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Transition process at Amery Hill School. Seven main feeder schools Well established liaison between Headteachers Regular meetings with Primary subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition process at Amery Hill School. Seven main feeder schools Well established liaison between Headteachers Regular meetings with Primary subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition process at Amery Hill School

2 Seven main feeder schools Well established liaison between Headteachers Regular meetings with Primary subject specialists/ Year 6 teachers Aims to ensure smooth social transition for students and curriculum continuity

3 Assessment for Learning / Assessing Pupils’ Progress Art department’s review of KS2 sketch books Moderation of Level 5 English writing in years 6 and 7 English and Maths transition lessons in Primary schools Year 6 Teacher Assessments English, Maths and Science and their role in the transition process How do we teach and assess division, problem solving, reasoning, and other skills? Music / PE / Modern Foreign Languages / ICT Gifted and Talented projects Lesson observations

4 Barriers Number of meetings / supply costs Subject specialists based in years 1-3 Different perspectives Limited number of subjects involved Communicating outcomes to other staff Opportunities Recognition of where students are coming from and where they are going Support for teachers in smaller schools Acknowledgment that KS2 expertise is valued and built on To transmit really valuable information about individuals that will help to ensure good progression

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