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Ludolf van Hasselt European Commission, DG Communication Moderator.

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Presentation on theme: "Ludolf van Hasselt European Commission, DG Communication Moderator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ludolf van Hasselt European Commission, DG Communication Moderator

2 Andy Klom Head of European Commission Representation in the Netherlands

3 Telling the Story: Explaining Europe on the cutting edge of communication in Wales and the Netherlands. Andy KLOM Head of the European Commission Representation in the Netherlands Brussels, 10 December 2013

4 1) EC Representations - Representation: Voice of Europe. - Representation: Eyes & Ears of Europe. - 4 P’s: Political/Press/Public Diplomacy/Protocol. - European Commissioner visits to NL. - Like an embassy, but then for EC in MS. - EC has 37 REPS within 28 EU members, 28 national & 9 regional REPS: EU-wide network.

5 2) Communicating the EU narrative - Shared responsibility EC/EP/Ccl-MS - Partnerships: ECREPs/EPIOs, with MS - EC networks: REPs, EDICs, EDCs, EEN, TeamE - Concentric circles stakeholders, beneficiaries of EU programmes: - Managing authorities (MAs) - Regional & local govt - Universities & colleges

6 3) Welsh experience - Eurosceptic/populist political landscape - Lack of knowledge of basic EU concepts - No EU comms activities by UK Govt locally - No ownership of EU concept, only local projects - WAG positive EU comms approach (funding) - Limited coordination with fund MA (WAG-linked) - No EDIC network (2 potential partners)

7 4) REP activities in Wales 2005-12 - Work with WAG towards "EU beyond funding" - Work with NAW on ownership/mainstreaming - Create EDIC network (max. 6 centres/3 M pop) - Extensive REP coordination with fund MA: team meetings, press, visits, mgt ctees, annual events, projects - Invest in P2P visits locally (Govt, Uni, business) - Mobilize Reg & Local Govt into publicity (P2P)

8 5) Results - WAG/NAW publically engaged in EU - Stronger EU branding of local projects - Network of EDICs locally supported - Linkage stakeholders to EU networks BUT ALSO: - Growth of eurosceptic opinion (press, politics) - UK debate on referendum also in Wales - Continued limited knowledge

9 6) A Dutch experience 2012-14 - Limited EU comms in NL, only press & politics - No EU comms strategy by NL Govt - Eurosceptic/populist political landscape, passive - Limited EDIC network (8 centres, passive) - Limited coordination with fund MA's (it's our money being recycled) - Only "EuropaOmDeHoek" site, funded by REP, with annual visitors day in May

10 7) REP activities in NL 2012-14 - Expand EDIC network to 14 centres (17 M pop) - Re-animate EDICs into active centres (be there) - Invest in P2P visits locally (Govt, Uni, EDICs) - Challenge NL Govt funding MA's (still TBC) - Mobilize Reg & Local Govt into publicity (P2P) - REP organizing public events all around NL - Maintain "EuropaOmDeHoek" site w/ EU funds - Close down non-functional networks

11 8) Results - Greater EU presence & visibility - No change in NL Govt approach - Positive collaboration Reg & Local Govt - Reaching out beyond metropolitan areas - Stir up different perspectives (cross-border) - Great investment of funds, travel and HR - Focus on narrative & on self-interest: "What's in it for me?"

12 9) Tentative conclusions - Nat Govt approach key to success: ownership - EU networks and nat. networks: open/closed - Big narrative, small narrative: link the story - Invest in P2P: travel, network, visit - Being there, being seen, being heard - Go to the coal surface/cutting edge - Don't be afraid: citizens won't bite!

13 * More information? 1) “Europe Direct” phoneline 0800 7 8 9 10 11 (EU-wide). 2) 14 “Europe Direct” information centres in NL. 3) Various European Documentation Centres for academics, and Enterprise Europe Network centres for business. 4) EC Representation in The Hague: 5) Europe House in The Hague: 6) EU’s general website “Europa”: 7) Facebook: EU in NL, Twitter: EUinNL, AndyKlomEU

14 Brussels, 9-10 December PPT

15 Brussels, 9-10 December

16 Peter Toth European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) Contact point

17 ENRD – the story of a rural development policy network. Peter Toth ENRD Contact Point

18 Brussels, 9-10 December Communication – numbers and statistics Communicating Rural Development in the frame of ENRD 31496700029912200011253 “Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted” Albert Einstein

19 Brussels, 9-10 December RD communication – looking behind the numbers ENRD AND NRN websites 967000 stakeholders involved in 3949 meetings 11253 good practice examples 299 events related to cooperation with 6809 participants 2936 training activities, 122000 people 49 thematic initiatives, 314 meetings and 16876 stakeholders 7 types of publications, 6 languages, 28 EU MS

20 Brussels, 9-10 December ENRD and NRNs - the vehicles of RD communication

21 Brussels, 9-10 December ENRD and NRNs – the vehicles of RD communication Based on EAFRD regulation (Council Regulation (EC) n°1698/2005 Article 68 for the 2007-2013 period) Policy networks with top-down and bottom-up features Around 500 million euro has been committed to supporting national and European networking during the 2007-2013 period Aim to engage actors and stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of a policy in a given sector Tools of governance that aim to extend the reach and influence of public administrations as well as encourage bottom-up participation Aim to build common understanding and common ownership of common policies MANDATE collect, analyse and disseminate information on Community rural development measures; collect, disseminate and consolidate at Community level good rural development practice; provide information on developments in the Community’s rural areas and in third countries; organise meetings and seminars at Community level for those actively involved in rural development; set up and run expert networks and transnational cooperation initiatives.

22 Brussels, 9-10 December Networks that can tell stories…    … ABOUT NETWORKING AND REAL INVOLVEMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT STAKEHOLDERS

23 Brussels, 9-10 December Focus – What is the story? Stories of networking and networks Successful RD projects Exchange of experience Thematic initiatives and focus groups Trainings and events Committee meetings and much more…

24 Brussels, 9-10 December Focus – How do we tell the story?

25 Brussels, 9-10 December Lessons that we learnt… Balance top-down and bottom-up, Do not forget who your target groups are, Create ownership for themes you introduce, Consider dissemination when planning your communication, Acknowledge that the strength of your network and communications activities is in your stakeholders, Think about synergies, Have an intervention logic, Have a plan, Build on existing experience, Follow-up on your activities. Based on the ENRD self-evaluation results

26 Brussels, 9-10 December Lesson that we learnt … Develop `relevance and usefulness` indicators Self-assessment is essential Unexpected results may emerge – be prepared and flexible Quantitative indicators often do not reflect the nature of networks and communication Build on lessons learnt Based on the ENRD self-evaluation results

27 Brussels, 9-10 December The NRN action plans for 2014- 2020 Based on Article 55 of the new EAFRD regulation (Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

28 Brussels, 9-10 December Can we tell the whole story? Monastery in Valle Umbra (LAG Valle Umbra e Sibillini) Beating on the water LAG: Kyjovské Slovácko in motion Applepress,Narracott LAG: LEADER 4 Torridge and North Devon

29 Brussels, 9-10 December Thank you for your kind attention. For more information, please visit:

30 Brussels, 9-10 December PPT

31 Brussels, 9-10 December

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