 Latch  Any wood or metal device that is attached to a door or window to keep it closed  The latch consists of plain bar of wood or metal which is attached to door or gate and is pivoted so that it can be raised by hand above a hook or keep attached to door or window frame.  These simple crude devices serve the purpose of keeping the door or window in the closed position BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas14

15 Handle BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas15

16 Locks  A lock is any device of wood or metal which is attached to a door or window to keep it closed by the operation of a bolt that moves horizontally into a striking plate or staple fixed to door or window frame  Most locks are made of steel or brass and combine the operation of keeping doors and windows closed with a latch bolt operated by handle or lever and keeping doors and windows securely shut by the operation of a loose key to move a lock bolt BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas16


18 Rat trap bond  The rat trap bond (RTB) was first introduced by eminent architect Laurie Baker in India and supported by HUDCO.  In the RTB bricks are placed on edge in 1:6 cement mortar as shown in the picture.  With this technique there is reduction in cost of the wall by 25% as with conventional English bond (9’’thk wall) 350 bricks are required per cu. m whereas in Rat- trap bond only 280 bricks are required and also the reduced number of joints reduces the mortar consumption.  No plastering of the outside face is required and the wall usually is quite aesthetically pleasing and the air gaps created within the wall help make the house thermally comfortable. BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas18

19 Rat trap bond  In summer the temperature inside the house is usually atleast 5 degrees lower that the outside ambient temperature and vice versa in winter.  Thus the main advantages of using Rat trap bond are:  Reduction in cost of the wall by 25%.  The reduction in number of joints, reduces mortar. · 25% less dead weight, 18% savings in bricks and 54% savings in cement mortar  Thermally comfortable & Aesthetically pleasing. BTM I Ar. Mahua Biswas19

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