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Campus Based Grants (CBG) Update and Status CCC SMHP.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Based Grants (CBG) Update and Status CCC SMHP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Based Grants (CBG) Update and Status CCC SMHP

2 CBG Overview Total funds originally allocated for CBGs: $3,060,000. –CCC SMHP contract amended on 07/01/2012. Total funds allocated for CBGs after CalMHSA amendment: $4,805,921 –Amended amount allowed us to fund 23 campus/consortias; 2 times more than originally planned. CBGs were selected through a competitive request for application (RFA) process. 2

3 CBG Overview CBGs are designed to allow campuses to expand and enhance existing programs and to create community partnerships to increase their capacity to address the mental health prevention and early intervention needs of students. CBG funds cannot be used for direct services or to supplant existing resources. 3

4 CBG 4 Awardees

5 CBG Geographic Equity 5

6 CBG Two CCC SMHP analysts work with designated groups of colleges/consortia providing technical assistance: 6 Isabel Reyna E: T: Serina Correa E: T: Butte College College of the Desert College of San Mateo LA Harbor Consortia College of the Canyons MiraCosta College Columbia College Orange Consortia Cuesta College Pasadena City College Fresno-Reedley Consortia Rio Hondo College Gavilan College Riverside College Modesto Junior College San Bernardino Valley College Santa Rosa Junior College San Diego City College Sierra College Santa Monica College West Valley College Santiago Canyon College West Los Angeles College

7 CBG Reporting and evaluation are three fold: –The required ACHA-National College Health Assessment (NCHA). A webinar has been conducted for CBG’s on this requirement. –The CBG Quarterly report was developed by the CCC SMHP’s evaluation contractor, the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE). The web-based quarterly reports were rolled out in January 2013 with the first submission date of January 15, 2013. Select CBGs participated in the development of the report. –Monthly Invoice & Deliverables Report Form 7

8 CBG Monthly Invoicing and Deliverables Reporting form: 8 Campuses were allowed to submit invoices retroactively beginning July 1, 2012. Information provided in the invoice form, allows CCC SMHP staff to track the CBGs rate of spending and remaining balances for each campus. To track spending against campus’ progress on contract deliverables we have created an accompanying deliverables reporting form.

9 CBG Monthly Invoicing and Deliverables Reporting form: 9 Individualized deliverable reporting forms were created for each CBG based on their contract work plans. The deliverables reporting form helps us to capture a snapshot of activities that have occurred during any given month. Analysts monitor monthly.

10 CBG Campus Profiles 10 SMHP staff worked with CARS to compose individual profiles for each CBG. The profiles include information drawn from training and technical assistance calls made between the CBGs and CARS, as well as information from the executive summaries included in the CBGs grant proposals. Prior to finalizing the profiles, each CBG was provided the opportunity to review and modify their campuses profile. Profiles will be useful for campuses and will be shared with external stakeholders wanting additional information about program activities.

11 CBG 11

12 CBG Collaboration 12 The SMHP team are working with CARS and CBGs to identify colleges who can offer regional trainings such as: Veterans Welcome Home training Active Minds Send Silence Packing bus tour Threat Assessment Training

13 CBG Campus Highlights 13 College of the Desert: Attended Campus Threat Assessment Training at San Marco College Dec 14, 2012 & redesigning 'call system' in a way to incorporate training by locating it within Campus Security Office. Conducting in-depth focus groups to assess how to better serve the mental health needs of students. College of the Canyons: Held a six week series of weekly seminars on “Challenges and Maladaptive Coping” from October to November. 176 students were engaged 4 faculty and staff were trained.

14 CBG Campus Highlights 14 Fresno Reedley Consortia: Fresno City College hosted the “Chalk It Out!” event as part of the National Day without Stigma. Objectives 1.) address the issue of stigma associated with mental health, 2.) share information about the newly formed Active Minds Club at Fresno City College and, 3.) provide students, faculty and staff with resources about mental health services available on campus and within the community. An estimated 2,565 individuals participated.

15 CBG Campus Highlights 15 MiraCosta College: Held a 2-day Behavioral Intervention training for 25 members of the campus threat assessment team and advisory group. Started work on developing policies and procedures for a campus threat assessment handbook. Expanded participation in the San Diego Suicide Prevention Council Higher Education Committee. Participants are from SDSU, UCSD, CSUSM, SD City and MiraCosta. The council shares suicide prevention plans and best practices from each campus, and provides contact information for future collaboration.

16 CBG Campus Highlights 16 Pasadena City College: Developed C-PART (Crisis Prevention And Response Team) C-PART consists of key employees from the Campus Police, Student Affairs, Psychological Services, Student Health Services, and Special Services. Team meets to discuss behavioral issues of students who are reported by faculty, staff and administrators. 3 categories of student behaviors that the Team examines: distressed behaviors, disturbed behaviors, and dangerous behaviors. Threat assessments can be arranged for the latter two circumstances and involves a two hour evaluation by the College’s psychologist. Appropriate action is then put into motion.

17 CBG Campus Highlights 17 Additional Highlights From COAGSMH Members? Brian Olowude – Fresno/Reedley Consortia Stephanie Dumont – Orange Consortia Catherine Morris – Sierra College Becky Perelli – West Valley College Questions?

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