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City of Choice City of Memphis. The Collective Vision Memphis is a city of choice. Middle income families live here, public school students have options.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Choice City of Memphis. The Collective Vision Memphis is a city of choice. Middle income families live here, public school students have options."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Choice City of Memphis

2 The Collective Vision Memphis is a city of choice. Middle income families live here, public school students have options for the future, poor families move into the economic mainstream, and talented workers are developed, attracted and retained. City Mayor Pro Tem Myron Lowery County Mayor A C Wharton Former County Commission Chairman Diedre Malone City Council Chairman Harold Collins Memphis City Schools Superintendent Dr. Kriner Cash County Commission Chairman Joyce Avery

3 Clean, Green, Safe, and Vibrant Neighborhoods City of Choice Benchmark of Success

4 Current Trends Memphis Not Competing in the Market Place of Cities Memphis Losing Middle Class Families at a Rate of 3 Per Day Our College Attainment Rate Decreased 15% Over the Past 7 Years Source: Census Bureau

5 Memphis Competitors

6 Current Trends Most Economically Segregated City of The Top 50 Metro Areas 0 10 20 30 40 50 Memphis

7 Current Trends Per Capita Income

8 Current Trends Memphis’ Difference: Kids Male Female Colored area is Memphis; black lines mark 51 largest metros

9 Current Trends Lower Percentage of College Students (18-24 year-olds enrolled in college)

10 Current Trends Memphis Ranks Very Low in Physical Fitness 0 10 20 30 40 50 Memphis

11 Our public business model is broken Our trajectory leaves no margin for error 105,000 students are treated as problems rather than as a competitive advantage Economic development strategies are anchored in cheapness rather than quality Incremental progress is not enough because we never catch up Why it Matters

12 Memphis Does Have an Alternative Future… We Can Become a City of Choice

13 Core Services Alone Cannot Change The Game. Only Through Strategic Investments Can We Yield CityDividends


15 Talent Dividend

16 Current Trends

17 Memphis Talent Dividend If we move Memphis from 23.7% college attainment to 24.7% college attainment)… The Memphis Talent Dividend = $1 billion annually

18 Green Dividend

19 Current Trends

20 Memphis Green Dividend If we move Memphis from 26.6 miles per day to 25.6 miles per day… The Memphis Green Dividend = $232 million annually

21 Opportunity Dividend

22 Current Trends Poverty Rate 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% Memphis

23 If we move Memphis from 17.8 % poverty rate 16.8% poverty rate… The Memphis Opportunity Dividend = $109 million annually Memphis Opportunity Dividend

24 Total City Dividends for Memphis… $1.341 Billion Annually City Dividends

25 Memphis Fast Forward ARRA Stimulus Opportunities Gates Foundation CEOs For Cities Sustainable Shelby Brookings Institution City of Choice Process

26 City of Choice Is a New Way of Looking at Future Decision Making To Reverse These Trends

27 City of Memphis /Shelby County Business / Economic Development Human Capital Development / Education Public Safety Housing Healthcare Information Technology Government Efficiency, Accountability, Transparency Energy Conservation and Green Jobs Social Services / Special Needs Neighborhood Redevelopment Transportation Infrastructure Areas of Priority Game Changers

28 City of Choice Concentrates on Game Changers that Can Turn Around Current Trends

29 City of Choice Game Changers Game changers will improve Memphis’ trajectory. Game changers: - Build on what we are first, best, and only in – our distinctive strengths and authentic assets. - Emphasize bold action. -Keep human capital as the over-arching issue. -Are about alignment, collaboration, and connectivity. Game changers are actions taken with the end in mind -- a city of choice.

30 Hope VI Eliminated Public Housing and Replaced them with Neighborhoods “Memphis is the Model City That Got it Right” Ron Sims, Undersecretary HUD

31 City of Choice Attracts New Intellectual Capital and National Experts to Help Solve Our Problems

32 City of Choice Builds Competitive Advantage on Our Authenticity – What’s First, Best and Only

33 City of Choice First, Best, and Only Distinctive assets, culture, and character that are authentic to Memphis and the basis for our competitive advantage. Creativity: music, culture, entrepreneurship Logistics: modern world commerce was invented here Natural Resources: Mississippi River, connected by Wolf River greenways to Shelby Farms/eastern Shelby County Tourism: National Civil Rights Museum, Graceland, music heritage sites, Beale Street Medicine: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, biotech niche, regional center for hospitals

34 Creativity Beale Street

35 Logistics FedEx

36 Tourism Graceland

37 Natural Resources Mississippi River

38 Medicine Memphis BioWorks

39 Medicine St. Jude

40 Game Changing-Projects Are Not Just About The Projects Themselves They Are Also About How They Interconnect With Other Projects

41 Greenway & Greenline Memphis Bio-Works Uptown Development St.Jude Graceland Beale Street Landing Fairgrounds Shelby Farms Park Stax Aerotropolis Civil Rights Museum Memphis Motorsports Park Playhouse on The Square University Place FedEx Legends Greenway and Greenline

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