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Luke 2 The Infancy of Jesus Begin each reflection in prayer. Suggested prayer: The Angelus. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived.

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Presentation on theme: "Luke 2 The Infancy of Jesus Begin each reflection in prayer. Suggested prayer: The Angelus. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived."— Presentation transcript:

1 Luke 2 The Infancy of Jesus Begin each reflection in prayer. Suggested prayer: The Angelus. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary Behold the handmaid of the Lord Be it done unto me according to thy word. Hail Mary And the Word was made Flesh. And dwelt among us. Hail Mary Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Hail Mary Let Us Pray Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that, we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, Was made known by the message of an Angel, May by His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

2 REFLECTION QUESTIONS DAY 1: Lk 2:1-15 1.Why do you think God have his son born in such humble conditions? 2.Compare the birth of Jesus to his death and resurrection. Lk 23:50-56 & Lk 24:1-9. What is similar? Nativity

3 BIRTH OF JESUS: Luke 2:1-15 Luke weaves together history, prophecy and symbolism in his accounting of Jesus birth. HISTORY: Luke dates Jesus' birth to the reign of the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus and the world wide census that took place around 4 B.C. In doing so, he not only fixes a time but designates the impact of Jesus' birth. It indicates the worldwide mission of Jesus. Jesus will impact the world more than the most powerful leader in the world. The birth of Jesus in humility and poverty contrasts with the privilege and wealth of Augustus. Jesus is one among the poor who has been sent to bring good news to the poor.

4 PROPHECY: Luke fills the event of Jesus' birth with the rich images of the Old Testament prophecies. City of David, Bethlehem (Lk. 2:4) God uses Caesar Augustus' edict for a census to return Joseph with Mary to Bethlehem. Bethlehem is the ancestral home of Joseph and King David's hometown. Jesus fulfills the prophecy that the Messiah would come from the insignificant town of Bethlehem. He likewise, fulfills God's promise that the Messiah would come from the House of David. Savior (Lk 2:11) The angel who announces the birth of Jesus to the shepherds proclaims him Savior. This is the first reference in the New Testament that entitles Jesus as Savior. In the Old Testament savior is the title given to Yahweh (God) for having rescued his people from slavery. Messiah and Lord : (Lk. 2:11) Messiah come from the Hebrew masi^ah. It means the anointed one. It is used in reference to anointing the Kings of Israel for their mission to guide the people. In the centuries leading up to Jesus' birth it was used to refer to the one God would send and anoint to bring a kingdom of reconciliation, justice and peace.

5 SYMBOLS: Luke's portrayal of Jesus' birth is filtered through the saving event of Jesus' death and resurrection. The nativity of Jesus points towards his death and resurrection. Swaddling clothes: Lk 2:7 Jesus was bundled as any newborn child of his day. Yet the image evokes Luke presentation of Jesus in his death. A shroud or funeral cloth was wrapped around Jesus and he was placed in a tomb.

6 Manger: Lk 2:7 A manger is a feeding trough for animals, usually made of wood. The newborn Jesus is placed in the manger to rest. It prefigures the death of Jesus in which he will lay down his life upon the wood of the cross No room for him: Lk. 2:7 Just as there was no room in the inn for Jesus at his birth there would be no room for him in the hearts of men. Likewise, Jesus would be buried in a borrowed tomb.

7 DAY 2: Lk 2:16-20 1.What was God saying by having his son’s birth announced by shepherds rather then national and religious leaders? _______________________________________

8 Witnesses Angel : Lk. 2:9-14. The angel announced Jesus' birth to the first witnesses, the shepherds. Likewise, the angel would announce Jesus' resurrection to the women who came to the tomb on that first day. Shepherds : Lk. 2: 15-20 The shepherds were the first to receive the good news of Jesus' birth. They were the first witnesses of this event. They represent the poor who Jesus serves in his mission and announces the good news of salvation. They prefigure the apostles who Jesus would call from amongst the poor and send as witnesses of his resurrection.

