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Published byReynard Sutton Modified over 9 years ago
On necessary and sufficient cryptographic assumptions: the case of memory checking Lecture 3 : Memory Checking, Consecutive Messages Protocols and Learning Distributions Lecturer: Moni Naor Weizmann Institute of Science Web site of lectures :
Recap of Lecture 2 The authentication problem Authentication use universal hash functions The Sub-linear authentication problem –A pretty good authenticator based on one-way functions Communication complexity Deterministic and Probabilistic protocols –The equality function Simultaneous Message Protocols –Tight ( sqrt(n)) bound for equality
public encoding p x Authenticators for a large and unreliable memory Encoding Algorithm E : –Receives a vector x 2 {0,1} n, encodes: a public encoding p x a small secret encoding s x. Space complexity: s(n) Decoding Algorithm D : –Receives a public encoding p and decodes it into a vector x {0,1} n Consistency Verifier V : –Receives public p x’ and secret s x encodings, verifies whether decoder output = encoder input –Makes few queries to public encoding: query complexity: t(n) An adversary sees (only) the public encodings and can change them E secret encoding s x V D public encoding p y accept reject x {0,1} n x y s(n) bits t(n) bits
Pretty Good Authenticator Idea: encode X using a good error correcting code C –Actually erasures are more relevant –As long as a certain fraction of the symbols of C(X) is available, can decode X –Good example: Reed Solomon code Add to each symbol a tag F k (a,i), a function of secret information k 2 {0,1} s, symbol a 2 location i Verifiers picks random location i reads symbol ’a’ and tag t –Check whether t=F k (a,i) and rejects if not Decoding process removes all inappropriate tags and uses the decoding procedure of C
The Complexity of Authentication V works many times –The adversary can modify the public encoding only between activations of V Want both the space complexity s(n) and the query complexity t(n) to be small –Much smaller than the file size n For the pretty good authenticator s(n) ¢ t(n) ¿ n
Online Memory Checking Example: Verify information in your GMail account. Download the entire 2GB to verify a message? Don’t verify the entire 2GB, just what you read: –How much of the file do you read per bit that you retrieve and authenticate? How large a fingerprint do you need? –Online memory checkers
Memory Checkers How to check a large and unreliable memory Store and retrieve requests to large adversarial memory –a vector in {0,1} n Detects whether the answer to any retrieve was different than the last store Uses small, secret, reliable memory: space complexity s(n) Makes its own store and retrieve requests: query complexity t(n) C memory checker U user P public memory S secret memory s(n) bits t(n) bits
Types of Checkers When are errors detected? Offline vs. Online detection: –Offline: at the end of a (long) series of requests, the checkers detects whether there was an error at some point –Online: errors are detected whenever they occur When a retrieve gave a different value than the last store
Computational assumptions and memory checkers For offline memory checkers no computational assumptions are needed: Probability of detecting errors: ε Query complexity: t(n)=O(1) (amortized) Space complexity: s(n)=O(log n + log 1/ ε ) [Blum, Evans, Gemmel, Kannan and Naor 1991] For online memory checkers with computational assumptions, good schemes are known: Query complexity t(n)=O(log n) Space complexity s(n)=n (for any > 0) Probability of not detecting errors: negligible Are they necessary?! Next lecture: yes computational assumptions are necessary
Memory Checker Authenticator If there exists an online memory checker with – space complexity s(n) – query complexity t(n) then there exists an authenticator with – space complexity O(s(n)) – query complexity O(t(n)) Idea: Use a high-distance code
An Upper Bound An online memory checker: Divide the n -bit file into chunks of size t(n) Use a hash function from an almost-universal family h: {0,1} t(n) {0,1} c (size: O(log n) bits) Save in private memory a hash of each chunk Query Complexity: t(n) Space Complexity: s(n) = O(n/t(n))
Improve the Upper Bound? For Memory Checkers: What about Locally Decodable Codes? For Authenticators: What about PCPs of proximity?
