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Study Abroad National Student Exchange for University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Abroad National Student Exchange for University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Abroad National Student Exchange for University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Students

2 Why study abroad/NSE? MEET diverse people. EXPLORE & APPRECIATE other cultures or geographic areas. LEARN a language. DEVELOP a global perspective. EARN academic credit. TRAVEL.

3 Study abroad leads to development Self confidence, independence & maturity Effective communication Problem-solving & resourcefulness Adaptability Cultural Awareness Ability to work in diverse environments Ability to evaluate options Ability to develop creative solutions Contextual thinking & perspective Ability to justify & persuade Greater interest in studying & learning!

4 NSE leads to development and future exploration personal growth independence and resourcefulness broadened personal and educational perspectives access courses with different perspectives explore new areas of study investigate graduate or professional schools look for future employment opportunities break out of their comfort zones acquire life skills experience life from a different point of view

5 How much does Study Abroad cost? Semester $7,400 - $11,000+ Short-term (1 – 8 weeks) $500 (seriously!) $2,000 - $6,400 Or, stay at UW Oshkosh $8,671 Use Financial Aid/Study Abroad Grants Apply for external grants & scholarships

6 How much does NSE cost? Semester Pay UW Oshkosh tuition; avoid out-of-state tuition fees! Use Financial Aid/Study Abroad Grants Apply for external grants & scholarships

7 Can I graduate on time? YES!

8 Plan ahead Talk to your academic advisors and professors early Don’t sign a lease until AFTER you’ve spent a semester away. Don’t buy a car until AFTER you’ve spent a semester away. Don’t take courses on campus which are offered by your dream program!

9 What about full immersion abroad? Possibilities include Full immersion Partial immersion Group programs Choose the level of immersion that works for you!

10 What are my options?

11 Stay a Semester Australia Canada Chile China England Germany Italy Japan New Zealand) Peru Puerto Rico Scotland Spain South Korea United States

12 Experience Scotland Immerse yourself in Scottish culture and live in Dalkeith House for a semester or summer. Planned extracurricular activities, field trips, time for independent travel, optional internship (semester only) and friendship family (semester only). Fall: Late August - Early December Spring: Late January – Early May Summer: Late May – Mid July

13 Stay a Semester

14 Spend a Few Weeks Intensive Spanish (Spain or Peru) Leadership & Culture in Australia European Business Travel Seminar Literary Study Tour in England Comparative Nursing & Healthcare in India Music Therapy, Management, or Social Work in Germany

15 Challenge New Zealand: Leadership Development Auckland, Rotorua, Turangi, Wellington - New Zealand Liberal Studies 331 & 336 January or June Sarah Smith Dempsey 111 920-424-0234

16 Literary Study Tour EXPLORE different sights and museums of England by traveling to Manchester, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Oxford, and London. Earn 3 credits in either English 211, 318 or 350. May 23 – June 7, 2012

17 Music Therapy, Social Work, Management in Fulda, Germany Topics in English include Intercultural Communication/Social Work, Music Therapy, Stress Management, Public Health, Management; multiple levels of German language Childcare available on-site for children ages 1-8. July 16 – August 13, 2012 Other German options available

18 Study (in) a Language Chinese French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish

19 Complete an Internship Australia Chile Germany India (Nursing only) Japan New Zealand Peru Scotland (perfect for freshmen & sophomores!)

20 Complete General Education Requirements National Student Exchange Experience Scotland Spring interim in Rome Poverty and Privilege in Tanzania Cross-Cultural Research in Brazil British Politics and Political Thought

21 USA Summer Camp $109! “Studying abroad has been a defining experience in my life. I've always been interested in traveling, but being able to completely dive into a new - and sometimes frightening - experience has challenged and enlightened me more than I could have ever hoped. Not only am I more culturally competent, but I also have the tools to do anything and go anywhere in my life. I can't imagine my college experience without my experience in Japan.” Erin Rammer Human Services Senior

22 Your next step Study Abroad Advising Tanya Kollross – Study Abroad Advisor Dempsey Hall 201 Stop by or call 424-0775 for an appointment. Study Abroad Fair 2 nd week of classes in September & February 10:00 – 2:00 in 2 nd Floor Reeve Union Ballroom Explore! Destinations Apply

23 Safe Travels! “It has been a great 4 ½ years in college and as I am approaching graduation in a couple of weeks the only regret I have is not to have studied abroad more. I met the most amazing people while studying abroad, had the best experiences and am sad that I will never have such an amazing opportunity again.” Lauren Lidbetter Communication

24 French…

25 What can I do RIGHT AWAY? We have programs for freshmen & sophomores…

26 German Student Exchange in Osnabrueck, Germany Student Exchange in Hessen, Germany International Universities in Hessen, Germany (short-term) Study in the heart of Europe.

27 Study Spanish/Study IN Spanish Spanish Language & Culture in Guanajuato, Mexico Intensive Spanish in Salamanca, Spain Student Exchange at Universidad del Pacifico in Lima, Peru

28 Study Spanish/Study IN Spanish Spanish-American Institute of International Education (UW-Platteville) Latino/a Language Culture & Learning in Mexico ESL/Bilingual Education and Spanish language students and teachers focus on the integration of culture into the classroom. Semester: Spanish language, conversation, composition, Liberal Arts (taught in Spanish or in English) & International Business (English). Summer: intermediate Spanish, composition & conversation, colloquium on Spanish culture and 20th century Spanish history.

29 Estonia, Russia and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century European Integration and Russian Foreign Policy at the University of Tartu. Dr. Karl Loewenstein Clow Faculty 312 920-424-2462 EXAMINE the key moments of European history, including World War II, the Cold War, and Russia’s new policy toward the European Union. EXPERIENCE the medieval architecture of the Baltic region, the remnants of the Soviet Union, and the pull of modern nationalism.

30 Links kgZQU 2/todays-visit-from-uw-oshkosh.html

31 What can I do RIGHT AWAY? We have programs for students in Athletic Training Biology/Microbiology Chemistry Healthcare Kinesiology & Health Medical Technology Nursing Pre-Professional Health

32 Health Sciences Applied Pharmacology in Nicaragua & Honduras AustraLearn (Australia & New Zealand; semester & short-term) Clinical Rotations in India (Nursing) Experience Scotland (courses vary) Food & Life Science at Kookmin University, S. Korea Health & Exercise, Nutrition, PE in the Community, Sports Science at St. Mary’s University College, London (prior to entering major) Health & Nutrition in Fulda, Germany (prior to entering major) Intellectual Property Law and Business in Biotechnology in Giessen, Germany Kinesiology or Nursing at the University of New Brunswick, Canada National Student Exchange (170+ universities) Physical Education at Kookmin University, S. Korea Options to study in German, Mandarin or Spanish

33 European Odyssey Spring Semester in Europe Let Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Venice, Florence, London, Caen, Paris, Edinburgh and Dublin be your classroom! January - April

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