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Security Introduction Class 11 18 February 2003. Overview  Security Properties  Security Primitives  Sample Protocols.

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Presentation on theme: "Security Introduction Class 11 18 February 2003. Overview  Security Properties  Security Primitives  Sample Protocols."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security Introduction Class 11 18 February 2003

2 Overview  Security Properties  Security Primitives  Sample Protocols

3 Introducing Protocol Participants  Alice (usually the protocol initiator)  Bob, Alice’s friend  Eve the eavesdropper  Mallory the malicious adversary  Trent the trusted server

4 Security Properties  Confidentiality (secrecy) Eve cannot get any information Semantic security – Even if Eve knows plaintext/ciphertext pairs, she cannot learn any new information  Integrity Prevent modification  Authentication Prevent impersonation Bob knows that Alice sent message

5 Security Properties (cont)  Non-repudiation Alice cannot deny having created message  Freshness Bob knows that Alice’s message is recent Replay protection – Mallory cannot replay Alice’s messages

6 Security Primitives  Asymmetric (public-private key) Diffie-Hellman key agreement Public-key encryption Digital signature  Symmetric (shared-key, same-key) Block cipher (pseudo-random permutation PRP) Stream cipher (pseudo-random generators PRG) Message authentication code (MAC)  Others (unkeyed symmetric) One-way function Cryptographic hash function

7 Asymmetric Primitives  Diffie-Hellman key agreement Public values: large prime p, generator g Alice has secret value a, Bob has secret b A  B: g a (mod p) B  A: g b Bob computes (g a ) b = g ab Alice computes (g b ) a = g ab Eve cannot compute g ab

8 Asymmetric Primitives II  Problem: man-in-the-middle attack  Mallory can impersonate Alice to Bob, Bob to Alice A  M: g a (mod p) M  A: g m M  B: g m B  M: g b Bob computes (g m ) b = g bm Alice computes (g m ) a = g am

9 Asymmetric Primitives III  Public-key encryption  El-Gamal encryption Public values: large prime p, generator g Alice has public key g a (mod p), private key a Bob wants to send message M to Alice Bob picks random x, computes (g a ) x = g ax B  A: g x, Mg ax

10 Asymmetric Primitives IV  Digital Signatures  RSA signature Alice has large secret primes p, q Pick e, compute d s.t. ed = 1 mod  (pq) Public key N=pq, e Private key p, q, d Signature generation of message M  = H(M) d mod N Signature verification:  e = H(M) ed = H(M) 1 + K  (pq) = H(M) (mod N)

11 Symmetric Primitives  Block cipher is a pseudo-random permutation (PRP), each key defines a one-to-one mapping  Encryption: E K (plaintext) = ciphertext  Decryption: D K (ciphertext) = plaintext  We write {plaintext} K for E K (plaintext)  Encrypt each block separately  Examples: DES, Rijndael

12 Symmetric Primitives II  Stream ciphers use pseudo-random generators (PRG)  PRG Input: seed Output: pseudo-random stream  Encryption: use shared key k and initialization vector IV for the seed ciphertext = plaintext  PRG( k, IV )  Send IV, ciphertext  Examples: RC4, SEAL

13 Symmetric Primitives III  Message authentication codes (MAC)  “Cryptographic checksum”, keyed hash  Provides authentication, integrity  Send M, MAC( K, M )  Example: HMAC-MD5 HMAC-MD5(K, M ) = MD5(K  opad || MD5(K  ipad || M)) ipad = 3636..36, opad = 5C5C..5C

14 Cryptographic Hash Functions  Maps arbitrary-length input into finite length output  Properties of a secure hash function One-way: Given y = H(x), cannot find x’ s.t. H(x’) = y Weak collision resistance: Given x, cannot find x’ ≠ x s.t. H(x) = H(x’) Strong collision resistance: Cannot find x, x’ s.t. H(x) = H(x’)  Example: MD5, SHA-1

15 One-Way Hash Chains  Versatile cryptographic primitive  Construction Pick random r N and public one-way function F r i = F(r i+1 ) Secret value: r N, public value r 0  Properties Use in reverse order of construction: r 1, r 2 … r N Infeasible to derive r i from r j (j<i) Efficiently authenticate r i knowing r j (j<i): verify r j = F i-j (r i ) Robust to missing values K5K6K7K4K3 FFF K5 F

16 Comparison Sym vs Asym Crypto Symmetric crypto  72 bit key for high security (2000)  ~1,000,000 ops/s  10x speedup in HW Asymmetric crypto  1024 bit key for high security (RSA)  ~100 signatures/s ~1000 verify/s (RSA)  Marginal speedup in HW

17 Sample Protocols  Sensor network encryption protocol (SNEP)  Broadcast authentication  TESLA  PayWord  MicroMint

18 SPINS Assumptions  Communication Frequent node-base station exchanges Frequent network flooding from base Node-node interactions infrequent  Base station Sufficient memory, power Shares secret key with each node  Node Limited resources, limited trust