An offline memory checker Idea: reduce to the string/set comparison problem The two string R –The bits read define R W –The bits written define W R W Have to make sure that under normal circumstances R = W Read position before each write Read the full string at the end For each position in memory Add timestamps –Need a hash function h that can be computed `on the fly’
Using inner product R WDefine R and W as long vectors Add time stamps since locations change –for each 1 · i · n –for each possible time t –For each possible value v R WHave a bit position in R and W vectors are sparse The function h defines a long vector V h R R h(R) = V h ¢ R The vector V h should be such R W RW –If R ≠ W then V h ¢ R ≠ V h ¢ W –Possible to evaluate V h (i,v,t) easily 10001 11111 11111111111000000000111110000
Small bias probability spaces Let be a probability space –with N random variables x 1, x 2,… x N obtaining values in {0,1}. We say that it is -biased if for any subset S µ {1…N} |Pr[ © i 2 S x i =1] - Pr[ © i 2 S x i =0]| · A probability space is 0 -biased iff it is the uniform distribution on x 1, x 2, …, x N –Size 2 N Much smaller spaces exist for >0 Description of a point can be O(log(K/ )) Want an efficient way to compute x i from the representation of the point in the sample space. Should be polynomial in log i and the representation of the sample point
A construction based on quadratic residuousity Let P be a large prime Must be À N Each h is defined by 0 · a · P-1 h a (x) quadratic character of x+a mod P This is a random shift of the character string Property : the resulting probability space is -biased for =N 2 /P Analysis based on Weil’s Theorem The down side: computationally expensive each such function discovers error with probability at most ½ R-W The probability that the Xor of the subset corresponding R-W is 1 Are we done? Possible to come up with contsruction of size O(log n + log t+log 1/ }
A slightly different look: multi-sets R WDefine R and W as sets R – R={(i,t,v)| location i was read with value v and timestamp t} –W –W={(i,t,v)| location i was written with value v at time t} To check that two multi-set are the same: Define the polynomial p S of the set S p S = a 2 S (x-a) Can compute the polynomial p S on the fly in any order S is given no polynomials of two different (multi) sets agree on more than their size many points RW Choose a random r and compare p R (r) and p W (r) R W Probability they are equal if R ≠ W is at mot |T|/ Size of Field Are we done?
Problem: replay attack What happens if the adversary gives the reader the correct values in the wrong order? Luckily: time progresses. Add a check that the time stamp is not larger than the current time
The Checker On Read of address i at current time t –Get the value v and timestamp t’ –Check that t’ is less than t R –Update the hash function h(R) Using the multi-set approach over GF[p 3 ] with random r : multiply current register by vp 2 +vpi+t-r –Write value v and timestamp t at address i W –Update the hash function h(W) with value (v,a,t) On Write to address i with value v at current time t –Get the value v’ and timestamp t’ –Check that t’ is less than t R –Update the hash function h(R) –Write new value v and timestamp t at address i W –Update the hash function h(W) with value (v,a,t) R At the end: checkers reads all the memory cells and updates h(R) accordingly WR compares h(W) with h(R) WRWR Initialization: set W=R= and h(W) = h(R) = 0 flag
Analysis R W Lemma : if the RAM malfunctions and no flag raised, then R ≠ W A malfunction occurs if the (v,t) the checker reads from an address are different from (v,t) of the corresponding write Let (v,t,i) be the triple with the highest value t with a corresponding errant read Claim : no other read operation returns (v,t,i) value –no read after t can return (v,t,i), since then there is a higher timestamp than t with an errant read –no read before t can return (v,t,i), since then it would be flagged From the lemma and the properties of h we have that a malfunctioning RAM is caught with probability at least 1-
Invasive Memory Checkers A memory checker is called invasive if it changes anything in the main memory Ajtai [2003]: Even an offline memory checker must be invasive must be for any non-trivial result Main point: handling replay attacks Proof technique: reduction to element distinctness
On-line memory checkers Idea add tags as in the pretty good authenticator F k (v,i) –F k is a pseudo random function Problem: replay attacks Solution: tree of tags –leaves correspond to entries in the memory Store in each internal node the sum of the value of its two children –Plus an authentication Verification of a leaf: access all node on the path from root –plus their siblings s(n) is the key size t(n ) is log n x tag size Recall: one-way functions exist iff pseudo-random functions exist
Tree of tags U1U1 U2U2 U5U5 U6U6 U7U7 U8U8 U3U3 U4U4 U 9 =U 1 +U 2, F k (U 9 ) U 10 U 11 U 12 U 13 U 14 U 15
An alternative construction Use a tree of hashes Store in secret memory the root of the tree –Does not need to be secret – only reliable What property should the hash function have? What complexity assumption is needed?
