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Alex Gribbin   Air pollution  Air quality in downtown Cairo is more than 10 to 10 to 100 times less acceptable than world standards  Lack of rain,

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2 Alex Gribbin

3   Air pollution  Air quality in downtown Cairo is more than 10 to 10 to 100 times less acceptable than world standards  Lack of rain, tall buildings, and narrow streets inhibit ventilation  Noise pollution  In Cairo noise can reach an average of 90 decibels (dB), comparable to noise level in a factory  Water pollution  Water deficiency causes sewage water to potentially be used for irrigation  Soil contamination  Heavy metals and other pollutants from factories have accumulated in the soil Environmental Concerns

4  Egyptian Ecological Footprint

5   Petroleum Oil  4.4 million barrel reserve, an increase from the 3.7 barrel reserve in 2010  The Suez Canal and Sumed Pipeline are strategic roots for Persian Gulf oil shipments  Natural Gas  Rapidly growing natural gas producer Non Renewable Resources


7   Bees  Cultivated since ancient times for wax and honey  Papyrus Plant  Production of paper  Water  Nile River can be used for cultivation and production of hydroelectric power Renewable Resources

8  Plans for the Future

9 Allison Yang

10  Demographics  Population: 82,079,636  Growth rate: 1.96%  25.2 deaths per 1,000 live births  Life Expectancy  Almost 50% of the population lives in an urban area  Diseases

11  Culture  Mostly religion  99% Middle Eastern and African  Literacy Rates  Family and Honor  Social class  Very little social mobility


13 Lea Serres

14  Background Information -The Effects of the Egyptian Revolution on Politics

15  The Effects of the Egyptian Revolution on Politics  President Mubarak resigned  Supreme Council of the Armed Forces took over  Parliament dissolved  Constitution suspended  Constitutional referendum passed  New Prime Minister

16  Government Classification and Organization -Republic -President -Legislative Branch -Judicial Branch -Military Council

17  Republic  People retain control of government  representatives

18  President  Two six-year terms  Judiciary supervises elections  Appoints a deputy

19  Legislative Branch  Parliament meets annually  The Consultative Council  Upper House of Parliament  Seats voted on and appointed by the President  The People’s Assembly  Principle legislative body  All seats voted on

20  Judicial Branch  Independent branch  Secular and religious courts  Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt  Highest judicial power in Egypt

21  Military Council  Supreme Council of the Armed Forces  Chairman: Tantawi  Considerably powerful

22  Foreign Relations Overview League of Arab States

23  Overview  Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty  Territorial dispute with Sudan  Major influence in region  mediator

24  League of Arab States  Secretary General usually Egyptian  Regional organization of Arab States  In Cairo

25 Tia Cisterna

26  Budget -Revenues: $47.66 billion -Expenditures: $65.05 billion *Budget deficit

27 Gross Domestic Product Year Gross domestic product, current prices Percent Change 198022.371 198124.4999.51 % 198228.98618.32 % 198335.4322.23 % 198439.83712.44 % 198546.4516.60 % 198651.42910.72 % 198773.57143.05 % 19888819.61 % 1989109.71424.68 % 199091.383-16.71 % 199146.06-49.60 % 199242.006-8.80 % 199347.10112.13 % 199451.87910.14 % 199560.16315.97 % 199667.63212.41 % 199775.86512.17 % 199884.82111.81 % 199989.9426.04 % 200099.15510.24 % 200195.399-3.79 % 200287.506-8.27 % 200381.384-7.00 % 200478.802-3.17 % 200589.79413.95 % 2006107.37519.58 % 2007130.34621.39 % 2008162.43524.62 % 2009188.60816.11 % 2010218.46615.83 %

28  Imports $51.54 billion Exports $25.02 billion Partners US, China, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Saudi Arabia Spain, Italy, US, India, Saudi Arabia, China, Libya, Jordan

29  Agriculture & Industries - Useable land is only 5% of total land  mostly along the fertile Nile River Valley Industries include:

30   Cairo – capital and largest city – highly urban  Developing at a 2.1% annual rate of change ***U.S. – 1.2% a annual rate of change Industrialization Double that of the U.S.

31  More Statistics & Rankings… Unemployment Rate Poverty Labor Force

32  Bibliography    st/01economy.html st/01economy.html  /car021308a.htm /car021308a.htm   resources resources  resources/ resources/

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