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Louise. F 5°4 Maths in English Option Jean Rostand Secondary School Triangles Are Everywhere.

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2 Louise. F 5°4 Maths in English Option Jean Rostand Secondary School Triangles Are Everywhere

3 The Triangle in music.  The triangle is a musical instrument in the percussion family.  It is a bar of metal, usually made of steel, but sometimes other metals like beryllium copper bent into a triangle shape.  It was first made around the 16th century.

4 The triangle in science.  These triangles are three-sided polygons.

5 The summer triangle  The Summer Triangle is an astronomical asterism involving an imaginary triangle drawn on the northern hemisphere's celestial sphere, with its defining vertices at Altair, Deneb, and Vega, the brightest stars in the three constellations of Aquila, Cygnus, and Lyra.

6 The winter triangle  The Winter Hexagon or Winter Circle/Oval is an asterium appearing to be in the form of a hexagon with vertices at Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Pollux, Procyon, and Sirius. It is mostly upon the Northern Hemisphere’s celestial sphere. On most locations on Earth (except the South Island of New Zealand and the south of Chile and Argentina and further south), this asterism is prominently in the sky from approximately December to March.  In the tropics and southern hemisphere; It can be extended (then called "summer hexagon") with the bright star Canopus in the south.

7 This slideshow was created by Louise.F.

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