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Favorite sport? Favorite food? Same shoe size? Youth Alive Training1.

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Presentation on theme: "Favorite sport? Favorite food? Same shoe size? Youth Alive Training1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Favorite sport? Favorite food? Same shoe size? Youth Alive Training1

2 Two circles Youth Alive Training2

3 Suggested questions Youth Alive Training3 What is the best gift you ever got?When do you feel the most free? If you could meet any person alive in the world today, who would you want to meet? What decisions are the hardest for you to make? What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? What kind of trait do you like to see in your friends? Select a word that you feel describes people your age. In what country would you like to be? Pick one of these and tell why you chose it: (1) gum; (2) a softball; (3) a satin shirt

4 Active games for group movement Youth Alive Training4

5 When to use GETTING TO KNOW YOU GETTING TO KNOW YOU session Any point during the training or the conference itself Youth Alive Training5

6 Benefits Brings an element of fun and spontaneity into the training Brings an element of fun and spontaneity into the training Helps them to relax after considering the serious issues of the Youth Alive training Helps them to relax after considering the serious issues of the Youth Alive training Note: Anything in games not appropriate to the culture, feel free to adapt it to make it acceptable Note: Anything in games not appropriate to the culture, feel free to adapt it to make it acceptable Youth Alive Training6

7 Helps build group cooperation and is rowdy in nature Helps build group cooperation and is rowdy in nature Line participants up according to: Line participants up according to: Youth Alive Training7 First letter of their last names, alphabetically Their stature from shortest to tallest First letter of the city they come from, alphabetically Their chronological birthdates by the calendar Line-up races

8 Active Games Tennis Ball Relay (See Youth Alive Participants’ Manual, page 32) Thread the Needle (See Youth Alive Participants’ Manual, page 31) Book Hug Tag (See Youth Alive Participants’ Manual, page 98) Kawt Tawt Bo (Ky By Bo) (See Youth Alive Participants’ Manual, page 29) Youth Alive Training8

9 Small Team Games Stand Up (See Youth Alive Participants’ Manual, page 105) Large Circle Games Do You Love Your Neighbor? (See Youth Alive Participants’ Manual, page 100) Four Up or Quick Shuffle (See Youth Alive Participants’ Manual, page 102 and 104) Partner Games. Breaks down barriers. Change partners between rounds. Bear-Hunter-Woman (See Youth Alive Participants’ Manual, page 35) People to People (See Youth Alive Participants’ Manual, page 103) Youth Alive Training9

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