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What is the Produced Water “Problem”? Large volumes of water produced by oil and gasLarge volumes of water produced by oil and gas Typically salineTypically.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Produced Water “Problem”? Large volumes of water produced by oil and gasLarge volumes of water produced by oil and gas Typically salineTypically."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the Produced Water “Problem”? Large volumes of water produced by oil and gasLarge volumes of water produced by oil and gas Typically salineTypically saline May contain other contaminantsMay contain other contaminants Volumes typically greater than can be accommodated by injectionVolumes typically greater than can be accommodated by injection Source of Public ConcernSource of Public Concern

3 Australia Most states define produced water as a waste Queensland redefinition: Beneficial if “no harm” can be demonstrated United States ALL produced water considered a waste Prohibition on surface discharge unless benefits to wildlife or agriculture can be demonstrated

4 A New Source of Water Treated produced water used for: Displaces demand on public potable water supplies

5 Variable: SalinitiesSalinities TemperaturesTemperatures Other compoundsOther compounds Volume and change over timeVolume and change over time Beneficial uses intensely site-specific AgricultureAgriculture IndustrialIndustrial Ornamental plantsOrnamental plants

6 How to Optimize for a Site-Specific Solution? FOUR STEPS 1.Understand the source 2.Understand the potential use 3.Understand the available treatment technologies 4.Have backup plans

7 Step 1: Understand the Source

8 Step 2: Understand the Beneficial Uses


10 Compare Treatment Technologies and their Cost Effectiveness Diluted/Moderately Treated - Limited Agricultural - Private Use Untreated - Aquifer Injection - Industrial Uses - Limited Ag Fully Treated - Unrestricted Agricultural Use - Discharge to surface waters OPTIMIZATION Balance cost and reliability Create a menu of uses that –Support full time operation –Consider potential loss of some uses Understand changes over time Create backup plans to enhance system reliability

11 Receiving water and upland studies Designed and completed entire approval process Coordinate with equipment vendors for performance standards Optimization Model indicated that: Reverse Osmosis Treatment was needed to sell or discharge the produced water Brine could be reinjected to producing formation

12 Optimization Model used to determine menu of Beneficial Reuses No Treatment: Stock watering Industrial washdown Dilution/dischargeTreated: –Irrigation –Stream discharge –Limited opportunity for injection –Mechanical Vapor Recompression selected for treatment



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