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Welcome to 4 th Grade. Introductions Your Cluster D Teachers  Mrs. Finley  Mrs. Kretch  Mr. Dulin Intervention Specialists  Ms. Elliot  Mrs. Glenn.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4 th Grade. Introductions Your Cluster D Teachers  Mrs. Finley  Mrs. Kretch  Mr. Dulin Intervention Specialists  Ms. Elliot  Mrs. Glenn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4 th Grade

2 Introductions Your Cluster D Teachers  Mrs. Finley  Mrs. Kretch  Mr. Dulin Intervention Specialists  Ms. Elliot  Mrs. Glenn

3 Daily Schedule Morning Activities  Specials (Art, Music, P.E.)  Math  Social Studies/Science/Writing Lunch/ Recess 12:30pm – 1:20pm Afternoon Activities  Intervention  Language Arts

4 Common Core Standards Why the change?  Ohio's New Learning Standards Ohio's New Learning Standards

5 Language Arts Four Blocks Approach  Working with Words  Silent Sustained Reading  Spelling  Houghton Mifflin Series  Writing  Novel Studies  Nightly Reading Expectations

6 Math Materials Everyday Math Series  Math Journals and Study Links are the student workbooks  Students will have a reference book  Students should use on-line sites to master basic facts  First in Math and Everydaymathonline will be utilized again this year  Students learn different ways to compute  Students will have nightly homework (Study links will be kept at home this year)

7 Science taught by Mrs. Finley Science Units  Tools and Measurement  Land and Water  Matter  Weather  Plants Hands-on activities, partner work, reading, writing research, and presentations

8 Social Studies taught by Mrs. Kretch Focus on Ohio  Map Skills and Geography  Early History  Government  Transportation  Early Industry and Immigrant  Economics

9 Writing taught by Mr. Dulin  4 th grade writing standards that include:  Develop a clear purpose in his/her writing  Personal narrative  Letter writing  Expository  Journal entries  Writing process  Spelling

10 Homework Expectations Homework should take no more than 40-60min/night Please review the 4 th grade homework policy in your child’s information packet. Please sign and have your child return this as soon as possible. Purpose:  Opportunities for practice  Prepare for new material  Elaborate on introduced material  Empower students to become better learners Our expectation is that homework will be complete Please do not have nightly battles over homework. If your child does not understand his or her homework, send in a note.

11 What happens in art class? Besides making messes and learning how to clean them up, your art teacher teaches your child the specific standards that the State of Ohio has mandated. The basic core art standards are:  1. Perceiving and Knowing about art.  2. Producing and Performing about art.  3. Responding and Reflecting about art.

12 Music  The big day for our 4th graders this year is the winter program.  Fourth graders continue to play their recorder.  Lost recorders can be replaced for $6.00 (to be paid by CHECK made out to “Rushwood Elementary”). All students will be given a new recorder book.

13 Rushwood Media Center The goal of the RW Media Center is to offer reading materials for all students that will educate and entertain  Each class visits the Media Center once a week for thirty minutes.  Grade 4 chooses two books every week. It is important that students return their old books before they may choose new ones.

14 Physical Education  The fourth graders will be working on the following areas:  -Fitness (mile run, shuttle run, flexibility testing, pull-ups, push- ups, sit-ups) as well as some understanding of muscular fitness, cardio fitness, flexibility, and body composition and their values as it pertains to health.  -Learning the rules and tactics for the following lessons: soccer, football, floor hockey, gymnastics, basketball, jump roping, volleyball, and bowling.  -Continuing to improve on throwing with opposition (for distance and accuracy), catching and proper kicking form

15 Record of Conduct or better known as the ROC  Consistent, building wide expectations  Calendar that will let you know about your child’s day.  Rules are Responsible, Respectful and Ready to Learn  Your child will have an opportunity to earn a daily sticker. A check with a number indicates which rule was not followed.  At the end of the month there will be a cluster “ROC” party for those who made good choices throughout the month (usually 4 or less checks on the calendar )

16 Ways of Communication  ROC  Email  Assignment Pads  Phone Calls  Progress Book  Grade-level wiki Grade-level wiki

17 Progress Book Our Way of Keeping you in the loop!

18 Daily view of your child’s progress in all academic areas. Missing assignments Assessments scores Overall record of all grades.

19 http://www.nordonia Then go under parents and families drop down. Find Progress Book section. How Do I access Progress Book?

20 Help User Name Password Login

21 Can view daily math homework turned in, assessments and quizzes. Can view points from a writing assessment. Can see all content assessments and quizzes. Can view reading grades taken on skills and projects. Can view all grades taken that will average into the quarter’s report card.

22 How do I share this with my child?  Please remember this is the first time your child will be receiving grades.  Have your child view his or her progress with you weekly.  Do not allow your child to check numerous times a day. This can lead to stressed out students.  This is meant to keep you and your child informed on progress throughout the quarter.

23 Remember we will be keeping you informed through… Progress book Assignment Pads Newsletters Conferences if needed throughout the year

24 We value your partnership in your child’s fourth grade success!

25  Thank you for your attendance.  Questions?

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