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1 The Object Constraint Language: Expressing Constraints in the UML (Most slides created by Robert B. France, Professor Department of Computer Science,

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1 1 The Object Constraint Language: Expressing Constraints in the UML (Most slides created by Robert B. France, Professor Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University. Other material from: (Source: notes/Contents/CSCI3007/CSCI3007OCLtutorial.pdf ) notes/Contents/CSCI3007/CSCI3007OCLtutorial.pdf

2 Declarative vs Imperative Programming With imperative programming, you say both what is to be done – and how it is to be done: 2 List collection = new List { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; List results = new List (); foreach(var num in collection) { if (num % 2 != 0) results.Add(num); } 1.Create a result collection 2.Step through each number in the collection 3.Check the number, if it's odd, add it to the results With declarative programming, you say what is to be done – but not how it is to be done: var results = collection.Where( num => num % 2 != 0); From this link

3 3 What is OCL? The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a declarative language for describing rules that apply to UML models OCL expressions are always associated with a UML model  OCL expressions can be associated with any model element in UML OCL can be used  to describe constraints A constraint is a restriction on one or more values of a model or system. A constraint is an expression that evaluates to true or false  as a query language Queries are expressions that evaluate to a value (true, false and other values) Can be used to define new attributes and operations

4 4 Constraints vs. Queries Examples of constraints:  The duration of a flight is the same as the difference between the arrival and departure times  The maximum number of passengers on a flight must be less than 1,001  The origin of a flight must be different than its destination Examples of queries:  Return all the departing flights from a given airport  Return all the flights departing from a given airport with a departure time after 4p.m.  Derive the arrival time by adding the duration of the flight to the departure time. Airport Flight * * departTime: Time /arrivalTime: Time duration : Interval maxNrPassengers: Integer origin desti- nation name: String arriving Flights departing Flights 1 1

5 5 Why OCL? Required age of car owners? Requirement that a person may own at most one red car - because UML is not enough!

6 6 Specifying Constraints

7 7 Different kinds of constraints Class invariant  a constraint that must always be met by all instances of the class Precondition of an operation  a constraint that must always be true BEFORE the execution of the operation Postcondition of an operation  a constraint that must always be true AFTER the execution of the operation

8 8 Specifying Constraints: Invariants

9 9 Note: self can be omitted context Flight inv capacity: maxNrPassengers <= 1000 Example: Expressing Invariants Flight capacity constraint: The maximum number of passengers that can be on a flight must be less than or equal to 1,000. context Flight inv capacity: self.maxNrPassengers <= 1000 Airport Flight * * departTime: Time /arrivalTime: Time duration : Interval maxNrPassengers: Integer origin desti- nation name: String arriving Flights departing Flights 1 1

10 10 Constraint context and self Every OCL expression is bound to a specific context.  The context is often the element that the constraint restricts The context may be denoted within the expression using the keyword ‘self’.  ‘self’ is implicit in all OCL expressions  Similar to ‘this’ in C++

11 11 Notation Constraints may be denoted within the UML model or in a separate document.  the expression: context Flight inv durationLimit: self.duration < 4  is identical to: context Flight inv: duration < 4 Flight duration: Integer inv: duration < 4  is identical to:

12 12 Example model Airport Flight Passenger Airline * * * * minAge: Integer age: Integer needsAssistance: Boolean departTime: Time /arrivalTime: Time duration : Interval maxNrPassengers: Integer origin desti- nation name: String {ordered} arriving Flights departing Flights CEO 0..1 flights passengers book(f : Flight) 0..1 airline Time difference(t:Time):Interval before(t: Time): Boolean plus(d : Interval) : Time $midnight: Time month : String day : Integer year : Integer hour : Integer minute : Integer Interval equals(i:Interval):Boolean $Interval(d,h,m : Integer) : Interval nrOfDays : Integer nrOfHours : Integer nrOfMinutes : Integer 1 1 1 1

13 13 Airport Flight Passenger Airline * * * * minAge: Integer age: Integer needsAssistance: Boolean departTime: Time /arrivalTime: Time duration : Interval maxNrPassengers: Integer origin desti- nation name: String {ordered} arriving Flights departing Flights CEO 0..1 flights passengers book(f : Flight) 0..1 airline Time difference(t:Time):Interval before(t: Time): Boolean plus(d : Interval) : Time $midnight: Time month : String day : Integer year : Integer hour : Integer minute : Integer Interval equals(i:Interval):Boolean $Interval(d,h,m : Integer) : Interval nrOfDays : Integer nrOfHours : Integer nrOfMinutes : Integer 1 1 1 1 Constraint: The difference between the depart and arrival time for a flight must be the same as its duration. context Flight inv duration: self.departTime.difference(self.arrivalTime). equals(self.duration)