9 DAY 3: Lk 2: 21-22 The naming of Jesus. 1. What do you feel when you say the name, Jesus? ______________________________ 2. By what name does God call you? ______________________________ 3. Fr. Judge calls us to exalt the Holy Name of Jesus. What does that mean to you? ______________________________

10 Lk 2: 21-22 Naming of Jesus: Lk 2:21 Jesus is circumcised and named according to the Jewish tradition. Although his name is common for its day, Yesua, it means 'God saves!' His name bespeaks his mission. Purification: Lk. 2:22. A mother was considered religiously impure for 40 days after giving birth. (Leviticus 15). Contact with elements of life and death such as corpses, blood, birthing, demanded separation from holy things. On the 40th day Mary brought a sacrifice to the temple to offer in her purification ritual. Her sacrifice was the smallest allowed by the law. It was the sacrifice of a poor person. Again Luke emphasizes Jesus' identification with the poor

11 DAY 4: Lk 2: Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. 1. What does this passage say to you about the mission of Jesus? ______________________________ 2. How will the world respond to Jesus? How is the world responding to Jesus today? ______________________________ 3. Who are the Simeon and Anna in your life who live in hope and show the way to Jesus? ______________________________

12 PRESENTATION OF JESUS IN THE TEMPLE: Lk. 2:21-38 Presentation of the child : Lk. 2:22-24. Every firstborn belonged to God. After the purification of Mary, Jesus was presented to God in the temple. It was a ritual of every firstborn child. Yet with Jesus it takes on powerful meaning. Jesus was offered to become holy, set apart for God's service. Simeon and Anna : Lk. 2:25-38. The elderly Simeon and Anna represent the Old Testament people who have longed for the Messiah. Simeon represent the hopes found in the Law and worship. Anna, a prophetess, represents the proclamations of the Prophets. In Jesus, Simeon recognizes the Messiah who fulfills his peoples mission which includes being a light to the Gentiles. For Anna, Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises made through the long line of prophets.

13 DAY 5: Lk 2:41-52 1. What does this passage reveal about Jesus’ Identity? _________________________ 2. What insight or image from Chapter 2 impacts you life? How? _______________________ The boy Jesus in the Temple

14 The boy Jesus in the Temple: Lk. 2: 41-52 Luke concludes his infancy narrative as he began it, in the Temple of Jerusalem. Again he connects Jesus' childhood to the events of the death and resurrection. Three days Jesus was separated from his parents. Three days he laid in the tomb separated from his followers. The theme of this narrative is the obedience of Jesus. Luke presents Jesus as the obedient son on three levels: Obedience to the Jewish teaching and traditions: Jesus participated in all the traditions of his Jewish faith; circumcision, naming, pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Passover, formation in the Torah (Jewish Scriptures). He is a faithful son of Abraham and his Jewish identity. Obedience to Mary and Joseph: Jesus is aware of his mission. He has wisdom to share with the Temple teachers. Yet he accepts that this time of his life is with his parents. He is the obedient son of Mary and Joseph. Obedience to the Father: Above all, Jesus seeks, listens and puts into action the will of his heavenly Father. This will be the pattern throughout the gospel which will be highlighted in his passion and death. Jesus is the model of obedience for his followers.

15 FATHER JUDGE AND THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS Fr. Judge stated that the aim of his lay missionaries was to spread devotion to the Holy Trinity and to exalt the Holy Name of Jesus, to increase devotion to the Holy Spirit, to spread devotion to the holy suffering of Jesus, to pray for the Holy Father and the priesthood and to labor assiduously by prayer and good works for the conversion of sinners. For Fr. Judge, exalting the Name of Jesus meant making Jesus the center of peoples' lives. It is the missionary focus. In Jesus' name and personal relationship to him there is an incredible power for good. (Writings of Fr. Judge, Nov. 30,1930. Dedication of Holy Name of Jesus Hospital, Gadsen, AL.) “Peter said: Silver and gold I have none; but what I have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk. (Acts 3:6). Jesus was the Name invoked, the name of God, the name of the Son of God. Faith called on that name. There is no other name that can work such marvels. No other name is so inspirational. No other name is so provocative of good or of wonders. Be glad! Have hope! For this is the name we serve. Therefore we are going to call upon that Name. We are going to memorialize it for the sake of people."

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