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Session Objectives By the end of the session you should understand

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Presentation on theme: "Session Objectives By the end of the session you should understand"— Presentation transcript:

0 Assessing Outcomes & Impacts of Project Activities
Background question and answer material on DFID, which can be drawn on when staff make presentations to external audiences about the department can be found at Additionally there is a Photo Library that has been designed to enable staff to search a database of over 1000 images.  These images can either be downloaded or ordered as photographs or slide transparencies. Visit Peter D’Souza Growth Team Department for International Development 1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA

1 Session Objectives By the end of the session you should understand
the difference between outputs, outcomes and impacts the importance of demonstrating results how you can apply this agenda to your work what the outcomes and impacts of previous rounds of 7Up have been

2 The Results Chain Impact Outcomes Outputs Process Inputs
Funding & staffing Training provided to competition advocates Media campaign on benefits of competition Competition law revised Greater and fairer competition Inputs Process Outputs Outcomes Impact

3 Why Measuring Outcomes & Impacts are Important
Outcomes and impacts are what matters Outputs are a means to this end Constitutes a target to focus and guide work Demonstrates the project is working Powerful advocacy tool Funders need to see getting value for money

4 Quiz Are these activities, outputs, outcomes or impacts?
50 competition agency staff members trained Public awareness of the value of fair market competition raised Increased number of market studies performed by competition agency 10 workshops organised Following a market study in the garment sector, new manufacturer enters production

5 The Logframe – a Management Tool
How progress & success will be measured What will be How will it be measured? Indicators Verification Impact Goal(s) Outcomes Objectives What the project seeks to achieve Assumptions Factors that may affect progress & success What the project will do & deliver Outputs Activities/ Process Pre-conditions

6 Activity Break into groups of 3
Outline a chain activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts relating to your work Identify indicators you could use for each level Time allowance – 10 minutes

7 Logframe Example Greater and fairer competition
Objectives Indicators Greater and fairer competition Market price of selected products Impact Goal(s) Competition agency performance improved Number of market studies completed Outcomes Capacity of competition agency staff enhanced Number of competition agency staff trained Outputs Training workshop held Activities/ Process

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