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PreK ESE Teacher Meeting September 12, 2012 Introductions/Celebrations.

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2 PreK ESE Teacher Meeting September 12, 2012

3 Introductions/Celebrations

4 Rules Respect the speaker (limit sidebar conversations) Participate What is said here, stays here What is learned here, leaves here The chime will be our attention signal.

5 PDIS Projects IMS (Information Management System) K-12 initiative currently Online Trainings- expanding our Professional Development Library Skype Internet/Intranet and Wiki Meeting Format

6 Learning Goal Teachers will understand how to use the progress monitoring checklists that accompany the three district-adopted PreK ESE curriculums.

7 Scale 4 I can explain to my principal and my students’ parents how we use progress monitoring checklists to monitor my students’ progress in all three of the PreK ESE curriculums. 3 I understand how to use all three of the PreK ESE progress monitoring checklists. 2 I can name all three PreK ESE progress monitoring checklists and can identify which curriculums they match up with. 1 I have heard of the PreK ESE progress monitoring checklists but do not know when or how to use them.

8 Indicator 7: Child Outcome Measure NEW: 1. Only testing in 3 domains! – Social/Emotional – Adaptive – Communication

9 Indicator 7: Child Outcome Measure NEW: 2. Out of State Transfers – PreK ESE teacher must administer the BDI-2 screener (Personal-Social, Adaptive and Communication portions only) within 30 days after enrollment. – If a child gets a REFER in any of those three areas, you must administer that complete domain from the full test.

10 Indicator 7: Child Outcome Measure Out of State Transfers Continued: -Contact Stephanie if you have an out of state transfer. PDIS will provide you with the protocols. -Send completed protocol(s) into Stephanie so that we may enter the child’s results into the database. This serves as their “entry”.

11 Indicator 7: Child Outcome Measure NEW: 3. PreK ESE teachers will screen ALL their students going to Kindergarten in 2013 by December. -Administer the BDI-2 screener in only 3 areas (Personal-Social, Adaptive and Communication portions only). -Use this data to drive your instruction! -Send completed screeners in to Stephanie.

12 Curriculum and Progress Monitoring 3 Curriculums 3 Progress Monitoring Checklists Expectations: -Each PreK ESE Teacher will complete all three checklists each nine weeks and turn into us at the end of the year.

13 Read It Again-PreK! Literacy and Language Checklist





18 Incredible Years Preschool Classroom Behaviors Checklist

19 Benchmark Social/ Emotional S tandards Social/Emotional Growth A1 Develops positive relationships with familiar adults A1 Seeks support from familiar adults A2 Develops positive relationships with peers A2 Seeks out another child to play with during center time A3 Joins in group activities and experiences within early learning environments A4 Shows care and concern for others B1 Follows simple rules and familiar routines with support B2 Begins to use materials with increasing care and safety B3 Adapts to transitions with support B4 Shows developing ability to solve social problems with support from familiar adults C1 Shows growing confidence in their abilities C2 Begins to independently initiate and direct some experiences Preschool Classroom Behavior Checklist Three-Year-Old

20 Benchmark Social/ Emotional Standards Social/Emotional Growth A1 Demonstrates self-concept A2 Shows some self-direction B1 Follows simple rules and familiar routines with support B2 Uses classroom materials carefully B3 Manages transitions C1 Interacts easily with familiar adults C2 Seeks adults assistance appropriately D1 Interacts easily with one or more children D2 Develops special friendships D3 Participates in the group life of class D4 Shows empathy and caring for others E1 Seeks adult help when needed to resolve conflicts Preschool Classroom Behavior Checklist Four-Year-Old

21 Beyond Centers and Circle Time Active Learning Checklist


23 One form for each child. Take data at baseline (beginning of year or when child enters). Take data at the end of each nine weeks (as you do with the other two progress monitoring checklists). Send checklists into us at end of the year (as you do with the other two progress monitoring checklists).

24 Learning Goal Teachers will understand how to use the progress monitoring checklists that accompany the three district-adopted PreK ESE curriculums.

25 Scale 4 I can explain to my principal and my students’ parents how we use progress monitoring checklists to monitor my students’ progress in all three of the PreK ESE curriculums. 3 I understand how to use all three of the PreK ESE progress monitoring checklists. 2 I can name all three PreK ESE progress monitoring checklists and can identify which curriculums they match up with. 1 I have heard of the PreK ESE progress monitoring checklists but do not know when or how to use them.

26 Celebrate Your Learning

27 Knock, Knock, PDIS is here PDIS Staff will be visiting you!

28 PreK ESE Teacher Checklist August _____ Complete and send PreK ESE Teacher Contact Information _____ Begin to collect baseline data on Active Learning Checklist (based on BCCT), Literacy and Language Growth Checklist (based on RIA) and Preschool Classroom Behavior Checklist (based on Incredible Years) _____ Complete inventory/notify us of any missing materials September _____ RSVP to September PreK ESE Teacher meeting ( _____ Attend September PreK ESE Teacher meeting (September 12) _____ Begin to collect documentation for Developmental Portfolio (BCCT) _____ Begin to collect documentation for Extended School Year (ESY)


30 Reminders… Complete and return your Contact Information Let us know what is missing from Inventory Wiki Site link: Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 10 BDI-2 progress monitoring/state transfers Young Athlete’s Program

31 Reminders… Complete survey on survey monkey for in- service points Distribution List is not only PreK ESE teachers Screenings are now by appointment only Read for the Record 2012 Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad by David Soman and Jacky Davis

32 Student NameAge½ day Student Full Day *Returning to PreK ESE 2013-14 *Going to K 2013-14 Matrix # Primary Disability** AM PM Reminders ! October FTE

33 Contact us if you have any questions, comments, or concerns Janice Penn Stephanie Thomas Component # 2100027

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