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Malignant lymphomas.

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1 Malignant lymphomas

2 Lymph nodes: Germinal center (GC) and mantle B-cells capsule
Paracortical T-cells and high endothelial venules sinus mantle GC

3 Lymphoma - incidence and mortality
3-5% of deaths in developed world higher in other areas 3-7 cases per 100,000 in USA males greater than females, white males highest increases with age histology varies with age, low grade frequent in adults high grade most frequent in children

4 Classification of lymphoma
Hodgkin’s mixed cellularity nodular sclerosis lymphocyte depleted lymphocyte predominant Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma low grade B-cell small lymphocytic marginal zone mantle cell (B-cell) follicular (B-cell) large B-cell Burkitt’s (B-cell) lymphoblastic (mostly T-cell) T/NK-cell mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell)

5 ML types in POG 476 NHL 373 HD

6 Thomas Hodgkin

7 Hodgkin’s Disease Mixed cellularity Lymphocyte depleted
Nodular sclerosis Lymphocyte predominant

8 Reed Sternberg Cell H&E Wright stain R-S cells: CD30

9 Incidence of HD 3-7 per 100,000 Bimodal
15-34 & > 55 NS increasing in young patients young women LD decreasing in older patients Medeiros, Cancer 75:357,1995

10 Hodgkin’s Disease Reed-Sternberg (RS) cell in immunoproliferative background RS cells minority background lymphocytes, eosinophils, plasma cells, histiocytes RS cells B-cells (90%) or T-cells (10%) cervical LN or mediastinum; spread to thoracic para-aortic LN, spleen, liver, abdominal Para-aortic nodes Association with EBV: 96% MC, 34% NS, 10% LP radiation for localized disease chemotherapy or chemo/RT for advanced disease

11 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin’s Disease
Diffuse infiltrate including relatively frequent RS cells CD15 and CD30 antigen expression classical HD

12 Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin’s Disease
RS cells and “lacunar” cells in clusters surrounded by collagen fibrosis CD15 and CD30+ Often mediastinal mass in young women

13 Lymphocyte depletion HD
Diffuse infiltrate numerous RS cells and variants with relatively few lymphocytes Often older men with advanced disease Difficult to distinguish from large cell NHL

14 Lymphocyte predominant HD
Nodular or sometimes diffuse infiltrate containing “L&H” cells (for “lymphocytic and histiocytic LPHD”) label as polyclonal B-cells usually localized (often cervical LN) indolent clinical course

15 Hodgkin’s disease Most cases derived from clonal B-cells
Heavy load of somatic mutations Lack crippling mutations, but do not transcribe IgH due to functional regulatory defects HD and NHL have derived from same clone Seitz, Blood May 15;95(10):3020-4

16 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Small lymphocytic Mantle cell Burkitt Lymphoblastic Follicular center cell Large B-cell Peripheral T-cell

17 Phenotype in diagnosis of NHL
CD45Ro (T-cell) ALK-1 CD79a (B-cell) BCL-2

18 Incidence of NHL in US overall
per 100,000 Males > females Racial differences whites more FL blacks more PTC Groves, JNCI, 92; , 2000

19 NHL in Children 4.6-9.1 per million 1/3-1/2 SNC, LB, LC
white > black male > female 1/3-1/2 SNC, LB, LC Geographic variation incidence histologic type biology of Burkitt’s POG Shad, Ped Clin NA 44:863-89, 1997

20 Human B-cell lymphomas
Sequencing of the variable region genes - somatically mutated in majority of non-Hodgkin’s and Hodgkin’s lymphomas this indicates germinal or post-germinal center origin unmutated variable region genes: mantle lymphoma, some CLL’s

21 Burkitt’s Lymphoma Medium size cells nuclei same as histiocyte nuclei
Oval nuclei 3-5 nucleoli, open chromatin Basophilic (vacuolated) cytoplasm High mitotic rate, starry sky Mature B-cell, surface IG+, analogous to L3 ALL EBV in endemic areas and immunosuppression

