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Published byJanel Warren Modified over 9 years ago
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 1
Companies need to ensure 1. code of conduct for all managers, 2. long – term strategic plans, 3. CSR initiatives, 4. submission of regular and accurate financial statements, 5. providing of regular information about financial position of the company to the shareholders, 6. evaluation by the board of its performance, 7. independent Audit Committees and 8. effective risk management plans. September 15, 2011 2 Coal India Limited
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN PSE’S PSE’s today play a significant role in accelerating the economic as well as social development of the country. This can be facilitated by following sound,prudent and transparent business principles and practices. They are guardian or trustees of precious public money. They deal with tax payers money and are therefore accountable to Parliament. Under such circumstances, there is a need for a strong vigilance organization in the PSE’s with a set of rules / code of conduct to guide the actions and conduct of these Enterprises. September 15, 2011 3 Coal India Limited
And as required Corporate Governance in PSE’s is more robust than that in most private counterparts. Apart from the Parliament,PSEs are accountable to other authorities under several regulations like 1. the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), 2. Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), 3. three layers of audit control (Statutory Audit, Internal Audit and CAG) and 4. the Rights to Information Act (RtI) September 15, 2011 4 Coal India Limited
This was evidently apparent during the recent economic turmoil in private companies when investors fled to public enterprise stocks due to 1. much better confidence of stakeholders in PSE management. 2. PSEs are open and transparent ensuring fairness in their transactions within and outside the Company with investors, customers,employees,partners, competitors and society at large. September 15, 2011 5 Coal India Limited
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN ONGC Mr. R.S.Sharma, CMD, ONGC says – Corporate Governance in ONGC is led by 1. strong emphasis on human values, 2. individual dignity and adherence to honest, ethical and professional conduct. 3. The endeavors in this regard are focused on highest level of transparency,openness and accountability and fairness in all areas of operation,meeting the aspirations of all its stakeholders. September 15, 2011 6 Coal India Limited
Mr. Arup Roy Choudhury,CMD,NTPC says – As a good Corporate citizen, the company is committed to 1. sound corporate practices based on conscience, openness, fairness,professionalism and 2. accountability in building confidence of its various stakeholders in it thereby paving the way for its long term success. 3. NTPC is always on forefront in adopting and implementing sound governance norms. September 15, 2011 7 Coal India Limited
Mr. Chandra Shekar Verma, Chairman, SAIL says – SAIL is committed to 1. practice the highest standard of corporate governance by ensuring transparency, disclosures and reporting that conforms fully with laws,regulations and guidelines. 2. promotes ethical conduct throughout the organization, with the primary objective of enhancing shareholders value, while being a responsible corporate citizen. 3. The Company recognizes that the Board of Directors is accountable to all shareholders and that each member of the board owes his first duty for protecting and furthering the interests of the Company. September 15, 2011 8 Coal India Limited
Mr. B. Prasada Rao, CMD, BHEL says – BHELs Corporate Governance policy is based on the following principles: 1. Independence and versatility of the Board 2. Integrity and ethical behavior of all personnel 3. Recognition of obligations towards all stakeholders – shareholders, customers,employees,suppliers and the society at large. September 15, 2011 9 Coal India Limited
Shri N.R. Narayana Murthy, Chief Mentor, Infosys Limited. 1. Corporate governance is maximizing the shareholder value in a corporation 2. ensuring fairness to all stakeholders, customers, employees, investors, vendors, the government and the society-at-large. 3. transparency and raising the trust and confidence of stakeholders in the way the company is run. 4. owners and the managers operating as the trustees on behalf of every shareholder - large or small." - September 15, 2011 10 Coal India Limited
With the goal of promoting better corporate governance practices in India, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, on 1st October 2003 set up : National Foundation for Corporate Governance (NFCG) 1. in partnership with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), 2. Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and 3. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). 4. In the year 2010, stakeholders in NFCG has been expanded with the inclusion of ICWAI and the National Stock Exchange. September 15, 2011 11 Coal India Limited
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CG is the system by which companies are directed and controlled by management in the best interest of shareholders and others. The BOD are responsible for governance of their companies A number of reports and codes of CG has been published internationally SEBI also has recently introduced a new clause (i.e. clause 49 ) in the listing agreement entered between a stock exchange and a company who desires to list its securities on stock exchange. September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 12
As per this clause, if a company desires to list its securities on a stock exchange, then it has to agree and implement the code of corporate governance The company is also required to obtain a certificate from the auditor/practicing company secretary as regard compliance of the conditions of CG as given in this clause. The various items of this clause are: i. Composition of board ii. Setting up of audit committee iii. Remuneration of directors iv. Meeting of BOD etc. September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 13
