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Transitioning to Middle School: Making the Move Fun For All! Sarah Armstrong Traci Curry Auburn City Schools J. F. Drake Middle School 655 Spencer Avenue.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning to Middle School: Making the Move Fun For All! Sarah Armstrong Traci Curry Auburn City Schools J. F. Drake Middle School 655 Spencer Avenue."— Presentation transcript:


2 Transitioning to Middle School: Making the Move Fun For All! Sarah Armstrong Traci Curry Auburn City Schools J. F. Drake Middle School 655 Spencer Avenue Auburn, Alabama 36830 334-887-1940

3 On your handout… Make a list of the three major concerns, fears, challenges that parents often have as children make the transition from 5 th to 6 th grade (for most, elementary to middle school).


5 How did we get here? J. F. Drake Middle School ◦ Over 1000 students in 6 th -7 th grades ◦ 500+ sixth graders all coming from six different neighborhood elementary schools ◦ Location of Drake is intimidating to many ◦ Parental concerns related to the “Big Bad Middle School”, new friends from other schools, lack of familiarity with staff, etc. ◦ We needed a way to stop the fears before they escalated through the summer months.

6 Middle School: The Uncharted Territory You must start planning for orientation early! Principal meets with all 5 th graders in the spring 5 th grade parents are invited to attend last PTA meeting of the year 5 th grade students visit and tour each spring 5 th graders are notified of their team placement on the last day of school! Their specific Camp DMS dates are included on their team notification Test scores are not back by then – homeroom lists, advanced math placement information not available

7 The hurdles in the beginning? Are our teachers paid to be there in the summer for this afternoon? ◦ Dates are announced early – this year we were given 2011 Camp DMS dates on the first day of school in 2010. ◦ PTA luncheon Do you ever have teachers refuse to attend? What if they can’t attend?

8 Getting Ready for “CAMP” Teachers must ALL attend Teams make plans for students (Powerpoint, Get to Know You activities, handouts, etc) Building clean and as ready as possible to receive first time visitors PUBLICIZE THE EVENT on signs, websites, flyers DMS/Team Color shirts Folders with supply lists, bus routes, staff information, lunch account information, etc. Pre-made by front office staff, each team has a color folder for summer pickup after Camp DMS H2O bottles/rubber bracelets Parent volunteers/ Student volunteers ID tags for teachers

9 Opening Day Opening Day They (parents and students) tend to arrive early so be ready! Balloons and banners outside, students greeting at the door Selling t-shirts and team merchandise at the door Music Playing: We are Family, Celebration, etc. Parents and students sit in bleachers in the cafetorium until program begins Student volunteers, teachers, administrators, all clapping and getting parents and kids excited. Brief welcome and a few administrative introductions ◦ Parents leave with principal for parent presentation ◦ Students leave with teachers and go to rooms

10 Student Program ◦ Meet teachers ◦ Meet other students ◦ Scavenger hunt to tour the building ◦ Get familiar with lockers ◦ Supply list and expectations ◦ Meet former team students and ask questions Team building “Teammates like Me!” Turn Toss Find Someone Who Line ups

11 Parent Program: Parent Program ◦ Request siblings not attend if possible ◦ JOIN PTA!! ◦ Parents meet parents of upcoming teammates and also hear from parents of former Panthers for advice ◦ Parent presentation **attempt to include anything about which they may be nervous!

12 Skills for a Successful Year ! ◦ Use planners ◦ Study Skills ◦ Time Management ◦ Organization ◦ Parent Involvement ◦ Conferences

13 Teaming: What is it ??? 4 teacher teams Location of teams Common planning Common activities Team parent meetings Family and “home base” within the larger school

14  Students have a “home” = they are plugged in and connected to a group -T-Shirts -Pep Rallies -Celebrations -Home Room Activities  Team Spirit  Bonds –Teacher/Teacher –Students/Teacher –Student/Student –Parent/Teacher Teaming to Us…

15  Academic Success  Thematic Units  Collaboration: –Curriculum –Team Meetings  Team notebooks help with documentation  Team leaders are link from administration to the team –Grade Level Meetings –Faculty Meetings Teaming to Us… (cont.)

16 Team Pride

17 Dress for Success! School clothes must be appropriate No skin No sagging pants Fingertip length shorts/skirts for girls When in doubt don’t wear it Parents WILL BE called for new clothes

18 LOCKERS Purchase lockers and practice (throughout summer even!) May have locker mirrors, magnets, shelves, organizers No stickers!!! Protect your combination!!!


20 Daily Rotating Schedule

21 Arrival Procedures: Arrive between 7:30 – 7:55. School begins at 8:00. All students will arrive by bus and car in the front loop of the school. 7 th graders will be dropped off at the new gym. 7 th grade parents will loop through the parking lot of the new gym and proceed out with the other cars in the front loop when exiting. Buses and cars will be in the same loop. Cars DO NOT pass buses. Please be patient. Wait until they unload and follow out. After you proceed through the loop a CPO officer will direct you to turn right or left at the bottom of the hill If you must park and come into the building DO NOT park in the front loop. Park in the lot by the new gym.

22 Dismissal Procedures : Cars waiting for students will be stopped at both entrances of the front loop until all buses are loaded and off of the school grounds. Cars will then be allowed to procede up the loop to pick-up their child. Please make sure your child is looking for you and loads quickly. We will stop approximately 15 cars. Load the cars and all will leave at once. We will then bring in 15 more cars, load, leave, and continue the process. When it is not raining the students will be outside and not under the overhang. They must be looking for your car. Both arrival and dismissal will be difficult this year. We need for all car riders to be patient and know that it will be time consuming. We will do our very best to get the students loaded quickly and safely. Once our new building is completed, our arrival and dismissal will be fast and easy. If we see problems with this procedure we will notify all parents of any changes necessary.

23 Discipline Procedures High Expectations ACS Policies DMS Procedures ◦ PBS - ROAR Team Rules Strong Discipline System Parental Involvement

24 Challenge: Making learning fun and exciting for middle school kids.  Cooperative Learning  Thematic Units  Field Trips  Activities outside of the class  Connecting Material (basketball math)  Room arrangements  Hands-on instruction  Speakers/visitors  Pacing guides  Curriculum support  Visiting other teachers

25 Starting the Year off Strong ! Team Building Nurturing Procedures Tours Get to know parents Lockers/Planners Teams within classrooms Positive parent contact Parent night

26 DATES TO REMEMBER: 6 th grade Meet the Teacher time: August 11 th 1:00 – 3:00 Visit teachers and tour the building again to make students comfortable “one more time”. Planners, and detailed schedules will be given out 1 st day of school – AUGUST 15 th !!!

27 Meeting the Challenge!!



30 Sarah Armstrong Traci Curry CEU CODE: PM2 Auburn City Schools J. F. Drake Middle School 655 Spencer Avenue Auburn, Alabama 36830 334-887-1940

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