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METHODOLOGY Observational transversal multicentric study 1 Gynecologist survey on Emergency Contraception in France (end of 2012)

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1 METHODOLOGY Observational transversal multicentric study 1 Gynecologist survey on Emergency Contraception in France (end of 2012)

2 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Dr Michèle SCHEFFLER Fédération Nationale des Collèges de Gynécologie Médicale 2 Dr David SERFATY Société Française de Gynécologie

3 Sent questionnaires : 4152 Returned questionnaires : 520 (12,5%) 3

4 Who were the participating gynecologists ? 4 Geographic distribution Age, gender, type of practice, area of specialization Practice of emergency contraception

5 Median age : 57 % of women among participants : 82% Private practice only (without any hospital or Family Planning position) : 64% Medical Gynecologists : 62% Median seniority : 26 years 5

6 250 patients per month (median number) Among them, 40% for contraception initiation or follow-up Prescription of emergency contraception several times a month by almost 65% of the participating gynecologists Oral emergency contraception is preferred by almost 100% of the gynecologists Women recognize to often run a risk of unwanted pregnancy (report from more than 85% of the participating gynecologists) 6

7 Results of the Gynecur survey 7

8 Do the gynecologists feel themselves well informed on emergency contraception ? 8

9 I think that the gynecologists are informed enough on the emergency contraception in general 9 93% YES

10 10 % of Gynecologists I think that gynecologists are informed enough on the different methods of emergency contraception 90,8% YES

11 I think that gynecologists have all means to inform women on emergency contraception 11 % of Gynecologists 88,3% YES

12 Gynecologists‘ opinion on women’s information about emergency contraception ? 12

13 I think that women know how to identify the risky situations of unwanted pregnancies 13 % of Gynecologists 70% NO

14 I think that women know what to do after being exposed to a risk of unwanted pregnancy 14 % of Gynecologists 83,3% NO

15 15 % of Gynecologists I think women know that emergency contraception is available over the counter in pharmacies 48,5% YES 54,4% NO

16 16 % of Gynecologists I think that women are informed enough about emergency contraception 84,4% NO

17 For the gynecologists, the morning after pill is …. 17

18 ... A useful pill for my practice in contraception 18 % of Gynecologists 94,1% YES

19 ... A pill which is an integral part of my practice in contraception 19 % of Gynecologists 83,5% YES

20 In which situations the gynecologists systematically or often inform women on emergency contraception ? 20

21 % of gynecologists taking preventive action according to the following situations : 21

22 Gynecologists’ attitudes when they receive a demand of emergency contraception 22

23 More than 45% of gynecologists cannot see the patient in such an emergency context 23 % of Gynecologists

24 What gynecologists do in replacement of an emergency consultation ? 24 They prepare They orientate They propose a consulta- a prescription the woman to a pharmacytion in the near future

25 IN CONCLUSION The majority of the participating gynecologists : – Fell themselves well informed on emergency contraception – Prescribe emergency contraception several times a month – Take seriously their role in prevention, in particular in the most risky situations – When they cannot see a woman who has been exposed to a risk of unwanted pregnancy, they send a prescription by fax and/or send the woman to a pharmacy where the EC is available over the counter They are more dubious about : – the women’s capacity to identify a risky situation of unwanted pregnancy – the women’s knowledge about emergency contraception 25

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