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EMEA-Sales Meeting (Books), April 7, 20091 Pediatric Nephrology Selling Points ► THE standard medical reference textbook on Pediatric Nephrology in its.

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1 EMEA-Sales Meeting (Books), April 7, 20091 Pediatric Nephrology Selling Points ► THE standard medical reference textbook on Pediatric Nephrology in its 6th edition, 2 Volumes ► Well-structured and reader-friendly ► Completely re-organized and updated about 40% new material ► Hyperlinked with IPNA journal Pediatric Nephrology ► Updated genetic information, therapies and references in each chapter ► Up-to-date treatment guidelines based on newest research findings Avner, E.D. et al. Editors Pediatric Nephrology ISBNs print 978-3-540-76327-7 / eRef -76341-3 € 249.00 ISBN print+eReference 978-3-540-76344-4 € 311.00 Due June 2009 6th Edition

2 EMEA-Sales Meeting (Books), April 7, 20092 Autologous Fat Transfer Selling Points ► Only full text on autologous fat transfer including aesthetic and non aesthetic applicatons to all areas of the body ► The book includes the background and history of fat transfer, aesthetic uses of fat transfer in all areas ► How-to-do manual ► Abundantly illustrated ► Written by noted authorities in plastic surgery Shiffman, Melvin A. (Editor) Autologous Fat Transfer Art, Science, and Clinical Practice 978-3-642-00472-8 € 249,00 Due 24 th August 2009

3 EMEA-Sales Meeting (Books), April 7, 20093 Mastopexy and Breast Reduction Selling Points ► Complete information on mastopexy and breast reduction with anatomy, preoperative care, mammography, variations in techniques and approaches, risks and complications, and medical legal applications ► Without equal – making this book a precious companion ► How-to-do manual ► Abundantly illustrated ► Written by noted authorities in plastic surgery Shiffman, Melvin A. (Editor) Mastopexy and Breast Reduction Principles and Practice 978-3-540-89872-6 € 249,00 Due 4th June 2009

4 EMEA-Sales Meeting (Books), April 7, 20094 Surgery of Larynx and Trachea Selling Points ► Comprehensive European textbook on surgical techniques in Laryngology ► Clinically oriented - covers also new techniques such as phonosurgery ► Surgical techniques are illustrated and explained in a step-by-step manner ► Extensively illustrated with numerous colour illustrations and art work ► Highly user-friendly structured (with ‘complications to avoid’, ‘key facts’ and ‘summary for the clinician’) ► Includes a DVD with short video-clips for each procedure Target Audience: Laryngologists and general ENT specialists Remacle, Marc ; Eckel, Hans Edmund (Editors) Surgery of Larynx and Trachea 978-3-540-79135-5 € 129,95 2 nd October 2009 With DVD

5 EMEA-Sales Meeting (Books), April 7, 20095 Hybrid PET/CT and SPECT/CT Imaging Selling Points ► Edited by leading authorities in the field and including internationally recognized contributors ► Key teaching points are reinforced by more than 250 full color images obtained on state-of-the art ► Integrated hybrid imaging systems ► In-depth reference source for both PET/CT and SPECT/CT systems Target Audience: Nuclear medicine physicians, radiologists, oncologists, and imaging residents Delbeke, Dominique; Israel, Ora (Editors) Hybrid PET/CT and SPECT/CT Imaging A Teaching File 978-0-387-92819-7 € 145,55€ July 2009 With CD-ROM

6 EMEA-Sales Meeting (Books), April 7, 20096 Human Papillomavirus Selling Points ► Practical and comprehensive guide to HPV-related diseases ► One of the very few books addressing the urologist's needs and questions ► Strong emphasis on the clinical aspects ► Up-to-date reference book on new treatment modalities and new forms of disease prevention Target Audience: Urologists and medical practitioners Rosenblatt, Alberto, Campos Guidi, Human Papillomavirus A Practical Guide for Urologists 978-3-540-70973-2 € 119,95 14th May 2009

7 EMEA-Sales Meeting (Books), April 7, 20097 AJCC Cancer Staging Manual Selling Points ► To diagnose cancer and determine the extent to which cancer has progressed ► Prepared by the American Joint Committee on Cancer, are used by physicians and health care professionals throughout the world to facilitate the uniform description of neoplastic diseases ► The 7th Edition has new and expanded chapters ► Manual provides standardized data forms for each anatomic site ► The CD-ROM contains printable copies of each anatomic site Target Audience: Surgeons, pathologists, cancer registrars Edge, Stephen B. (Editor), et al. AJCC Cancer Staging Manual 978-0-387-88440-0 € 44,95 June 2009 With CD- ROM 7th Edition

8 EMEA-Sales Meeting (Books), April 7, 20098 AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook Selling Points ► The Handbook has the complete text of the Manual conveniently sized to fit the pocket of a lab coat for complete portability - does not include the staging forms from the Manual ► Brings together all currently available information on staging of cancer at various anatomic sites and incorporates newly acquired knowledge on the etiology and pathology of cancer Target Audience: oncologists, pathologists, surgeons, cancer registrars, and medical professionals worldwide to assure that all those taking care of cancer patients will be trained in the language of cancer staging. Edge, Stephen B. (Editor), et al. AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook From the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual 978-0-387-88442-4 € 32,95 June 2009 7th Edition

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