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98290257 – Section Clerical Support Room MG16 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1.

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Presentation on theme: "98290257 – Section Clerical Support Room MG16 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 98290257 – Section Clerical Support Room MG16 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1

2 Introductions Ray Introductions Class Housekeeping Timetable Assessments Moodle Powerpoint - Working effectively with people with a disability History of disability Models of disability Types of disabilities. Activity – Assessment Library Research 2

3 Name Live, work, family Your connection to disability What do you want from this course. 3

4 9:00 – 10:30 Class 10:30 -10:45 Break 10:45 – 12:00 Class 12:30-12:30 Break 12:30 – 2:30 Class – Activity/Assessment Evacuation Procedure Roll – Attendance Behaviour /Respect Rights and Responsibilities DES/JSA 4

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9  The history of people with disabilities  Dealing with stereotypes and assumptions – dispelling myths 9

10  14/11/24/4132812.htm 10

11  People with disabilities are all aggressive  People with disabilities are crazy  People with disabilities will hurt me  People with disabilities are sex maniacs  People with disabilities stupid/dumb  People with disabilities shouldn’t have sex or relationships  People with disabilities shouldn’t have children  People with disabilities can’t learn anything  People with disabilities can’t do anything for themselves  People with disabilities can’t have the same opportunities as us  People with disabilities all have mental health issues  People with disabilities should be locked up 11

12 D 12

13 Understanding how Disability Services are providing  Least restrictive environment principle  Understanding Policies and Law – Disability Services Standards  A person centred approach 13

14 Personal values and attitudes - What is your attitude to each of the following ideas?  Adults with disabilities having sex  People with a disability taking risks while playing sport such as going downhill, skiing or skydiving  People with mental illnesses (psychiatric disability) living in the community  Women with disabilities being sterilised so they cannot have babies  People with a genetic hereditary disability having children, where it may be passed on  Children with autism going to mainstream school 14

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16 CATEGORIES OF DISABILITIES  PHYSICAL  SENSORY  INTELLECTUAL – Learning/Developmental Delay/Behavioural  PSYCHIATRIC – Mental Health  Neurological  Genetic 16

17 VARIOUS DISABILITIES  Down Syndrome - Epilepsy  Autism/Aspergers - Sanfilippo Syndrome  Spina Bifita - Hearing Impairment  Prader Willi - Vision Impairment  Hydrocephalus - Speech Impairment  Cerebral Palsy - Mobility Issues  Fragile X - Dementia  Mental Health issues - Cystic Fibrosis 17

18  Mobility issues  Chronic Fatigue  Arthritis  Spina Bifida  Multiple Sclerosis (MS)  Muscular Dystrophy (MD)  Cerebral Palsy (CP)  Cancer  Paralysis 18

19  Hearing Impairment  Vision Impairment  Hypersensitivity to TOUCH  Hypersensitivity to SMELL.  Hypersensitivity to LIGHT  Hypersensitivity to SOUND 19

20  ID Relates to: Intellectual Disability  IQ (Intelligence Quotient below70).  Mild ID is defined as IQ between 50-70  Moderate ID is defined as IQ between 35-50  Severe or Profound ID is defined as IQ between 20-35  These people learn at a slower rate than normal.  A significant limit in adaptive behaviors e.g.  Communication  Reading  Writing  Money concept 20

21  Autism/Asperger Syndrome  ADD  ADHD  Down Syndrome  Prader Willi  Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)  Dyslexia – (reading)  Dyspraxia – (writing)  Dysgraphia – (movement, coordination, motor skills) 21

22  Depression  Schizophrenia Schizophrenia  Bi-polar (previously know as Manic Depressive)  Anxiety  Stress Disorders (post traumatic stress disorder)  Phobias  Eating Disorders  Addictions  Dementia  Tourette’s Disorder  Postpartum/Natal Depression  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 22

23  Epilepsy  Tourette’s Disorder  Parkinson’s disease  ADD/ADHD  Back Pain  Bell’s Palsy  Cerebral Palsy  DementiaDementia  Dystonia  Sleep Apnea  Fainting  Hydrocephalus 23

24 Cerebral spinal fluid collects in and around the Brain. The head enlarges. Pressure inside the head increases. It can cause vision problems. 24

25  Down Syndrome  Fragile X  Haemophilia  Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis  Prader Willi Syndrome  Triple X Syndrome  Otosclerosis 25

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