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Published byReynard Holland Modified over 9 years ago
Warm-up 1/16/14 Would you rather live in the city or the country? Why?
What, to you, is a reasonable size for a city? What’s too big? Too small? Why? Who should decide how cities look, function, and/or grow?
Standards · 8.H.3.1 Explain how migration and
immigration contributed to the development of North Carolina and the United States from colonization to contemporary times. · 8.H.3.2 Explain how changes brought about by technology and other innovations affected individuals and groups in North Carolina and the United States.
Urbanization Increase in the number of cities and the people living in them
Industrialization Second Urban Revolution prompted by second revolution in agriculture Increased urbanization Industrial Cities – fundamental reason for existence was to simply assemble, fabricate & distribute manufactured goods Urban Sprawl – unrestricted growth of housing, commercial developments and roads
Industrialization- Shock Cities
Chicago 1850 30,000 1880 500,000 1900 1,700,000 1930 3,300,000 Manchester, England 1750 15,000 1801 70,000 1861 500,000 1911 2,300,000
Advantages of Cities Job opportunities. Opportunities for women. Money
Advantages of Cities Job opportunities? Opportunities for women? Money? Education? Entertainment? What is rural-to-urban migration? JOBS: Factories & service industries WOMEN: Women’s opportunities increased Domestic servants, teachers, secretaries MONEY: Saving money – Why? EDUCATION: Education for children ENTERTAINMENT: Theaters, social clubs, museums RURAL-to-URBAN MIGRATION: Farmers/Rural Americans move to cities
Cities grew rapidly Terrible Conditions GROWTH OF URBANIZATION
near raw materials industrial areas transportation routes. Opportunities in the job market. Terrible Conditions Poor sanitary and living conditions Tenement apartments Sweathouses
Migration from Country to Cities
Farm technology decreases need for laborers; people move to cities Many African Americans in South lose their livelihood 1890–1910, move to cities in North, West to escape racial violence Find segregation, discrimination in North too Competition for jobs between blacks, white immigrants causes tension The move to factory work was hard on farmers because they now had to face a boss’s restrictions and rules and be confined to a factory and not be outdoors.
Urban Technological Improvements Key inventions. Inventors
Urban Technological Improvements Key inventions? Inventors? What problems did they solve? Skyscrapers (overcrowding) Safety Elevator (Elisha Otis) Electric streetcars (cleaner, quieter) Subways (overcrowding)
Engineers Build Skyward
Skyscrapers = 10 story and taller buildings that had steel frames. Provided office space for cities that had no more room left on the ground. Elisha Otis = Developed safety elevator that would not fall if the lifting rope broke. The American Institute of Architecture-1857 Required education and licensing to become and architect. Built schools, libraries, train stations, residents and office buildings.
George Fuller – Sky Scrapers
Building the Subway
Electricity and Mass Transit
Electric street cars were reliable and could carry more people than horse carts. Electric cable cars did have problems: The cables used to run the cars could block fire trucks, and traffic congestion blocked them from running on schedule. Boston = first subway system in NYC followed in 1904. Growth of suburbs for those who could afford transit fares away from the city.
Issues of Urban Living Major problems. What are tenements
Issues of Urban Living Major problems? What are tenements? What were the living conditions? MAJOR PROBLEMS: Overcrowding, poverty, poor sanitation TENEMENTS: Low-cost, multi-family housing LIVING CONDITIONS: Poor water quality, potential for fire, overcrowding OTHER PROBLEMS: Dangerous streets, crime, tension between urban groups (gangs)
Urban problems Housing Public health Crime Immorality Expansion of industry was main cause of urban growth 1890: one person in three lived in a city 1910: nearly one in two Increasing proportion of urban population was immigrants
Housing Conditions Tenements = Low cost multifamily housing designed to fit in as many families as possible. Tenements were not clean, had little windows, poor ventilation, and were dangerous.
TEEMING TENEMENTS As cities grew, sewer and water facilities could not keep up Fire protection became increasingly inadequate Garbage piled up in streets Streets crumbled under increased traffic Housing was inadequate and encouraged disease and disintegration of family life FAMILY IN ATTIC WITH DRYING LAUNDRY, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection
Urban Living Conditions
Orchard Street, NY 97 Orchard Street, NY
From the Tenement Museum in NY
Inside a tenement house!
