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The IB Extended Essay 22 August 2007 William Barker University of King’s College & Department of English Dalhousie University.

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Presentation on theme: "The IB Extended Essay 22 August 2007 William Barker University of King’s College & Department of English Dalhousie University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IB Extended Essay 22 August 2007 William Barker University of King’s College & Department of English Dalhousie University

2 Though low in mark value in the total program, the EE is, along with Theory of Knowledge, positioned at the heart of the IB program. academic research essay 40 hours of work (may take more) all IB subject areas maximum 4000 words (not counting tables, notes, bibliography, etc) work done with a “supervisor” - “a teacher but not necessarily one who teaches the student” who will “guide” the student “through the process” (Jones), often requiring only 2-4 hours of contact. “The essay requirement acquaints diploma candidates with the kind of independent research and writing skills expected by universities” (IBO) IB Extended Essay

3 university academic culture culture of specialization the excitement of the project meaningful research is communicated research primary research vs secondary literature research appropriate for high school level IB Extended Essay and research Where does “research” come from, and what might it do?

4 General requirements of a research essay clear thesis relevant topic and question context for the question within the disciplinary subject explanation of the way the findings contribute to the discussion sustained and connected argument strong connections between sections, sense of development

5 General requirements of a research essay, cont’d well presented and pertinent examples documentation using a generally recognized system of citation intellectual honesty in presentation of the material clear writing all moving towards a focused conclusion if not a contribution to knowledge, at least a piece of writing that positions its results in a critical relation to what is known

6 Special requirements of the Extended Essay The form of the Extended Essay is very specific (title page, abstract, contents, main paper in sections, etc.) Not only a product, but a method is proposed The marking scheme of the essay is very specific Evaluation does not lead to revision The project is time-limited (40 hours) An oral examination is proposed (2009 criteria) Methods of documentation are left to discretion of student and supervisor The Extended Essay is not a form of publishable subject research, but an IB-specific project Strict limits on the involvement of the teacher

7 Important resources For getting started Supervisor Published guidelines Sample essays For information Libraries and librarians Internet (integrated with library) Other teachers Other informed individuals or experts

8 Problems Difficulty in focusing the topic on a valid question and finding the way in No thesis or central argument “Topic drift” Poor documentation skills Lack of library and research skills (especially with resources of a university library system) Inability of student to analyse secondary materials Excessive or uncritical reliance on internet

9 Poor scheduling of the work, no sense of the difficulty of the project Neurotic longing for perfection Poor guidance from supervisor Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism Collusion Problems, cont’d

10 A. The research question The extent to which the focus of the essay is expressed and specified. This need not be in the form of a question. An example of an alternative form is a hypothesis. CRITERIA

11 B. Approach to the research question The extent to which the essay appropriately addresses and develops the specific research question, including the collection of any relevant information. CRITERIA

12 C. Analysis / Interpretation The extent to which relevant materials, sources, data and evidence are considered appropriately in the essay. Where the research question does not lend itself to systematic investigation in the context of an extended essay, the maximum level that can be awarded is 2. CRITERIA

13 D. Argument / evaluation The extent to which the essay develops an argument relevant to the research question from the materials / information considered. Where the research question does not lend itself to systematic investigation in the context of an extended essay, the maximum level that can be awarded is 2. CRITERIA

14 E. Conclusion The extent to which the essay incorporates a conclusion consistent with its argument, not necessarily in the form of a separate section. CRITERIA

15 F. Abstract The adequacy of the formal abstract as a synopsis of the essay. CRITERIA

16 G. Formal presentation The layout, table of contents, references, bibliography, title, quotations, illustration and organisation where appropriate. CRITERIA

17 H. Holistic judgment An overall assessment of qualities such as personal engagement, initiative, depth of understanding, insight, inventiveness and flair. Achievement levels 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 will be determined by the examiner based on the extent to which these qualities are demonstrated in the essay. The supervisor’s report may also be taken into account. CRITERIA

18 Style: A Hidden Criterion? There is no mention of the quality of the writing other than in the relation to evidence. It may be that quality of writing is covered under D. Argument/Evaluation and H. Holistic Judgment. But style (including basic mastery of grammar as well as skill in persuasion) is not a major feature of the published essay criteria. There is a direct relation between quality of writing and the ability to present evidence and to sustain an argument.

19 The Thesis Statement: A Hidden Criterion? Also downplayed in the criteria (which focus on the “question”), yet fundamental to a good essay, is the thesis statement. 1999 Guidelines ask for “a clear and concluding statement of the thesis and the argument, i.e. the response to the research question that will subsequently by developed in the body of the essay.” A thesis is not a question or a topic. A thesis can be contained in a sentence that begins “In this essay I will argue...” A reading of the assessment comments and the published criteria lead one to believe that a strong and well-developed thesis statement is essential to success in the essay.

20 Essential Points Thesis Continuity Clarity Punch

21 Essay # 1 John F. Kennedy: Assassination or Conspiracy Research question 1/2 Approach 1/3 Analysis/interpretation 2/4 Argument/evaluation 2/4 Conclusion 1/2 Abstract 0/2 Formal presentation 0/3 Holistic judgement 1/4 Total score including subject evaluation 12/36

22 Essay # 2 What is the Effect of Varying the Flow of Propane into a Pulsejet Engine on the Duration of Continuous Combustion within the Chamber? Research question 2/2 Approach 3/3 Analysis/interpretation 4/4 Argument/evaluation 4/4 Conclusion 2/2 Abstract 2/2 Formal presentation 2/3 Holistic judgement 4/4 Total score including subject evaluation 31/36

23 Essay # 3 How Far was the Decision to Abandon the Soviet Economic Model in China during the mid- 1950’s Due to Political and Ideological Reasons? Research question 2/2 Approach 3/3 Analysis/interpretation 4/4 Argument/evaluation 4/4 Conclusion 2/2 Abstract 2/2 Formal presentation 2/3 Holistic judgement 4/4 Total score including subject evaluation 34/36

24 Essay #4 The Role of Women in Black American Literature Tasks for breakout groups 1. Review essay (10 minutes) 2. If you were the supervisor and had been handed this essay as a draft, give THREE suggestions to the student for improving the essay. 3. Assess as a group using the general criteria, and arrive at an agreed upon assessment.

25 Essay #4 The Role of Women in Black American Literature Research question 2/2 Approach 3/3 Analysis/interpretation 3/4 Argument/evaluation 3/4 Conclusion 2/2 Abstract 1/2 Formal presentation 3/3 Holistic judgement 2/4 Total score including subject evaluation 28/36

26 Essay # 5 What are the Health Benefits of Sexual Activity? Research question 1/2 Approach 1/3 Analysis/interpretation 1/4 Argument/evaluation 2/4 Conclusion 2/2 Abstract 1/2 Formal presentation 3/3 Holistic judgement 1/4 Total score including subject evaluation 14/36

27 Essential Points Thesis Continuity Clarity Punch

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