Possible definitions A function g:{0,1} 2k → {0,1} k where it is hard to find m’ ≠ m but g(m)=g(m’) Problems: –not good for non-uniform models –hard to connect to other assumptions Want a family of functions from which one is selected Use the advantage we have: the target is known
Possible definitions A family of functions G={g|g:{0,1} k → {0,1} h(k) } Such that Easy to sample g from G and g G has succinct description Given (k, g, x) easy to compute g(x) h(k) < k Hard to find collisions: Alternative 1 – any collision –Given k and g G hard to find x, x’ {0,1} k where x ≠ x’ but g(x)=g(x’) –Sometimes called collision intractable –hard to connect to other assumptions Alternative 2 – target collision –Given (k,g,x) hard to find x’ {0,1} k where x ≠ x’ but g(x)=g(x’)
Universal One-Way Hash functions UOWHFs When/how is the target x chosen? Independently of g but want to work for any possible x – First x is selected by adversary, then g G is selected at random Technical point: let ℓ 1, ℓ 2 :{0,1} * → {0,1}* be functions mapping n to input and output sizes. We assume –ℓ 1 (n) > ℓ 2 (n) and –both are bounded by polynomials in n Definition : A family of functions G= ⋃ n=1 ∞ G n where G n ={g|g:{0,1} ℓ 1 (n) → {0,1}} ℓ 2 (n) } is called (ℓ 1, ℓ 2 )- universal one-way hash if: Given n easy to sample random g from G n and g G n has description polynomial in n Given (n, g, x) easy to compute g(x) Hard to find target collisions: no polynomial time adversary can on input n –generate x {0,1} ℓ 1 (n) –given a random g G n find x’ {0,1} ℓ 1 (n) where x ≠ x’ but g(x) = g(x’) succeed with non-negligible probability for sufficiently large n
Pair-wise independent permutations Definition : a family of permutations (1-1 functions) H= {h| h: {0,1} n → {0,1} n } is called Strongly Universal 2 or pair-wise independent if: – for all x 1, x 2 {0,1} n and y 1, y 2 {0,1} n where x 1 ≠ x 2 wand y 1 ≠ y 2 we have Prob[h(x 1 ) = y 1 and h(x 2 ) = y 2 ] = 1/ 2 n ∙ 1/( 2 n -1) Where the probability is over a randomly chosen h H The same as in truly random permutations In particular Prob[h(x 2 ) = y 2 | h(x 1 ) = y 1 ] = 1/( 2 n -1) Construction: let F be a finite field F (e.g. GF[2 n ] ) H= {h a,b (x) = a∙x + b | a, b F, a ≠ 0 }
Constructing (n, n-1)- UOWHF s Idea: Combine one-way with universal –Want to match each image of the one-way functions with another random image Let f :{0,1} n → {0,1} n be a one-way permutation Let H = {h|h:{0,1} n → {0,1} n } be a Strongly Universal 2 family of permutations Let chop n-1 :{0,1} n → {0,1} n-1 be a 2-to-1 function –E.g. chopping last bit of input Consider the (n, n-1)- family G where each g G is defined by h H g(x) = chop n-1 (h(f(x)))
Proof of Security Want to construct from algorithm A which is target collision finding for G an inversion algorithm B for f Algorithm B : Input: y=f(z) to invert, Run algorithm A to get target x Find random h H such that chop n-1 (h(y))= chop n-1 (h(f(x))) and give corresponding g as a challenge to A – Why does such an h exist and how to find it? If A finds x’ such that g(x’)=g(x) then chop n-1 (h(f(x))) = chop n-1 (h(f(x’))) = chop n-1 (h(y)) and y=f(x’) since h is 1-1 What is the probability of success of B ? The same as the simulated collision algorithm A for G Claim : the probability the simulated algorithm A witnesses is the same as the real A x g x’ y=f(z) B A x’
