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INTERIOR OF THE EARTH The earth comprises three layers 1. The Crust 2. The Mantle 3. The Core 1Fatima Ateeq Qureshi.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERIOR OF THE EARTH The earth comprises three layers 1. The Crust 2. The Mantle 3. The Core 1Fatima Ateeq Qureshi."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERIOR OF THE EARTH The earth comprises three layers 1. The Crust 2. The Mantle 3. The Core 1Fatima Ateeq Qureshi

2 THE CRUST It is the lightest and upper most layer of the earth. It comprises all the features of the earth which can be seen, such as moutains, plains, plateau and other land scape. This layer is directly in- touch with atmosphare.

3 The Mantle This layer is located below the Crust. It is made up to semi-molten material. The most commen minerals are silicon, magnesim,nickle and iron, Because of this layer the Crust is moving in the form of plate techtonics.

4 THE CORE It is the inner most layer of the earth. It is most compact and haviest. It has highest temperature upto 6000 degree celsius.

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