CONTENTS OF CLAUSE 49 OF LISTING AGREEMENT (CG) Board of directors BOD shall have an optimum combination of executive and non –executive directors with not less than 5o% of the BOD comprising of non- executive directors. At least half of the Board should comprise of independent directors It is very much clear that the overall shift is on comprising the board with independent person, who can take unbiased decisions for the welfare of the stakeholders September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 14
INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR IDIt shall mean a Non-executive director of the company who - Apart from receiving director’s remuneration, does not have any material pecuniary relationship or transactions with the company,its promoters,its directors, its senior management or its holding company, its subsidiary(s) and associates which may affect independence of the director; Is not related to promoters or persons occupying management positions at the board level or at one level below the board Has not been an executive of the company in the immediately preceding three financial year; September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 15
Is not a partner or an executive or was not partner or an executive during the preceding 3 years of any of the following: a) statutory audit firm/internal audit that is associated with the company b) The legal firm/consulting firms that have a material association with the company. Not a material supplier, service provider, customer or lesser/lessee of company Not a substantial shareholder-owing 2%or more voting shares September 15, 2011 16 Coal India Limited
AUDIT COMMITTEE ACMinimum 3 members (any director)with 2/3 independent All members financially literate & at least one director having an expertise in accounts/FM Chairperson independent director Minimum number of meetings in a year 4,one meeting before finalization of accounts. Maximum gap between two meetings is 4 months. Quorum -2 members or 1/3 of members (higher) & out of which minimum of 2 independent director Co. Secretary shall act as a secretary of AC AC to invite financial executive of co. In its meeting However, they can meet without his presence too September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 17
AC Will maintain liaison with Co. & Auditor. Consider matters to be included in directors responsibility statement Review functioning of whistle blower mechanism Review performance of statutory/internal auditors AC Mandatorily review Management discussion & analysis of FS Statement of significant related party transactions Management letters of IC weaknesses issued by statutory auditors Internal audit reports relating to internal control weaknesses Appointment/removal/terms of remuneration of chief of internal auditor September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 18
REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Remuneration of Directors Remuneration of non-ED is decided by BOD, after obtaining prior approval of shareholders Sitting fee as per Co. Act, paid to non ED does not require previous approval of shareholders If stock option to non ED, limit for maximum no. to be granted to non –ED in one FY & in aggregate to be disclosed along with disclosure of elements of remuneration package, details of increments, service contract in annual report. September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 19
BOARD PROCEDURES Board Procedures Meeting 4 times a year with maximum gap 4 months between two meetings Code of conduct for Board/Senior management laid by BOD.Shall be posted on the website of the company A director not to be a member in more than 10 committees or chairperson in more than 5 committees across all co’s in which he is a director. (Committee for this purpose includes audit committee and shareholders redressing committee) September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 20
REGARDING SHAREHOLDER SH In case of appointment/re-appointment of a director,shareholder must be provided with its brief resume,nature of his expertise & names of companies in which he holds directorship. Information like Quarterly results to be put on companies web site or on SE’s website Board committee under chairmanship of non-ED to look into redressing of shareholders & investors complaints To expedite the process of share transfer,this work to be delegated to an officer or share transfer agent September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 21
SUBSIDIARY COMPANY SC At least one independent director of holding company shall be a director in material non –listed Indian subsidiary company(whose turnover/net worth exceeds 20% of consolidated turnover/net worth of holding and its subsidiary in immediately preceding Accounting Year AC of holding shall review the financial staement (particularly investment) by material non-listed Indian subsidiary company Minutes of Board meeting of material non – listed Indian subsidiary company to be placed at board meeting of holding company. September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 22
CEO/CFO CERTIFICATION CEO/CFO certificati on The CEO or the CFO or any other person heading the finance function discharging that function shall certify to the Board that: They have reviewed FS and CF for the year and that to the best of their knowledge and belief : A) (I ) These statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact (ii) These statements together present a true and fair view of the company’s affairs September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 23
B)There no transactions entered that are fraudulent, illegal and violative of the company’s code of conduct C)They accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls wrt financial reporting D)They have indicated to the auditors and Audit Committee -Significant changes in internal control during the year, Significant changes in accounting policies during the year,and instances of significant fraud September 15, 2011 24 Coal India Limited
Report on Corporate Governance There shall be separate section on CG in the Annual Reports of company with a detailed compliance report on CG Compliance The company shall obtain a certificate either from the auditors or practicing company secretaries regarding compliance of conditions of CG September 15, 2011 25 Coal India Limited
THANK YOU September 15, 2011 Coal India Limited 26
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