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Reading Sarisbury Infant School. Why is reading important? Creating a love of reading in children is potentially one of the most powerful ways of improving.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Sarisbury Infant School. Why is reading important? Creating a love of reading in children is potentially one of the most powerful ways of improving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Sarisbury Infant School

2 Why is reading important? Creating a love of reading in children is potentially one of the most powerful ways of improving academic standards in school. Success in reading is fundamental to success in school. Reading is all about acquiring meaning; for enjoyment, information and understanding. It is not a performance. It is not a test.

3 Being able to read requires two skills Understanding The ability to understand the meaning of the words and sentences in a text. The ability to understand the ideas, information and themes in a text. If a child understands what they hear, they will understand the same information when they read.

4 Being able to read requires two skills Phonics and Word Recognition The ability to recognise words presented in and out of context. The ability to blend letter sounds (phonemes) together to read words.

5 Reading in School Children have access to books throughout the learning environment Library once a week- Children can choose between fiction and non-fiction Colour coded reading books based on their level- Can change as often as they like Phonics Guided Reading Laptops Reading around topics

6 Reading Scheme Books We have a variety of books within our reading scheme Children will be levelled by their teacher and given appropriate book colour Children may be able to read the book with ease but they may be struggling with comprehension so will not be moved on Children are encouraged to change these as often as they like- In year 1 and 2 it is their responsibility

7 Reading at home Make reading visible; have books available in your home Share books every day- it is ok for you to read to your child! Boys need to see that reading is something men do. Talk about books. Sit and listen - don’t do chores around the reader! Respect choices.

8 Improving Comprehension Discuss the front cover of the book Is this book fiction or non-fiction? How do you know? Who is the author? Have we read any other books by this author? What is the title? What do you think is going to happen? Why do you think that? What type of character do you think … is?

9 Improving Comprehension Can you tell me who is the good/bad character in this book? Why? How is Chip feeling? How do you know that? Does it tell you in the text? What do you think is going to happen next? What has happened so far? What is the theme of this book? How would you feel if this happened to you?

10 Supporting Reading Use phonics first. What sound does the word begin with? Can you say the sounds in the word? Blend them together. Read to the end of the sentence. What would make sense? What is the text about – what might fit here? Does it sound right? Look at the picture. Does it help?

11 Any Questions?

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