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MINC as of 2001. 10. 19 YJ Park MINC Interim Acting CEO and MINC Board.

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Presentation on theme: "MINC as of 2001. 10. 19 YJ Park MINC Interim Acting CEO and MINC Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINC as of 2001. 10. 19 YJ Park MINC Interim Acting CEO and MINC Board

2 2001 MINC Board Shigeki Goto(Chair) Tinwee Tan(Vice-Chair) Tom Newell(Vice-Chair) Nii Quaynor Nico Popp Dongman Lee Charles Chaban Richard Lindsay Douglas Hawkins YJ Park

3 MINC Board Meeting(F2F) 1. July 17, 19 2000 Yokohama, Japan 2. September 27 2000 Singapore 3. November 16 2000 Marina Del Rey, US 4. January 31 2001 Honolulu, Hawaii 5. March 13 2001 Melbourne, Australia 6. June 4 2001 Stockholm, Sweden 7. September 7 2001 Montevideo, Uruguay 8. November 15 2001 Marina Del Rey, US

4 MINC Board Meeting(Tele) 1. February 15, 2001 2. April 30, 2001 3. May 1, 2001 4. October 10, 2001

5 MINC Members Founding Members: around 40 Period 1(2000. 7 – 2001. 6) –18 Members: Those who have paid for 2000 Membership Fee(3Q and 4Q) and those who have paid for 2001 membership fee(1Q and 2Q) Peripd 2(2001. 7 – 2002. 6) –New members:, New.Net

6 MINC Period 1 Members(1) AKMS : Associate (4Q) Internet Association of Korea: Associate (2Q) KAIST : Associate (3Q) Millenium Inc.: Associate (4Q) **VeriSign: Large (3Q) GMO: Medium (4Q) JPNIC: Medium (3Q) KRNIC: Medium (4Q) Real Names: Medium (1Q)

7 MINC Period 1 Members(2) TAGI: Medium (1Q) **1Global Place: Small(3Q) CORE: Small(3Q) General Atlantic Partners: Small (2Q) I- Small (3Q) Native Names Corp : Small (4Q) : Small (3Q) Nominum Inc.: Small (4Q) **Walid Inc : Small (3Q)

8 Number of members by Category

9 Members by location

10 Revenue from Membership Fee Period 1 (July 2000 – June 2001); First Members: USD 169,000 · 4 Associate/ 1 Large/ 5 Medium/ 8 Small Period 2 (July 2001 – August 2001) Renewals: USD 31,000 1 Associate/ 1 Medium/ 3 Small Total: USD 200,000

11 Expenditure Structure

12 Incorporation of MINC British Virgin Island: MINC Incorporated as an International Business Company on January 22 nd 2001 pursuant to the International Business Companies Act, Cap. 291. Singapore: MINC Pte. Ltd has been incorporated in Singapore as Company Number 200103611C underthe Companies Act, Cap. 50 on the 31 st May, 2001.

13 More Information

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