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Presentation on theme: "1 SCHOOL SPORT PROGRESS AND CHALLENGES FACING IMPLEMENTATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE March 2005, Framework for Collaboration signed between the Ministers of Sport and Recreation and Education National Coordinating Committee (NACOC) established as a result Ongoing collaboration in line with Framework, and through NACOC

3 3 MANDATE OF THE TWO DEPARTMENTS Department of Education is responsible for: Physical Education Extra-mural School Sport activities Inter-school leagues- school up to district level Sport and Recreation South Africa is responsible for: Entry level into sport and recreation Competitive sport in schools from provincial to international level

4 4 SCHOOL SPORT PLANS FOR 2008-2009 Budget for School Sport in the ENE SRSA Competitive programme- R32m SRSA SSMPP- R9m DoE- R61.2m Age groups catered for in the competitive programme include 13 to 19 year-olds Joint School Sport Policy Framework in place by end of financial year: Principles and criteria for inclusion of School Sport as an extra-curricular activity in the school plan Sports at SSMPP vs. competitive programme level Governance of competitive vs. SSMP programmes Coordination of competitive and SSMPP events Implementation of Physical Education

5 5 SCHOOL SPORT PLANS FOR 2008-2009 (cont’d) Agree on the national competitive programme calendar for 2009-2010 by December 2008 – aligned with policy Sustain and improve the implementation of the SA Schools’ Football World Cup – over 7000 schools participating now; working to ensure a legacy for participating schools Training up to 2010- approximately 10 000 educators in School Sport (coaching, officiating, administration) and Physical Education Identify all stakeholders and areas of training in schools to ensure coordination

6 6 Preparation of School Sport and PE training programmes for Foundation Phase educators in Quintile 1, 2 and 3 schools Drafting of implementation guidelines for School Sport and PE at schools to accompany the School Sport policy Monitor implementation of Physical Education –External moderation of Physical Education Task (PET) in Grade 12 –Survey implementation of PET in Foundation Phase SCHOOL SPORT PLANS FOR 2008-2009 (cont’d)

7 7 PROGRESS PE - time allocation published in departmental guideline documents –45 minutes per week in GET Band (Grades R-9) –60 minutes per week in Grades 10-12 DoE working with UNICEF to provide equipment and facilities in schools characterised by high levels of crime and violence

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9 9 PROGRESS (cont’d) Two Departments collaborating on the hosting of the South African Schools’ Soccer World Cup Competition –Four pillars - Participation, Education, Development and PE –Launched on 10 May 2008 in Soweto –Over 7 000 schools registered –Districts have commenced with tournament –Provincial tournaments to end by September 2008 –African country participation

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11 11 PROGRESS (cont’d) DMs and DGs met on 4 June 2008 and agreed on the following: –Re-confirmed mandate of each Department –SRSA to re-engage with NACOC –Implementation plan to be developed for PE –School Sport calendar to be tabled and finalised –MINMEC meeting to be convened to take the School Sport and NACOC process further Officials in charge of School Sport to initiate the above recommendations: –SRSA - draft School Sport calendar –DoE - develop Physical Education implementation plan –SRSA and DoE – develop a joint draft policy for School Sport for both Departments

12 12 PROGRESS (cont’d) Grade R-12 Life Orientation subject advisors trained in the PE component of the curriculum –280 advisors trained in 2007 to support implementation, i.e. planning, teaching and assessment –Consortium of HEIs delivered training Partnership with Dreamfields –Provide sports equipment and revive leagues –Already 230 schools provided with DreamBags (kits) with a further 66 identified –230 DreamEvents (leagues) and 110 more planned.

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14 14 CHALLENGES Some schools do not offer School Sport as part of the extra-curricular school programme Non-School Sport structures compete with School Sport structures for learner participation Educator as employee vs. volunteer (in and out of school) Increasing the extra-curricular time for PE and School Sport implies extending the school day beyond curriculum contact time Learners are expected to pay to compete in some competitive programme events

15 15 CHALLENGES (cont’d) Educators without qualifications in PE and School Sport who need training Lack of facilities at schools or in the community that the schools can use Lack of equipment in schools – especially in disadvantaged areas Schools and clubs function independently so there is no seamless continuum between offering School Sport on these two levels Lack of an agreed national calendar for competitive events – negative impact on delivery Need to incorporate learners with disabilities into the mainstream

16 16 WAY FORWARD Approve national School Sport calendar as a matter of priority Finalise Policy, PE Plan and MINMEC Finalise a joint draft School Sport Policy Framework Ensure School Sport structures and national federations for a code work hand-in-hand Build School Sport into the extra-curricular school programme via a policy framework Continue with the SASSWC partnership as a model of cooperation Additional areas of cooperation identified between the two Departments appropriately coordinated by working group

17 17 WAY FORWARD (cont’d) Revitalise and re-focus NACOC –Secretariat of NACOC to rest with SRSA –Chairing of NACOC to rotate between two Departments Explore use of SRSA trained school sport coordinators and cluster coordinators who are not educators to support implementation of School Sport and PE Initiate and/or sustain implementation of PE in all schools –First ensure implementation across the system and then review time allocation in 2 years’ time Training of educators in PE –Both Departments to explore sources for funding –SRSA to share existing relevant training and implementation materials with DoE

18 18 THANK YOU!


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