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Inter-Athletic Council of Officials
New Official’s Basketball Class Module #4 Sequence of Events
Sequence of events Part #1
Pre-Game Activities Officials Ready to start the game Jump Ball Team Control Established Backcourt Status Front Court Status Pivot Foot Dribbling Try 10 Second Count Closely Guarded Points Ball at Disposal Throw-in Legal Guarding Position Airborne Shooter Block/Charge, Airborne Shooter, FT Regulations not included
Pre-Game Activities
Pre-Game Activities Key Terms
Table Personnel Scorer Timer Referee Duties Umpire Duties 10 Minute Mark Captain’s Meeting Blood Rule Injury Rule Rosters Substitutions
Referee Rule 2-4 (Pre-game duties)
Administrative leader or crew chief of the contest Often assigned by Conference Assignor Inspect and approve all equipment including: Court Baskets Ball Backboard Timer and scorer signals Make decisions that are not discussed specifically at any point in the rules
Umpire During pre-game they assist the Referee in his/her duties
During the contest all official share many of the same duties Putting the ball in play Determining a dead ball Administering penalties Grant timeouts Beckon substitutes Signaling 3 point shots Penalize unsporting behavior of players and coaches
Officials Authority No official has the authority to set aside or question the decisions made by the other official(s) within the limits of their respective outlined duties
Entering the Court 15 Minutes
Jurisdiction starts when officials arrive on the floor Watch and observe players Entering the court together Uniforms Jewelry Dunking/Hanging on rim and net Counting players Table Personnel Referee Duties
Table Personnel 10 Minute Mark Verify the basketball
Check Alternating Possession Arrow Scorer Timer Check the scorebook Verify the information Sign the book
Scorer Keeps roster records Names Numbers Starters Substitutes
Time outs Fouls Alternating Possession Delay Warnings
Scorer Notify officials of rules infractions with the scorebook
Recommended they keep team members in numerical order
Timer Controls the clock and scoreboard Times the timeouts
Sounds a warning horn for timeouts and intermissions Sounds warning horn for disqualified or injured players Read Rule 2-12
10 Minute Mark Information in the scorebook must be submitted by 10 minutes before the game One Technical Foul is given if (Rule 3-2) Designated starter is changed Adding a name to the team member list Changing team member’s or player’s name in scorebook Changing a number in the scorebook Requiring a player to change to a (jersey) number in the book Having identical numbers on team members and/or players
10 Minute Mark Do everything to prevent a scorebook technical foul
Go to the table around 12 minutes on clock Immediately correct any obvious mistakes Do not nitpick scorer mistakes as team mistakes Do not go looking for trouble After one of these technical fouls are given, you allow any changes after the penalty
Captain’s Meeting
Captain One player on each team (by rule)
Teams usually have two or more captains May address official for interpretations and other essential information in a courteous manner Captain may request a defensive match up Three or more subs are involved Any player can request a timeout
Captains Meeting Takes place near the scorer’s table With Captains
With Head Coach
Captains Meeting What needs to be addressed? Head Coach
“Are your players properly Equip and ready to play” Sportsmanship talk Court and ground rule issues If something unusual or needs to be addressed
Captain’s Meeting Video
After the Captain’s Meeting
Referee deals with any table issues if necessary Official(s) continue to watch and observe players Prepare for team introductions Observe actions during introductions Go to positions right before Jump ball
Officials Ready to start the game
Before Start of the Game
Introductions Go to positions on the floor Get ready for the jump ball
Running to the Block (2 Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 R U2
Running to the Block (3 Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 R U2
Umpire 1 Checking with Table (2 Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 R
Umpire 1 Checking with Table
Bench Table Bench U1 U2 R
Everyone is ready to go (3 Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 U2 R
Starting the game
Jump Ball Ball becomes live when: Referee (tossing official)
The ball leaves the Referee’s hand(s) Referee (tossing official) Must toss the ball upward between jumpers Toss must be thrown at a right angle plane to the sidelines Toss must be higher than both jumpers are able to jump (10 Feet is acceptable) Toss should drop between the jumpers
Jump Ball If toss requirements are not met, Umpire 1 should call it back Start the process all over again Umpire 1 makes that decision This does not happen very often, it probably should
Jump Ball Positioning
Jump Ball Positions Bench Table Bench U1 U2 R
Jump Ball Positions (3 Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 R U2
Jump Ball When do you use a Jump Ball?
Beginning of a game Beginning of Extra Period When you would not use a Jump Ball? Technical Foul is administered before ball can be jumped
Jump Ball Mechanics
Where do the officials go?
After the Jump Ball Referee (or tossing official) Waits for players to clear the area Becomes the Trail Official Umpires 1 and 2 If the ball is going in their direction, that official becomes the New Lead The other official becomes the Center
Ball Goes Right (Two Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 R
Ball Goes Right (Three Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 R U2
Ball Goes Left (Two Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 R
Trail Becomes Lead (Two Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 R
Ball Goes Left (Three Person)
Bench Table Bench U1 R U2
Jump Ball Mechanics Jump Ball video
Illustration of movement of all 3 officials
Team Control
Team Control When is Team Control Established?
When a player of the team is in control of the ball While a live ball is being passed among teammates During an interrupted dribble (New Rules may or may not apply to this situation)
Team Control When does Team Control end?
