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Response Surface Analysis of Seed Germination Percentage and MTG of 6 Basil Cultivars By Emily Zhou Department of Horticulture STAT 5606 Spring 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Response Surface Analysis of Seed Germination Percentage and MTG of 6 Basil Cultivars By Emily Zhou Department of Horticulture STAT 5606 Spring 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Response Surface Analysis of Seed Germination Percentage and MTG of 6 Basil Cultivars By Emily Zhou Department of Horticulture STAT 5606 Spring 2013

2 Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) o A frost sensitive low-growing herb in family Lamiaceae (mint family) o A summer and annual crop in North America and native to southern Asia o Grows a lot in Mediterranean area and South Asia o More than 60 cultivars 2

3 Seed Germination Testing  Very important to assess quality  6 Sweet Basil Cultivars 1. ‘Italian Large Leaf’ (‘ILL’): higher yields 2. ‘Italian Large Leaf’ 35X (‘ILL’ 35X): 5+ years old seeds 3. ‘Nufar’: disease (Fusarium) resistant ‘Italian Large Leaf’ type 4. ‘Genovese’: traditional Italian basil 5. ‘Genovese Compact Improved’ (‘GCI’): for containers and pack sales 6. ‘Aroma 2’: disease (Fusarium) resistant ‘Genovese’ type

4 Thermo-gradient Table

5 Germination Testing  4 × 25 seeds of cultivar 1 and 2 at each temperature  2 × 50 seeds of cultivar 3 to 6 at each temperature  Seeds were placed in 11×11×4 cm transparent covered plastic boxes, on top of two thicknesses of germination blotter paper, the blotters were saturated with 15 ml distilled water  Standard AOSA (The Association of Official Seed Analysts) germination testing procedure, grow in dark in one dimensional thermo-gradient table

6 Germination Data Analysis  Germination percentages  MTG (mean time to germination): ∑(NiTi)/∑(Ni), where Ni is the number of new germinated seeds at time Ti after imbibition calculated from four replications of 25 seeds each (Nerson and Paris, 1988)

7 Analysis of Covariance of Germination%


9 Response Surface

10 Germ% Response Surface Effect by Cultivar

11 CultivarsMax Germ (%) Optimal Temp (°C) R2R2 P 1-ILL 35X84.132.20.821<0.0001* 2-Nufar10026.40.502<0.0001* 3-Genovese89.228.40.632<0.0001* 4-GCI10027.10.547<0.0001* 5-Aroma 294.331.30.757<0.0001* 6-ILL99.331.50.649<0.0001*

12 Analysis of Covariance of MTG(days)


14 Response Surface

15 MTG(days)Response Surface Effect by Cultivar

16 CultivarsMax MTG (days) Optimal Temp (°C) R2R2 P 1-ILL 35X-1.430.60.934<0.0001* 2-Nufar32.10.860<0.0001* 3-Genovese-1.631.60.844<0.0001* 4-GCI-0.332.10.828<0.0001* 5-Aroma 2-0.932.20.894<0.0001* 6-ILL-1.431.70.839<0.0001*

17 Future Research Find out the optimal germination temp (°C) for each cultivar  High germ%  Low MTG(days)

18 Thank you!

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