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Sustainable forest management and rehabilitation in the Asia-Pacific an APFNet perspective May 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia Xia Jun

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable forest management and rehabilitation in the Asia-Pacific an APFNet perspective May 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia Xia Jun"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable forest management and rehabilitation in the Asia-Pacific an APFNet perspective May 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia Xia Jun

2 Contents Whom we are What we are doing Our initiatives under ASEM

3 Whom we are

4 Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation An initiative proposed and agreed by the APEC leaders in Sydney, Australia November 2007 Formally launched in Beijing, China, September 2008

5 Our Mission Help promote and improve sustainable forest management and rehabilitation Objectives a)contribute to the achievement of the aspirational goal of increasing forest cover in the AP region by at least 20 million ha of all types of forests by 2020; b)help to enhance forest carbon stocks and improve forest quality and productivity by promoting rehabilitation of existing but degraded forests and reforestation and afforestation of suitable cleared lands in the region; c)Help to reduce forest loss and degradation and their associated emissions of greenhouse gases by strengthening sustainable forest management and enhancing biodiversity conservation; and d)help to increase the socio-economic benefits of forests in the region

6 Governance structure

7 31 members across the region, including 26 economies and 5 international organizations: 31 members, including 26 economies and 5 int’l organizations

8 What we are doing

9 4 Pillars Information sharing Policy dialogues Capacity building Demonstration projects 21 demonstration projects; With APFNet funding estimated at USD 12,000,000 50 scholarship students; 14 training workshops, 216 officials; forestry college deans mechanism practical models of sustainable forest management in the Asia-Pacific region through its website and publications presence in APEC, ASEM, GMS

10 Capacity Building Program 50 scholarship students 14 training workshops, 216 officials forestry college deans mechanism in AP

11 Asia-Pacific Forestry College Deans’ Cooperative Mechanism Innovative Sustainable Forest Management Education in the Asia-Pacific Region launched in 2013, to develop six core on-line courses on SFM One of the six courses is titled Forest Resource Management and Protection Discussing the use of MOOCs for developing online forestry courses at the Third Meeting 5 November, 2013, Rotorua, New Zealand

12 Policy Dialogues 1 st APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry, Beijing Statement 2 nd APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry, Cusco Statement 1 st APEC MMRF, September 2011, Beijing, China 2 nd MMRF, August 2013, Cusco, Peru

13 Demonstration Project 21 demonstration projects in the Asia-Pacific region Projects cover forest restoration, sustainable forest resource management, forest and poverty reduction, trans-boundary biodiversity conservation, rural development, forest and climate change, forestry education, forest policy… APFNet contribution is around USD 12,000,000

14 Demonstration of capacity building of forest restoration and sustainable forest management in Vietnam

15 Demonstration of Sustainable Upland Agroforestry Systems in Chinese Taipei

16 APFNet website ( Publications Information sharing

17 Our initiatives under ASEM

18 2 Proposals by China at the 8th and 9th ASEM Summit  A symposium on SFM to address Climate Change  A forestry project supporting SFM in AP

19 ASEM Symposium on Sustainable Forest Management to Address Climate Change, June, 2011, Lin’an, China Participants including 45 senior forest policy officials and experts from 17 ASEM countries, FAO RAP, UN-REDD and UNU Managing the competing demands of forest timber production and forest conservation for ecosystem benefits Individual property rights and the need for land tenure reform Strengthening the adaptive capacity of forests to climate change REDD+ a great potential for achieving forest conservation in the region

20 Goal: to explore and demonstrate innovative approaches on Forest Restoration and Rehabilitation for Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in Northern part of Lao PDR Objectives: a)explore, test and demonstrate effective approaches on forest restoration and forest management and responding mechanism to generate sustainable flow of benefit to closely related stakeholders b)strengthen forest law enforcement and promote cooperation on trans-boundary biodiversity conservation c)share information and knowledge of best practices on forest restoration and rehabilitation Sustainable Forest Management Project in Northern Provinces of Lao PDR



23 Land and Forest Used Planning and Sustainable NTFPs Management Trans-boundary Biodiversity Conservation Forest Law Enforcement Capacity Development

24 project duration: 01/07/2014-30/06/2019 Total budget: USD 3,285,398 APFNet contribution: USD 2,734,814

25 Project duration: 01/07/2014-30/06/2019 Total budget: USD 3,285,398.00 APFNet contribution: USD 2,734,814.00

26 Thank you! Hvala lepa!

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