22 Large B-cell Lymphoma Average nuclei larger than histiocyte nuclei
Mature B-lineage (CD20+) Morphologic heterogeneity Centroblastic Centroblastic/centrocytic B-immunoblastic BCL 6 or BCL2 overexpression in some

23 Burkitt-Like Lymphoma
Mature B-cell Average cell medium size (like Burkitt) More variability than Burkitt Nuclear size Nuclear shape Nucleolar prominence Sometimes fine fibrosis Interface between Burkitt & large B-cell lymphoma

24 Small lymphocytic lymphoma/CLL
slow growing diffuse infiltrate of small lymphocytes admixed prolymphocytes; growth centers often indolent mature B-cell with CD5 expression

25 SLL in children Rare cases described t(2;14)(p13;q32) in several
Citations: Fell, et al. Science 232:491-4, 1986 Yoffe, et al. J Pediatr 116:114-7, 1990 Ribeiro, et al. Leukemia 6:761-5, 1992

26 Follicular lymphomas One of the most common NHL Mature B-cell
Slow-growing, persistent t(14;18) with bcl-2 overexpression graded by cell type

27 Follicular Lymphoma in children
1% (17) of 1336 pediatric lymphomas Ribeiro, et al. Leukemia 6:761-5, 1992 usually mixed or large cell, lack bcl-2 or p52 abn; some testicular generally good outcome those who fail progressed to DLBCL Frizzera, Cancer 44:2218, 1979; Winberg, Cancer 48:2223, 1981 Pinto, Mod Pathol 3:308, 1990; Moertel, Cancer 75:182, 1995 Atra, Br J Haem 103:220, 1998; Finn, Cancer 85:1626, 1999

28 Marginal zone lymphoma
mature B-cell arises from splenic or mucosal (MALT) marginal zone cells “monocytoid” appearance Lymphoepithelial lesions in MALT often indolent Gastric; H. pylori

29 Marginal Zone lymphoma in children
Occasional (<1%) Gastric associated with H. pylori may resolve with tx of H. pylori Many associated with HIV Salivary gland, lung, GI Citations: Teruya-Feldstein, AJSP 19:357, 1995; Blecker, Gastroent.109:973, 1995 Joshi, AJCP 107:592, 1997; Corr, J Ultrasound Med 16:615, 1997 Berrebi, J Peds 133:290, 1998; Fukumoto Hihon Rinsho MGK 23:49, 2000

30 Mantle cell lymphoma mature B-cell arises from follicular mantle
Neoplastic mantle zone cells mature B-cell arises from follicular mantle resembles SLL and MZL t(11;14) with cyclin-D1, CD5, (CD23-) expresses bcl-2 as do nl mantle cells; long-lived difficult to eradicate and aggressive Residual germinal center

31 T-cell lymphomas Less common that B-cell
Some associations with retroviruses HTLV-1 Cytogenetic abnormalities variable include chr. 14 abnormalities t(2;5) and variants in ALCL Generally difficult to eradicate

32 T-cell development Maturation/selection in thymus
T-cell receptor gene rearrangement gamma/delta alpha/beta Tdt, CD7, CD5, CD2 CD1, CD4/CD8, CD3 Mature cells CD4 or CD8 and CD3

33 Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
Small cells nuclei smaller than histiocyte’s Diffuse chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli, often nuclear convolutions High mitotic rate, starry sky Precursor T-cell T-zone distribution, infiltrative Tdt, CD7, CD1, CD4/CD8 Rare precursor B-lineage

34 Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
Large cells with abundant cytoplasm often indented or lobated nuclei LN sinus, paracortex CD30 expression T or null phenotype t(2;5) ALK protein expression

35 ALCL - CD30 and ALK expression
Most cases in children and young adults express ALK due to t(2;5) or variant translocation. ALK1 Most cases over 35 are ALK negative

36 ALK-1 in recent LCL A majority of T or null LCL in children express CD30 and ALK

37 Non-anaplastic PTCL Diverse entities Rare in children
PTCL, NOS; angiocentric; nasal; T-gamma; panniculitic; ATL; MF Rare in children Likely worse than ALCL


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