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Brittany Jones HED 405 April 22, 2013 Injury Prevention and Safety: Drinking and Driving.

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Presentation on theme: "Brittany Jones HED 405 April 22, 2013 Injury Prevention and Safety: Drinking and Driving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brittany Jones HED 405 April 22, 2013 Injury Prevention and Safety: Drinking and Driving

2 Potential Risk Factors How many of you have received or plan to receive your driver’s license? Why are drivers, aged 16-19, are at higher risk? –Poor Hazard Detection –Risk Taking –Low Risk Perception –Not Wearing Seatbelts –Lack of skill –Alcohol and Drugs –Carrying Passengers –Night Driving –(Young Drivers) or

3 Every 15 Minute Program

4 The Numbers! Drivers between the ages of 16-17 –With a passenger- 3.6 times more likely to be in a fatal accident –After 9:00 pm-3 times more likely to be in an accident –Had-Been-Drinking (HBD) –The HBD crash rate for 16-year-old drivers is 1.8 times higher than drivers of all ages. –The HBD crash rate for 16 to 19-year-old drivers is 1.9 times higher than drivers of all ages. ---- In 2011, DMV reports that of all fatal crashes, 5.1 % of them were due to accidents involving drinking and driving.

5 More Alarming Numbers Research Indicates: –Teenagers between 18-20-57% of them admitted to driving drunk –50% of them admitted to drinking while in the act of driving –7/10 teenagers drive a car after multiple drinks (Little & Clontz 1994)

6 Food For Thought Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) –A BAC of 0.05-0.09-drivers are nine times more likely to crash than those with a zero BAC (Zador, 1991) – Males are twice as likely to die in an alcohol- related crash rather than females (Cardinal & Crain & Do & Fréchette & McFaull & Skinner et al. 2012). –During a five year period, research indicates that 88% of alcohol- related collisions happed at night or with a passenger or BOTH! (William & West & Shults, 2012)

7 Influences to Drink and Drive Extrinsic Peer Pressure Bullying Rejection Fit-in Trouble saying “No” Intrinsic Feel cool Fearless Invincible “Not that drunk” Embarrassed to call anyone

8 Friends don’t let Friends Drink and Drive Resources –FAMILY!!! Parents, siblings, etc –Friends If needed contact a true friend to help! ---Family Friend ---Teacher/Mentor/Counselor -Police Department Arcata Police 707-822-2428 CHP-707-822-5981 Eureka Police 707-441-4060

9 Communication Strategies Saying “No” in the moment can be difficult! –Don’t give into peer pressure –Stand your ground –“I” Statements “I am frustrated when you try to get me to do something that I don’t feel comfortable doing” –State your position in a firm but not treating tone! Approaching Parents –Don’t be afraid to talk to them Talk to them before the situation Don’t be afraid to call them during the situation Demonstrate active listening skills and proper non-verbal body language Remain positive while communicating with your parents

10 Decision Making Know the Laws –Drinking Age Legally: 21 –BAC-Must be greater than or equal to 0.01% –Zero Tolerance Policy-if under 21, you are not allowed to drive a motor vehicle with any amount of alcohol in your system –Minor First Offense (Infraction) DMV suspends license for a year( Min of a year-up to 3 years) Complete a three month alcohol program before license can be reinstated 3-5 years probation 390-1000 + dollars in fines Up to one year in jail Mandatory Court Approved Alcohol class

11 Decision Making Know the consequences –Who is effected? Passengers(friends and/or siblings), parents, YOU! –Know the risks involved? Injury to yourself and others, or death Physical and emotional stress –Is it worth it? Scenario-your at a party and getting ready to go home after you have had a beer, how do you get home?

12 Goal Setting Goal 1: Write a goal which uses communication skills to effectively communicate to others that you won’t give into peer pressure. –Ex “My goal is to use “I” messages to my friends so they can better understand how I feel when I am being pressured” Goal 2: Write down a goal which states a way that you can avoid being put into a situation to drink and drive. –Ex “My goal is to call my mother if I need a ride home!”

13 Personal, family and Community Health Places to get help –Alcoholics anonymous Address: PO Box 7102, Eureka, CA 95502 Phone:(707) 442-0711 –Buzzed Driving Take the pledge to not drink and drive –Mother’s Against Drunk Driving Help Line 877-MADD-HELP Taxi Services Plaza Cab –(707) 822-4742

14 I took the pledge, will you?

15 Reference List Cardinal, M., Crain, J., Do, M., Fréchette, M., McFaull, S., Skinner, R., et al. (2012). Injury in Review, 2012 Edition: Spotlight on Road and Transport Safety. Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada, 32(4), 229-230. Retrieved April 22, 2013, from blicat/cdic- mcbc/32-4/assets/pdf/vol32n4-cardinal-eng.pdf Little, R., & Clontz, K. (1994). Young, drunk, dangerous and driving: Underage drinking and driving research findings. Journal Of Alcohol & Drug Education, 39(2), 37. _Injuries_in_Relation_to_Drive/1717.html Williams, A., West, B., & Shults, R. (2012). Fatal Crashes of 16- to 17-Year-Old Drivers Involving Alcohol, Nighttime Driving, and Passengers. Traffic Injury Prevention, 13(1), 1-6. Retrieved April 22, 2013, from 588.2011.633235 Zador, P. (1991). Alcohol-Related Relative Risk of Fatal Driver Injuries in Relation to Driver Age and Sex. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 52(4), 302-310. Retrieved April 22, 2013, from Young Drivers. (n.d.). California Department of Motor Vehicles. Retrieved April 22, 2013, from

16 BRITTANY JONES Injury Prevention and Safety: Drinking and Driving

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