14 14 Elements of an OCL expression In an OCL expression these elements may be used:  basic types: String, Boolean, Integer, Real.  classifiers from the UML model and their features attributes, and class attributes  associations from the UML model

15 15 OCL types

16 16 Precedence Rules


18 18 OCL Comments Comments in OCL are written following two successive dashes “--”  -- this is a comment

19 19 Airport Flight Passenger Airline * * * * minAge: Integer age: Integer needsAssistance: Boolean departTime: Time /arrivalTime: Time duration : Interval maxNrPassengers: Integer origin desti- nation name: String {ordered} arriving Flights departing Flights CEO 0..1 flights passengers book(f : Flight) 0..1 airline Time difference(t:Time):Interval before(t: Time): Boolean plus(d : Interval) : Time $midnight: Time month : String day : Integer year : Integer hour : Integer minute : Integer Interval equals(i:Interval):Boolean $Interval(d,h,m : Integer) : Interval nrOfDays : Integer nrOfHours : Integer nrOfMinutes : Integer 1 1 1 1 context Airline inv: name.toLower = ‘usair’ context Passenger inv: age >= ((9.6 - 3.5)* 3.1).floor implies mature = true NB: A  B = ~A v B Example: OCL basic types

20 20 Associations and navigations Every association in the model is a navigation path. The context of the expression is the starting point. Role names are used to identify the navigated association.

21 21 Example: navigations The name of the airline for a flight is Delta context Flight inv: = ‘Delta’ Airport Flight * * departTime: Time /arrivalTime: Time duration : Interval maxNrPassengers: Integer origin desti- nation name: String arriving Flights departing Flights Airline name: String airline 1 The origin of a flight must be different than its destination context Flight inv: origin <> destination

22 22 Example: Invariant involving Enumerated Type The type of a flight must be the same as the type of the airplane. { context Flight inv ftype = Ftype::cargo implies Airplane.atype = Ftype::cargo inv ftype = Ftype::passenger implies Airplane.atype = Ftype:: passenger} 1 *FlightAirplane ftype : Ftypeatype : Ftype flights > Ftype cargo passenger

23 23 Association classes  Persons working with IBM have the job type “trainer” otherwise their job type is “programmer”. context Person inv: if = ‘IBM’ then Job.type = JobType::trainer else Job.type = JobType::programmer endif Person Company Job * 1 employeeemployer type : JobType name : String JobType trainer programmer

24 24 Specifying Constraints: Operation Specifications

25 25 Syntax for specifying operations context NameOfClass::operationName():returnType pre : -- some expression body : -- some expression post : some expression

26 26 Pre- and PostCondition Example A class named Account has an attribute balance and an operation overdraft() that returns true if the balance is less than 0 and false otherwise. context Account::overdraft():Boolean pre : -- none post : result = (balance < 0)

27 27 More complex operation specifications  The operation birthdayOccurs() adds 1 to the customer age. context Customer::birthdayOccurs() pre : -- none post : age = age@pre + 1age@pre  What does this describe? context Account::safeWithdraw(amt:Integer) pre : balance > amt post : balance = balance@pre - amtbalance@pre

28 28 Specifying Queries

29 29 Example model Airport Flight Passenger Airline * * * * $minAge: Integer age: Integer needsAssistance: Boolean departTime: Time /arrivalTime: Time duration : Interval maxNrPassengers: Integer origin desti- nation name: String {ordered} arriving Flights departing Flights CEO 0..1 flights passengers book(f : Flight) 0..1 airline Time difference(t:Time):Interval before(t: Time): Boolean plus(d : Interval) : Time $midnight: Time month : String day : Integer year : Integer hour : Integer minute : Integer Interval equals(i:Interval):Boolean $Interval(d,h,m : Integer) : Interval nrOfDays : Integer nrOfHours : Integer nrOfMinutes : Integer 1 1 1 1

30 30 Derived Attribute & Initial Value Example Defining derived attributes context Flight::arrivalTime:Time Defining initial attribute value context Flight::maxNrPassengers:Integer init: 100 Defining initial association end value context Flight::passengers:Set(Passenger) init: Set{}

