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War vs. Nazis 1) Identify the progression of locations the US fought in order to defeat Germany. 2) Identify 2 major battles of the war and explain how.

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Presentation on theme: "War vs. Nazis 1) Identify the progression of locations the US fought in order to defeat Germany. 2) Identify 2 major battles of the war and explain how."— Presentation transcript:

1 War vs. Nazis 1) Identify the progression of locations the US fought in order to defeat Germany. 2) Identify 2 major battles of the war and explain how each battle impacted the war. 3) Evaluate if the US fought the war correctly and explain if there were any actions the US and it’s allies could have done differently.

2 The War in Europe *Defeating Germany was the 1 st priority Soviet Union- invaded by Ger. (June 1941), Hitler wants Russian resources (oil) *Violates Nazi-Soviet Non- Aggression Pact – Battles- Russia suffers high casualties, but Stalin forbids Russians to quit Moscow- surrounded by Nov. – *Winter pushes Ger. Back Leningrad- attacked for 900 days, 500,000 Russians starve to death – *City is never captured by Nazi’s Stalingrad- (Spr.42) biggest battle of WWII, Hitler wants control of Russian oil fields, sends 300,000 troops (5 month battle) – Ger. Lost and Stalingrad is turning point of War in Europe (Russia pushes Ger back) – *Eng and US do not aid Russia with troops, Stalin mistrusts allies for rest of war » Why did the US not send troops to help Stalin?

3 US invades North Africa and Italy Africa (USA and GB)- invade North Africa first (Nov 42) Why do you feel the US invaded Africa first rather than help the Soviets or invade France? – General Patton- USA top general, turns US into an effective fighting force *Allies take Af. by May 1943 Italy- invaded after N. Af. Captured (Summer 1943) – Mussolini ousted by Italians (July 1943) *Sept. 43 Italy captured – Where do you feel the US will invade next? To reach Berlin

4 Invasion of Europe- Why do the allies need to invade France if France is an ally? D-Day (June 6,1944) largest air-sea-land battle in History – *Normandy, France- site US, Canadian, British, and French troops land 160,000 troops land on 60 mile stretch of beach (4,400 landing craft, 600 war ships, 11,000 planes) *5 beaches (US land at Omaha and Utah) Eng., Canadian, and FR. Troops land at Gold, Juno, ands word *Allies suffer severe casualties but capture the beaches – Analyze what difficulties needed to be overcame by the allies for a successful mission

5 Beginning of the End- German starts losing by ‘44 1) Air Superiority- Allies control the skies and can support ground troops 2) France liberated- Aug. 25,1944 3) Sea Power- allies control sea and can ship supplies from US – *Sonar and Radar are invented by allies (can detect Ger. Subs and planes) Identify what advantage the Americans can provide the Allies and liberated countries in Europe by controlling the seas, where as what difficulty will Germany face with constant bombings

6 4) Battle of Bulge (Dec/Jan 1944) Ger. Last attempt to push allies back, 76,000 allied troops killed, failure for Germany 5) Race for Berlin- Russia and US/GB want to be first to capture Berlin Allies are afraid Stalin will not give back land captured during war and turn those countries communist – Evaluate if the Allies should risk troops to reach Berlin first so Russia will not turn Germany, Poland, and other European countries communist?

7 6) Concentration Camps liberated- Nazis tried to hide evidence by exterminating as many Jews as possible and digging mass graves – Shows allies what they are fighting for (What are the allies fighting for?) 7) VE DAY- May 8, 1945 war in Europe is over – Is WWII over with the defeat of Germany? – *Japan is still fighting and troops are supposed to now fight in Asia – What do you feel is the emotion of troops in Europe upon hearing they will now be moved to Asia to fight? DO you think they would accept an alternative plan that could end the war quickly?

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