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Foundation Awards and Grant Opportunities for Early Career Faculty November 20, 2014 Corporate and Foundation Relations Office.

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1 Foundation Awards and Grant Opportunities for Early Career Faculty November 20, 2014 Corporate and Foundation Relations Office

2 Source: Foundation Center





7 Most of the large national foundations have multiple program areas consisting of numerous sub-programs. For example, the Gates Foundation: Global Development: Agricultural Development; Financial Services for the Poor; Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, etc. Global Health: HIV, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Neglected Infectious Diseases, Pneumonia U.S. Program: College-Ready Education, Postsecondary Success, Washington State Proposals should align with the strategic programmatic goals and objectives of the foundation as well as the specific goals and objectives of the individual programs Program officers are typically experts in their fields Foundations tend to know who the top academics/researchers are in their respective fields and often use them as consultants on new program development or strategy refreshes Grantees are more often than not sourced by the foundation rather than the result of an individual “cold” submission Proposals are often co-created by the prospective grantee and the foundation Typically support projects that are national or international in scope, impact large numbers of people, can serve as a model for others, and have the capacity to become self-sustaining after a period of years National Foundation Opportunities: Program/Project Grants

8 Many are institutionally limited and will require an internal review by the VPRGS Office to determine which proposal goes forward (if multiple faculty members want to apply) Many require nomination by the university Strong emphasis on early career faculty Most have very specific eligibility requirements Focus tends to be on the sciences, engineering, and medical disciplines Most are multiyear awards (2-5 years) Application process may have multiple phases Highly competitive Expert review panels At MSU these types of opportunities are coordinated out of the VPRGS Office (Doug Gage) and are listed on the Institutionally Limited Proposals website, which will also include an internal deadline well before the actual submission deadline allowing time for internal review and approval: National Foundation Opportunities: Awards & Competitions

9 Major Foundation Awards and Competitions for Early Career Faculty A RNOLD AND M ABEL B ECKMAN F OUNDATION - Beckman Young Investigators ($750,000) / Chemical and Life Sciences B URROUGHS W ELLCOME F UND - Career Awards at the Scientific Interface $500,000 / Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Statistics, Engineering -Career Awards for Medical Scientists (IL) $700,000 / Basic Biomedical, Disease- Oriented, or Translational Research; Reproductive Science. No Health Services Research or Large-Scale Clinical Trials -Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (IL) $500,000 / Pathogenesis with a Focus on the Interplay between Human and Microbial Biology; Pathogenetic Helminths, Mycology, and Reproductive Science (IL) = Institutionally Limited

10 T HE C AMILLE & H ENRY D REYFUS F OUNDATION - Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards (IL) $75,000 / Chemical Sciences including Biochemistry, Materials Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering -Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards (IL) $60,000 / Chemical Sciences including Biochemistry, Materials Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering (Awardees are typically in departments that do not grant a doctoral degree) -Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences $100,000 / Chemical Sciences including Biochemistry, Materials Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering D ORIS D UKE C HARITABLE F OUNDATION - Clinical Scientist Development Award $486,000 / Etiology, Prevention, Diagnosis, or Treatment of Human Disease using Human Subjects, Human Populations, or Materials of Human Origin W ILLIAM T. G RANT F OUNDATION -William T. Grant Scholars Program (IL) $350,000 / Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences

11 W. M. K ECK F OUNDATION - Science and Engineering/Medical Research Awards (IL) $1 million / Biological and Physical Sciences; Engineering M C K NIGHT F OUNDATION - Memory and Cognitive Disorders Award $300,000 / Neuroscience -McKnight Scholar Awards $225,000 / Neuroscience -Technological Innovations in Neuroscience Awards $200,000 / Neuroscience D AVID AND L UCILE P ACKARD F OUNDATION -Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering (IL) $875,000 / Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Astronomy, Computer Science, Earth Science, Ocean Science, and All Branches of Engineering P EW C HARITABLE T RUSTS -Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences (IL) $240,000 / Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, or Related Field

12 S EARLE F UNDS AT T HE C HICAGO C OMMUNITY T RUST - Searle Scholars Program (IL) $300,000 / Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, and Related Areas of Chemistry, Medicine, and the Biological Sciences; Focus is on Basic not Clinical Research A LFRED P. S LOAN F OUNDATION - Sloan Research Fellowships (IL) $50,000 / Chemistry, Computational or Evolutionary Molecular Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Math, Neuroscience, Ocean Sciences, Physics

13 Other Foundations that offer Opportunities for Early Career Faculty B RAIN & B EHAVIOR R ESEARCH F OUNDATION (Mental Illness) B RIGHT F OCUS F OUNDATION (Alzheimer’s, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma) C ONCERN F OUNDATION (Cancer) D AMON R UNYAN C ANCER R ESEARCH F OUNDATION (Cancer) F OUNDATION F OR C HILD D EVELOPMENT (Development and Learning Needs of Young Children) F OUNDATION FOR D IGESTIVE H EALTH AND N UTRITION (Digestive Diseases; Nutrition) G REENWALL F OUNDATION (Bioethics) J UVENILE D IABETES R ESEARCH F OUNDATION (Type 1 Diabetes) Esther A. & Joseph Klingenstein Fund (Neuroscience) K NOWLES S CIENCE T EACHING F OUNDATION (Critical Research in Education; Science/Math) R ESEARCH C ORP FOR THE A DVANCEMENT OF S CIENCE, C OTTRELL S CHOLARS (Physical Sciences) R ITA A LLEN F OUNDATION (Biomedical Research: Cancer, Immunology, and Neuroscience) S MITH R ICHARDSON F OUNDATION (Foreign Policy, International Relations) T HRASHER R ESEARCH F UND (Children’s Health) W HITEHALL F OUNDATION (Life Sciences)

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