Another view of a tenement housing complex!
Water and Sanitation Water Sanitation
1860s cities have inadequate or no piped water, indoor plumbing rare Filtration introduced 1870s, chlorination in 1908 Sanitation Streets: manure, open gutters, factory smoke, poor trash collection Contractors hired to sweep streets, collect garbage, clean outhouses often do not do job properly By 1900, cities develop sewer lines, create sanitation departments
Fire and Crime Crime As population grows, thieves flourish
Early police forces too small to be effective Fire Fire hazards: limited water, wood houses, candles, kerosene heaters Most firefighters volunteers, not always available 1900, most cities have full-time, professional fire departments Fire sprinklers, non-flammable building materials make cities safer
1871 Chicago fire killed nearly 300 people and left more than 100,000 homeless.
Police officers in 1900s.
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
How did this event force reform in the workplace? Max Blank and Isaac Harris, owners of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company The Owners were indicted on April 11th in the death of Margaret Schwartz, a worker in the factory. The trial began 8 months later only to finish in 18 days. On December 27th factory owners were acquitted of responsibility. Three years later 23 individual suits were settled at a rate of $75 per death.
City Planners start to control growth
As cities grew, architectural firms expanded to offer city planning services to make cities more functional and beautiful. Cities were zoned for different uses. (residential, industrial and financial) Parks, boulevards, buildings and electric street lights were a few of the new developments. Frederick Law Olmstead = Designed Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park, NYC’s Central Park, and similar parks in Detroit, Washington D.C., and California.
These characteristics and issues of urbanization caused…
… These cultural trends in America during the Gilded Age…
Conspicuous Consumerism How did lifestyles change
Conspicuous Consumerism How did lifestyles change? How available did goods become? What new amenities emerged? People buying more goods than ever (increase in consumerism) Purchasing goods for the purpose of impressing others People are able to buy more than they ever have in the past People now working for wages (instead of on farms) NEW AMENITIES: Department stores, advertising, mail-order catalogs
1902 Sears Roebuck Catalog
Mass Culture Newspapers
Literature Education Mass Culture- when household items, food, preferences are the same from house to house in a given place.
Mass Culture Boom What is it. How was it spread
Mass Culture Boom What is it? How was it spread? Who were some key people in it? WHAT?: Similar cultural patterns in a society SPREAD by transportation, communication, & advertising WHO?: Literature criticized society – Mark Twain & Horatio Alger Compulsory schools, increased literacy rate College for women and African Americans
Advertising Rowland H. Macy = opened one of the first department stores in N.Y. in 1858 and it became the largest in America. Methods used = advertising, goods organized into departments, and high quality goods for fair prices. New concepts at other stores = money back guarantee, newspaper advertisements, lower shipping rates, distinctive logos, and long distance shipping.
Rowland H. Macy The first Macy’s in New York City
Newspapers Helped create mass culture.
Between newspapers increased from 600 to more than 1600. Joseph Pulitzer- The World and the Evening World. Believed it was his job to inform people and stir up controversy. Included comics, exposure of political corruption, sports and illustrations. William Randolph Hearst- Morning Journal. Competitor to Joseph Pulitzer. Special interest newspapers soon began to spring up in ethnic neighborhoods as well.
Education Literacy rate rose to about 90% in 1900.
More schools being built for children. Science, woodworking, drafting, civics, business training, English. John Dewey- new methods of teaching that allowed students to answer their own questions. Higher education institutions became specialized to train in urban careers. Teaching, social work, and nursing were some of the new careers. Led to an advancement in women’s colleges.
New Entertainment What were the new types of entertainment
New Entertainment What were the new types of entertainment? What event, shows, and spectator sports emerged? Amusement parks, performances, events Theatres, shows, motion pictures (Nickelodeons) Spectator sports – baseball, horse racing, boxing, football, basketball
Amusement Parks 1884= First Roller Coaster (Lamarcus Thompson)
First ride to open at Coney Island. Parks offered a new getaway for people who would otherwise go on a picnic for a daily adventure.
Coney Island Jefferson Theater, CA
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