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Fibres & copper Cabling activities LIU meeting 27/09/2013 F Duval 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Fibres & copper Cabling activities LIU meeting 27/09/2013 F Duval 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fibres & copper Cabling activities LIU meeting 27/09/2013 F Duval 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 1

2 What is cabling? 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 2 1.Contract Management 2.Parc à Cable 3.Cablotheque 4.Preparation of the work 5.Cabling campaigns 6.Infrastructure 7.Radioprotection & radiation resistance

3 Contract management 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 3 Based on a 3 years contract with one (or more) installation company Based on a DQE: every single operation and every single component are included in a price list. – Many options: tunnel, radioprotection, quantities – All administrative work is included Importance of the supervision (works and bills of quantities) New common infrastructure: who pays? Strict control of the invoicing and payment process

4 Parc à Cable 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 4 Providing cables needed for installation requests (CTRL & Power distribution) Work together with CERN general store for standard cable procurement Procurement of special (eg. radiation resistant) cables: 635 orders for LS1 Management of the cable transport (going to and coming from the work sites) Rewinding in special drums (tunnel access, special lengths for specific work, etc…) Management of cable lifecycle (re-ordering levels, aging, copper recuperation, etc.)

5 Cablotheque 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 5 Database collecting all installed cables characteristics (length, type, routing, identification number, etc...) Interfaced with GESMAR (quotation, invoicing, etc...) Updated by CERN and contractors (monitoring) Essential tool for cleaning campaigns

6 Preparation of the work 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 6 Defining (checking) the cable specification matching with the installation constrains (bending radius, UV resistance, radiation resistance, etc...) Defining (checking) the cable specification matching with the electrical requirements (current, voltage, etc.) Installing the necessary infrastructure (cable trays, ducts, etc…) Setting up the necessary tooling and logistics.

7 Cabling campaigns 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 7 Every user request is collecting by DIC or DIF, then site works have to be organised by geographical areas. Cost effective, easier scheduling, ALARA effective – Installation campaigns – Cleaning campaigns – Irradiated cable replacement campaigns

8 Infrastructure 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 8 For fibres, the backbone (the common infrastructure) is now owned by EL The control cable business is not organized around a backbone  Point-to-point installations  Control cables (and related signals) are specific to each system and therefore owned by users. EL remains the expert for installation and removal. Routing is defined by EL together with integration team

9 Radioprotection and radiation resistance 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 9 EL is taking care of the whole radioprotection process (training, ALARA committee, dosimeter, protection suits, waste management) with RP and contractors EL is running research on radiation resistant components (e.g. fibres) EL is managing a WG (RIAC) on radiation effects on cables aiming at steering the future cable replacement campaigns.

10 Future: Constrains 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 10 LS2 cabling activities will be much more than LS1 – Only small works or surveys can be done in the machines during Xmas breaks and technical stops – Next step for bulky “underground” activities is LS2 – Cabling activities for LS1 were selected in a much larger batch of requests – Postponed activities (mainly LIU, IT and EN/EL) + already known projects for LS2 already represent more than a half of the LS1 workload

11 11 SPS: regular replacement carried on until 2009 on a higher trend 1 complete SPS point every shutdown Replacement foreseen every 5/6 years today every >10 years TCT: Top cable tray, AA: Almost All, R: Rest, Part: Partial. Future: irradiated cable replacement 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU

12 12 Galleries Shafts  Overloaded cable trays do not allow pulling cables in the proper technical way  This situation is general for SPS  In some cases, cables cannot be installed anymore Future: Cleaning of overcrowded areas 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU

13 13 PS ring centre Gallery TP9 Intersection Linac2-Linac4-PSB Gallery TP9 Intersection Linac2-Linac4-PSB Tunnel TT2 Future: Cleaning of overcrowded areas 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU

14 14 Bld.361 (under the Booster), room BCER Future: Cleaning of overcrowded areas 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU

15 15 SPS machine Critical state 1: Point 5 surface, shafts and underground Point 4 surface, shafts and underground Point 3 surface, shafts and underground Critical state 3: Point 6 surface, shafts and underground Point 1 surface, shafts and underground Point 2 surface, shafts and underground Point 7 surface, shafts and underground Critical state 5: TT60, TT70 Shafts are the most critical areas for all points. PS-Complex and Meyrin site Critical state 2:  Bld.360-361 (under the Booster), rooms BCER, BOR, BAT  Bld.354, room CCR et MNR, gallery 815  Gallery TP9 between Bld.354 and Bld.361  Bld.353 (ring centre) and tunnel of PS Bld.350 accelerator  TT2 entire tunnel (from Build. 269 to TT2A towards nTOF) Critical state 4:  Bld.2001 (upstairs), cable connections from Build.2008 Priorities for Cable Clean Up Future: Cleaning of overcrowded areas 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU

16 Future: requests 27/09/2013 F Duval Cabling acxtivities LIU 16 Organising huge campaigns on a 5/6 year basis is a challenge (compentency management, Worlkload, contractors) – Having a LS1.5 (more than 4 months of actual underground access) after only 1.5/2 years of operations will be very useful for EL Cleaning of SPS-P5 and Booster (mainly for LIU) areas is proposed by EL (TBC) Beyond the Cabling activities, the Low voltage distribution in PS/PSB has to be consolidated (e.g. safety issues)

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