When the ball is in flight during a try or tap for goal An opponent secures the control of the ball The ball becomes dead
Backcourt and Front Court Status
Back court and front court
Part of the court between the end lines and nearest edge of the division line including the basket Back Court Consists of the division line and everything else including the basket Back Court Rule 4-13 for review
Player Location
Player Location Location of a player is determined by the player is touching the floor as far as being: Inbounds Out of Bounds Frontcourt Backcourt Outside the 3 point line Inside the 3 point line Airborne player is located where they last touched
Pivot Foot
Pivot Foot Rule 4-33 A Pivot takes place when a player who is holding the ball steps once or more than once in any direction with the same foot while the other foot, called the pivot foot is kept at its point of contact on the floor.
Example: Pivot Foot Duke travel play
Example: Pivot Foot Fast Break pivot foot example.
Traveling “Running with the ball”
Player who catches the ball with both feet on the floor may, Use either foot as pivot foot First foot lifted is not pivot foot Catching the ball while moving or dribbling, player may stop and establish a pivot foot
Traveling Player has ball and both feet off the floor then player lands, simultaneously on both feet Either foot may be the pivot foot Player has ball and both feet off the floor then player lands, on foot followed by the other foot First foot to touch is pivot foot Pivot Foot Once established, this cannot be lifted and put back down to the floor Cannot be lifted to start a dribble
Traveling Jump Stop (player in the air or stopping a dribble)
Land on one foot and jump off that foot and land simultaneously land on both feet Bottom line Know which is the pivot foot
Dribble Definition: Intentionally striking the ball with the hand(s) Or pushes the ball to the floor once or several times Dribble starts by “…….” to the floor before the pivot foot is lifted Pushing Throwing Batting
Dribble Dribble ends: Ball comes to rest in one or both hands
Dribbler palms/carries the ball allowing it to come to rest Simultaneously touches the ball with both hands Ball touches or is touched by an opponent and causes the dribbler to lose control Ball becomes dead Taking away
Not a double dribble Not a double dribble. Defender bats the ball away from ball handler then grabs ball and starts dribbling. Voice considers this a double dribble. Wrong call in my opinion.
Interrupted Dribble
Interrupted Dribble Interrupted Dribble
When the ball is loose after deflecting off of the dribbler Momentarily gets away from a dribbler No player control of ball
Interrupted Dribble During an interrupted Dribble: No closely guarded
Player control foul cannot take place Time out shall not be granted Out of bounds violation on player involved in the interrupted dribbler
Shooting, Try, Tap
Shooting, Try, Tap Act of Shooting Try
Begins simultaneously with the start of the try or tap Ends when the ball is clearly in flight Try For a Field Goal is an attempt to score two or three points by throwing the ball at a team’s own basket Officials use their judgment to determine when this starts
Shooting, Try, Tap Habitual Motion: Guideline:
Try starts with this motion and precedes the release of the ball Guideline: Once the dribble is picked up the habitual motion begins Taking away 3 Point shot picture examples.
Habitual Motion Example
Airborne Shooter
Airborne Shooter Definition
Player that has released the ball on a try for goal Player that has tapped the ball Airborne shooter is considered in the act of shooting Considered a shooter until player has returned to the floor Covered also in Module #12 Foul Calling
Airborne shooter example
Picture animation example
Rebounding Rebounding also covered in Module #12 Foul Calling
Rebounding Attempt to secure possession of the ball following a try or tap In a rebounding situation no one can establish team or player control until ball is secured
Rebounding Every player has a right to a spot on the playing court provided that they got there first without illegally contacting an opponent. We will also cover Rebounding in Module #12
Ten Seconds
Ten Seconds A player nor team shall be in continuous control of the ball in his or her backcourt for 10 seconds Team Control is the main factor Trail should always have a visual count Taking out the picture animation of a Ten Second Violation
Example: Visual Count
Closely Guarded
Closely Guarded A ball handler that is in the front court is considered closely guarded if an opponent is within 6 feet of the ball handler, holding or dribbling the ball Measurement of the 6 feet applies to the forward foot/feet of the defender to the forward foot/feet of the ball handler Closely guarded is terminated when: Ball handler gets his/her head and shoulders past the defender
Closely Guarded Ball handler must be in front court 5 Seconds to
Hold the ball Dribble the ball Interrupted Dribble Cannot start during Cannot continue during
Example: Closely Guarded
Six Feet Court Markings
Example: Not Closely Guarded
Throw-In Two Types of Throw-ins: After a made basket Designated Spot
After a violation, foul or interruption of play (e.g. timeout) Deleted 2010 Clarification slide about ball being at the disposal of the thrower.
Throw-In Thrower has: Once the ball is at the disposal of the thrower
Five Seconds to release the ball and throw it directly onto the court Throw-ins will be covered in Module #11
Throw-In Team retains this privilege until: Team commits a violation
Team commits a Common Foul Before throw-in ends Before Bonus is in effect When ensuing throw-in spot would have been the end line Deleted example of “Anywhere along the End line” throw in
Legal Guarding Position
Legal Guarding Position
Rule 4-23 Guarding is an act to place the body in the path of an offensive opponent. Obtaining LGP Player must have both feet on the floor Front of the player’s torso must be facing the opponent
Legal Guarding Position
Defender may move to maintain a Legal Guarding Position in many ways Will cover in detail in Module #12
Review What does it take to establish LGP?
What does the Trail do on a 10 second count? When does an airborne shooter begin and end? When does the ball become live on a jump ball?
New Officials Basketball Class
Module 4 Questions? New Officials Basketball Class Module 4 Sequence of Events 94
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