31 31 Query operation examples Return all the departing flights from a given airport context Airport::departures():Set(Flight) body: result=departingFlights Return all the airports served by an airline context Airline::served():Set(Airport) body: result=flights.destination->asSet() Airline name: String Airport Flight * * * departTime: Time /arrivalTime: Time duration : Interval maxNrPassengers: Integer origin desti- nation name: String arriving Flights departing Flights flights airline 1 1 1 1

32 32 More Advanced OCL Expressions

33 33 Significance of collections in OCL Most navigations return collections rather than single elements 10..*FlightAirplane type : enum of cargo, passenger type : enum of cargo, passenger flights

34 34 Subtypes of Collection 1. Set: each element occurs only once (Non-ordered, unique) 2. OrderedSet: a set with ordered elements. 3. Bag: elements may be present more than once(non-ordered, non- unique) 4. Sequence: a bag with ordered elements (ordered, non-unique)

35 35 Subtypes of Collection Airline name: String Airport Flight * * * departTime: Time /arrivalTime: Time duration : Interval maxNrPassengers: Integer origin desti- nation name: String arriving Flights departing Flights flights airline 1 1 1 1 Passenger * $minAge: Integer age: Integer needsAssistance: Boolean {ordered} passengers book(f : Flight) Set: arrivingFlights - from the context Airport Non-ordered, unique Bag: arrivingFlights.duration - from the context Airport Non-ordered, non-unique Sequence: passengers - from the context Flight Ordered, non-unique

36 36 Collection operations OCL has a great number of predefined operations on the collection types. Syntax:  collection -> operation Use of the “->” (arrow) operator instead of the “.” (dot) operator

37 37 The collect operation Syntax: collection->collect(elem : T | expr) collection->collect(elem | expr) collection->collect(expr) The collect operation results in the collection of the values resulting from evaluating expr for all elements in the collection Shorthand often trips people up. Be Careful!

38 38 Example: collect operation context Airport inv: self.arrivingFlights -> collect(airLine) ->notEmpty airp1 airp2 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 airline1 airline2 airline3 departing flights arriving flights All arriving flights must be associated with an airline

39 39 The select operation Syntax: collection->select(elem : T | expression) collection->select(elem | expression) collection->select(expression) The select operation results in the subset of all elements for which expression is true

40 40 Example: select operation context Airport inv: self.departingFlights->select(duration notEmpty departing flights arriving flights airp1 airp2 airline1 airline2 airline3 f5 duration = 2 f1 duration = 2 f4 duration = 5 f2 duration = 5 f3 duration = 3 There must be at least one departing flight whose duration is less than 4

41 41 The forAll operation Syntax:  collection->forAll(elem : T | expr)  collection->forAll(elem | expr)  collection->forAll(expr) The forAll operation results in true if expr is true for all elements of the collection

42 42 Example: forAll operation context Airport inv: self.departingFlights->forAll(departTime.hour>6) departing flights arriving flights airp1 airp2 airline1 airline2 airline3 f5 depart = 8 f1 depart = 7 f4 depart = 9 f2 depart = 5 f3 depart = 8 All departing flights must leave after 6

43 43 The exists operation Syntax: collection->exists(elem : T | expr) collection->exists(elem | expr) collection->exists(expr) The exists operation results in true if there is at least one element in the collection for which the expression expr is true.

44 44 Example: exists operation context Airport inv: self.departingFlights->exists(departTime.hour<6) departing flights arriving flights airp1 airp2 airline1 airline2 airline3 f5 depart = 8 f1 depart = 7 f4 depart = 9 f2 depart = 5 f3 depart = 8

45 45 Other collection operations isEmpty: true if collection has no elements notEmpty: true if collection has at least one element size: number of elements in collection count(elem): number of occurences of elem in collection includes(elem): true if elem is in collection excludes(elem): true if elem is not in collection includesAll(coll): true if all elements of coll are in collection

46 46 Examples A vehicle owner must be at least 18 years old.: context Vehicle inv: self.owner. age >= 18

47 47 A car owner must be at least 18 years old.: context Car inv: self.owner. age >= 18 Examples

48 48 Nobody has more than 3 vehicles: context Person inv: self.fleet->size <= 3 Examples

49 49 All vehicles of a person are black: context Person inv: fleet->forAll(v | v.colour = #black) Examples

50 50 Nobody has more than 3 red vehicles: context Person inv: fleet->select(v | v.colour = #red)->size <= 3 Examples

51 51 context Person inv: age forAll(v | not v.oclIsKindOf(Car)) A person younger than 18 owns no cars.. Examples