19 SNEP Security Goals  Secure point-to-point communication Confidentiality Secrecy Authenticity Integrity Message freshness to prevent replay  Existing protocols use expensive asymmetric crypto (e.g. SSL/TLS, IPSEC)

20 Basic Crypto Primitives  Code size constraints  code reuse  Uses block cipher encrypt function Counter mode encryption Cipher-block-chaining message authentication code (MAC) Pseudo-random generator

21 SNEP Protocol Details  A and B share Encryption keys: K AB K BA MAC keys: K' AB K' BA Counters: C A C B  To send data D, A sends to B: A  B:{D}, MAC( K' AB, [C A || {D} ] )

22 SNEP Properties  Secrecy & confidentiality Semantic security against chosen ciphertext attack Strongest security notion for encryption  Authentication  Replay protection  Code size: 1.5 Kbytes  Strong freshness protocol

23 Need to Stretch?

24 Broadcast Authentication  Broadcasts data over wireless network  Packet injection usually easy  Each receiver can verify data origin Sender Bob M Carol M DaveAlice MM

25 Authentication Needs Asymmetry Sender K Alice K Bob K Msg, MAC(K,Msg) Forged Msg, MAC(K, Forged Msg) Msg, MAC(K,Msg) MAC: Message Authentication Code (authentication tag) K = shared key

26 Digital Signatures Do Not Work  Signatures are expensive, e.g., RSA 1024: High generation cost (~10 milliseconds) High verification cost (~1 millisecond) High communication cost (128 bytes/packet)  Very expensive on low-end processors  If we aggregate signature over multiple packets, intolerant to packet loss

27 TESLA  Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication  Uses only symmetric cryptography  Asymmetry via time Delayed key disclosure Requires loose time synchronization  Published in IEEE Security and Privacy 2000, NDSS 2001 [PCST]

28 Basic Authentication Mechanism t F(K) Authentic Commitment P MAC(K,P) K disclosed 1: Verify K 2: Verify MAC 3: P Authentic! F: public one-way function

29 Security Condition  Receiver knows key disclosure schedule  Security condition (for packet P): on arrival of P, receiver is certain that sender did not yet disclose K  If security condition not satisfied, drop packet

30 TESLA  Keys disclosed 2 time intervals after use  Receiver setup: Authentic K3, key disclosure schedule K5K6K7 t Time 4Time 5Time 6Time 7 K4K3 P2 K5 P1 K3  Authentication of P1: MAC(K5, P1 ) Verify MAC F FF Authenticate K5 K5 Time 3 F

31 TESLA: Robust to Packet Loss K4K5K6K7 t Time 4Time 5Time 6Time 7 K3 P5 K5 P3 K3 P2 K2 P1 K2 Verify MACs P4 K4 FF Authenticate K5

32 TESLA Summary  Low overhead Communication (~ 20 bytes) Computation (~ 1 MAC computation per packet)  Perfect robustness to packet loss  Independent of number of receivers  Delayed authentication  Extensions: TIK: Instant key disclosure Heterogeneous receivers Instant authentication (sender buffers data)

33 PayWord and MicroMint  PayWord: a credit-based scheme using one-way hash chain: w 0 w 1 w 2 w 3...  MicroMint: digital coins as k-way hash function collisions: x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 y

34 PayWord Payment Model  Broker model to intermediate and aggregate Broker Vendor User 1. Obtain authorization or coins 2. Purchase information from vendor; pay. 3. Redeem payments Banks and Credit-card companies (Inner loop)

35 PayWord  Broker signs User’s public key (certificate)  User creates one-way hash chain to buy goods from vendor, c 0, …, c N  Each one-way chain element has value v  User signs c 0 and sends it to vendor  User can incrementally pay by revealing successive elements c i  Vendor redeems payment by cashing largest element c j, value = v*j

36 MicroMint  A digital coin should be: Hard to produce [except by Broker] Easy to verify [by anyone]  Digital signatures “work,” but are relatively expensive  MicroMint uses hash functions only (no public-key crypto)  Broker utilizes economy of scale to produce MicroMint coins cheaply (as with a regular mint)

37 Economy of Scale in MicroMint Number of balls thrown Probability of finding collision

38 Minting MicroMint Coins  Pick a one-way hash function F, mapping inputs to n-bit outputs  A valid coin is a k-way collision  Find v 1, …, v k, s.t. F(v 1 ) = … = F(v k )  Verification is very efficient  Producing first 2-way collision requires time 2 n/2 (birthday paradox)  Producing first k-way collision requires time N k = 2 n(k-1)/k  Time cN k yields c k coins; once threshold of N k is passed, coins are produced rapidly

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