Why does such an h exist and how to find it? chop n-1 (h(y))= chop n-1 (h(f(x))) Choose random w {0,1} n let w’ be such that chop n-1 (w)=chop n-1 (w’) Want h(y)=w and h(f(x))=w’ Such an h should exist from pair-wise independence Easy to find and unique for H= {h a,b (x) = a∙x + b | a, b F, a ≠ 0 } Open problem(?): what happens to the security of the construction if H does not have the property
Distribution of simulated A vs. real A The difference between the simulated and real A: Real A gets g defined by random h H Simulated A chooses x and gets g defined by –Choosing random z {0,1} n and computing y=f(z) y is uniform in {0,1} n from f being a permutation –Choosing random w {0,1} n and finding random h H such that h(y)=w and h(f(x))=w’ – Since both random y and random w are random the result is a random h H Simulated A and real A witness the same distribution The probability that B inverts is the same as A finding a collision
What about the reverse combination Let f :{0,1} n → {0,1} n be a one-way permutation Let H = {h|h:{0,1} n → {0,1} n } be a Strongly Universal 2 family of permutations Consider the (n, n-1)- family G where each g G is defined by h H g(x) = chop n-1 (f(h(x))) Is it a UOWHF? Not necessarily: if h is easy to invert and f does not affect the last bit –not contradictory to either being one-way or a permutation Then easy to find collisions: any x the that x’ collides under h will also collide under g
From (n, n-1)- UOWHF s to (n, n/2)- UOWHF s Idea: composition. What happens to the security of the scheme? –The probability of inverting f given a collision finding algorithm for H may be small by a factor of 2/n
The Tree Construction g1g1 g2g2 g3g3 Let n= 2 ∙ l ∙ k. and t= log n/k. Each g i is chosen independently from G. The result is a family of functions {0,1} n → {0,1} k which is (n,k)- UOWHF Size of representation: t log |G| where t is the number of levels in the tree m Let G be a (2k,k)-UOWHF
General construction (n, k)- UOWHF s Use tree composition Description length: k log (n/k) (n, n/2)- descriptions of hash function –2k bits in the example Can use the same tree for memory checking Access pattern as before UOWHF exist iff one-way functions exist
Checking other Data Structures Checking queues Checking stacks –Can even be done in an online manner! Application: certificate revocation –Have to check a look-up table
Conclusions If one-way functions exist, then on-line memory checking is possible with t(n) ¢ s(n) ¿ n Major open problem: obtain a more efficient solution – break the log n factor
Simultaneous Messages Protocols Suggested by Yao 1979 mAmA mBmB f(x,y) x {0,1} n y {0,1} n ALICE BOB CAROL
The simultaneous messages model: Alice receives x and Bob who receives inputs y They simultaneously send a message to a referee Carol who initially get no input Carol should compute f(x,y) Several possible models: Deterministic: all lower bounds for deterministic protocols for f(x,y) are applicable here Shared (Public) random coins: –Equality has a good protocol Consider public string as hash functions h, Alice sends h(x) Bob sends h(y) and Charlie compares the outcome The complexity can be as little as O(1) is after constant probability of error Provided the random bits are chosen independently than the inputs
Simultaneous Messages Protocols For the equality function: There exists a protocol where –|m A | x |m B | = O(n) –Let C be a good error correcting code –Alice and bob arrange C(x) and C(y) in an |m A | x |m B | rectangle Alice sends a random row Bob send a random columns Carol compares the intersection
