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International Civil Aviation Organization European and North Atlantic Office CLARIFICATIONS FROM ICAO - ICAO EUR FPL2012 Workshop Kiev, Ukraine 29 June.

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Presentation on theme: "International Civil Aviation Organization European and North Atlantic Office CLARIFICATIONS FROM ICAO - ICAO EUR FPL2012 Workshop Kiev, Ukraine 29 June."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Civil Aviation Organization European and North Atlantic Office CLARIFICATIONS FROM ICAO - ICAO EUR FPL2012 Workshop Kiev, Ukraine 29 June – 1 July 2010

2 ICAO EUR/NAT Office Questions & Comments Mainly from the ICAO FPL2012 Task Force General topics:  Inconsistencies or errors in the amendment  Requests for additional explanations  Requests for additional provisions  Regional requirements  Requests to change the amendment 2

3 ICAO EUR/NAT Office Inconsistencies/Errors  Appendix 3, Field 10b inconsistency with Appendix 2, Item 10 – missing “N” in Appendix 3  Appendix 3, Field 13b, messages transmitted before departure – should only refer to “messages”  Appendix 3, Field 13b not included – paragraphs and missing reference to 13b  Appendix 3, Field 16 – missing RQP  Field 17 – arrival aerodrome when no ICAO indicator assigned 3

4 ICAO EUR/NAT Office Inconsistencies/Errors  Significant Point –defined in relation to itself  Degrees True/Degrees Magnetic –when to use Degrees True in position information  Paragraph - Difference between Russian and English Language versions All inconsistencies and errors will be corrected in the amendment 4

5 ICAO EUR/NAT Office Additional Explanations  Guidance Material - Item 18 DAT – translating from NEW to PRESENT correctly - S, H, V and M  Syntax for information following RMK/  Date of Flight (DOF)  In CHG messages  Relationship between DOF and EOBT FITS provides examples  How to amend DOF The process to amend DOF and any other information in flight plan message not changed 5

6 ICAO EUR/NAT Office Additional Explanations  Changes to current Regional and State documents Regional coordination is encouraged. Follow current procedures and recommendations concerning differences from PANS-ATM. 6

7 ICAO EUR/NAT Office Additional provisions?  Phraseology to describe equipment capabilities  Advising originators when flight plans are rejected/not processed  Advising of limitations in acceptance of flight plans ahead of time of flight Use current provisions. Ensure AIP provides necessary information  Limiting AIRAC changes effective on 15 November 2012 Consider Regional coordination 7

8 ICAO EUR/NAT Office Regional Requirements  Reasons for special handling  Plain text following RMK/  Do not repeat STS following RMK/  Create special codes – publish in AIP and/or Doc 7030  Exemptions  Plain text following RMK/  Create special codes – publish in AIP and/or Doc 7030 8

9 ICAO EUR/NAT Office Change the Amendment?  Appendix 2, Item 10a – no limit on number of characters that could be in Item 10a Amendment deliberately does not specify limit. Regional coordination is encouraged. 9

10 ICAO EUR/NAT Office New Questions/Issues Any questions or concerns may be forwarded to the EUR/NAT Office of ICAO: Carole Stewart-Green CStewart 10

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