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Environmental Interpretation - WIS6525 Conservation Education and Outreach Techniques Chapters 1-3 Chanda Littles and Felipe Hernandez September 3, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Interpretation - WIS6525 Conservation Education and Outreach Techniques Chapters 1-3 Chanda Littles and Felipe Hernandez September 3, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Interpretation - WIS6525 Conservation Education and Outreach Techniques Chapters 1-3 Chanda Littles and Felipe Hernandez September 3, 2014

2 Objective: Develop mock conservation and education program Goals Use information from Chapter 1 to develop conservation/education program Support selected strategies with applicable theories from Chapters 2 and 3 Outline a basic logic-model following guidelines on page 25

3 Background The class will be divided into 3 groups Each group represents a non-profit conservation organization concerned with preserving wildlife habitat and fauna Issue: Preliminary development plans in an existing retirement community involve converting 30 acres of wildlife habitat to a golf course. While 5 of those acres will likely be denied due to direct impacts to imperiled species, the remaining acreage has no legal protection. Consider unlimited budget and 1-year time frame Task: Develop outreach/education plan to convince residents of community to preserve the entire site

4 Guidelines Choose at least one learning theory and justify why it seems appropriate to your program – include considerations of your audience’s learning style Decide whether your program will focus on increasing environmental awareness overall, changing a specific behavior, or both – link elements in your logic model to underlying behavioral theory(ies) 25 minutes within-group discussion; 15 minutes final discussion

5 Logic Model Outline (see p.25 in book)

6 PLANNINGIMPLEMENTATIONEVALUATION ResourcesActivitiesOutputs Outcomes (short) Outcomes(int.)Outcomes (long) Biologists Initial surveys to gauge outdoor interests (golf and otherwise), activity levels, environmental knowledge base Responses to surveys Increased env. awareness Decision to preserve site by majority ruling Community that supports and values environmental resources Env. Interpreters Workshops to teach about key species and habitats Number of participants in each class and/or workshop Increased knowledge about site habitats/fauna 1-year time frame Field trips to natural areas on site Number of supporters Vast budget Classes in alternative recreational activities (outdoor art, reading, nature walks, yoga, etc) Supplies Final surveys to determine the percentage of residents supporting site preservation Volunteers Staff

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