Simultaneous Messages Protocols Lower bounds for the equality function: –|m A | + |m B | = (√n) [Newman Szegedy 1996] –|m A | x |m B | = (n) [Babai Kimmel 1997] Idea: for each x 2 {0,1} n find a `typical’ multiset of messages T x = {w 1, w 2,…,w t } where t 2 O(|m B |) Each w i is a message in the original protocol, |m A | bits Property: for each message m B the behavior on T x approximates the real behavior Average behavior of Carol on w 1, w 2,…,w t is close to its average response during protocol Over random i, and randomness of Carol Over randomness of Alice and Carol
Simultaneous Messages Protocols How to find for each x 2 {0,1} n such a `typical’ T x of size t Claim: a random choice of w i ’s is good Proof by Chernoff – Need to `take care’ of every m B (2 |m B | possibilities ) Claim: for x x’ we have T x T x’ – Otherwise behaves the same when y = x for x and x’ Let S x be the m B ’s for which protocol mostly says ’1’ Let W x be the m B ’s for which protocol mostly says ’0’ Then for y=x the distribution should be mostly on S x Conclusion: t ¢ |m A | ¸ n and we get |m A | x |m B | = (n) [Babai Kimmel 1997]
General issue What do combinatorial lower bounds men when complexity issues are involved? What happens to the pigeon-hole principal when one-way functions (one-way hashing) are involved? Does the simultaneous message lower bound hold when one-way functions exist –Issue is complicated by the model –Can define Consecutive Message Protocol model with iff results
Consecutive Messages Protocols Theorem For any CM protocol that computes the equality function, If |m P | ≤ n/100 then |m A | x |m B | = (n) f(x,y) x {0,1} n y {0,1} n ALICE CAROL BOB mAmA mPmP mBmB Proof: along the Babai Kimmel lines s(n) t(n) rprp
Complexity considerations Suppose that –One-way functions exist –All parties are polynomial time Including the adversary –Then sublinear CM protocols for equality exist The CM protocol: Let H be a UOWHF –Alice’s chooses h 2 R H Sends m A =h(x) –Alice m p to deliver h –Bob Sends m B =h(x) –Carol accepts iff m A = m B Easy to translate an adversary for the CM protocol to an adversary to the UOWHFness of H
Sublinear CM protocols imply one-way function Theorem : a CM protocol for equality where –all parties are polynomial time –t(n) ¢ s(n) 2 o(n) and |m p | 2 o(n) exists iff one-way function exist Proof : Consider the function f f(x,r A,r p,r B 1,r B 2, …, r B k ) = (r p,m p,r B 1,r B 2, …, r B k,m B 1,m B 2, …, m B k ) Where M pm p = M p (x,r A,r P ) m B i =M B (x,r B i,m p,r P ) f Main Lemma: the function f is distributionally one-way M p is the function that maps Alice’s input to the public message m p M B is the function that maps Bob’s input to the private message m B
CM protocol implies one-way functions Adversary selects a random x for Alice Alice sends public information m p, r pub Adversary generates a multiset T x of s(n) Bob-messages Claim : W.h.p., for every Alice message, T x approximates Carol’s output Adversary randomly inverts the function f and w.h.p. finds x’ x s.t. T x characterizes Carol when Bob’s input is both x and x’ Why? T x is of length much smaller than n since s(n) ¢ t(n) + |m p | is not too large! Since on x and x’ where x’ x Carol’s behavior is similar in both cases, the protocol cannot have high success probability
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