52 52 There is a red car in somebody’s fleet: context Person inv: fleet->select(v | v.colour = #red)->notEmpty context Car inv: Car.allInstances()->exists(c | c.colour=#red) Examples

53 53 Examples: pre-post conditions If setAge(... ) is called with a non-negative argument then the argument becomes the new value of the attribute age. context Person::setAge(newAge:int) pre: newAge >= 0 post: age = newAge

54 54 Examples: pre-post conditions Calling birthday() increments the age of a person by 1. context Person::birthday() post: age = age@pre + 1

55 55 Examples: pre-post conditions Calling getName() delivers the value of the attribute name. context Person::getName() post: result = name

56 56 Local variables The let construct defines variables local to one constraint: Let var : Type = in Example: context Airport inv: Let supportedAirlines : Set (Airline) = self.arrivingFlights -> collect(airLine) in (supportedAirlines ->notEmpty) and (supportedAirlines ->size < 500)

57 57 Iterate The iterate operation for collections is the most generic and complex building block. collection->iterate(elem : Type; answer : Type = | )

58 58 Iterate example Example iterate: context Airline inv: flights->select(maxNrPassengers > 150)->notEmpty Is identical to: context Airline inv: flights->iterate (f : Flight; answer : Set(Flight) = Set{ } | if f.maxNrPassengers > 150 then answer->including(f) else answer endif )->notEmpty

59 59 Inheritance of constraints Guiding principle Liskov’s Substitution Principle (LSP):  “Whenever an instance of a class is expected, one can always substitute an instance of any of its subclasses.”

60 60 Inheritance of constraints Consequences of LSP for invariants:  An invariant is always inherited by each subclass.  Subclasses may strengthen the invariant. Consequences of LSP for preconditions and postconditions:  A precondition may be weakened (contravariance) A method in a subclass can weaken the precondition of a method in the superclass. That means the subclass method can accept a wider range of values. So data that is valid in the subclass may be invalid in the superclass.  A postcondition may be strengthened (covariance) A subclass’s method can strengthen the postcondition (but it cannot weaken it): a subclass‘s method can return a subset of the values returned by the method it overrides.

61 Weakening Preconditions abstract class Payment { /** * @pre amt >= 0 */ public void setPaymentAmount(int amt) {…} } 61 class CreditCardPayment extends Payment { /** * @pre true */ public void setPaymentAmount(int amt) {…} } class CashPayment extends Payment { … }

62 Why does it not make sense to strengthen the precondition? Suppose we set the precondition on the setPaymentAmount of CreditCardPayment to be: @pre amt >= 25 Client should be able to do: Payment p; // substitute CashPayment for Payment p = new CashPayment(); p.setPaymentAmount( 5 ); // substitute CreditCardPayment for Payment p = new CreditCardPayment(); p.setPaymentAmount( 5 ); // oops! 62 Example from:

63 Why does it not make sense to weaken the postcondition? Suppose the client writes code based on the postcondition of the superclass. That client code could break if we substitute a superclass object with an instance of one of its subclasses if the subclass' method has a weaker postcondition.  client writes code assuming that a method returns a value that is positive  subclass overrides method to return *any* value (so postcondition is weakened)  client code is going to break if a negative value is returned. 63

64 64 Exercise: The Stack Data Structure  push(Element elm) – add elm to top of stack  pop() – removes and returns element on top of stack  isEmpty() – returns true if stack has no elements  top() – returns element on top of stack  previous(Element elm) – returns the element inserted on the stack immediately before elm.  isFull() – returns true if stack has maximum number of elements Assuming top, previous and isFull are already specified, specify pre and post conditions for the other operations. Stack push(Element elm) pop():Element isEmpty():Boolean top(): Element previous(Element elm):Element isFull():Boolean

65 65 Summary and OCL Tips OCL invariants allow you to  model more precisely  remain implementation independent OCL pre- and postconditions allow you to  specify contracts (design by contract)  specify interfaces of components more precisely OCL usage tips  keep constraints simple  always combine natural language with OCL  use a tool to check your OCL

66 Further Resources for OCL The Object Constraint Language  ISBN 0-201-37940-6

67 67 Conclusion Finally! !

68 Questions: operational invariants - ANSWERS Context Stack::isEmpty()  Pre: none  Post: result = (^top() = null)

69 Questions: operational invariants - ANSWERS Context Stack::push(Element elm)  pre: ^isFull() = false  post: ^top() = elm Context Stack::pop()  Pre: ^isEmpty() = false and elm = ^top()  Post: result = elm and ^top() = previous(elm@pre)

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