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From Walden, or Life in the Woods By Henry David Thoreau.

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Presentation on theme: "From Walden, or Life in the Woods By Henry David Thoreau."— Presentation transcript:

1 from Walden, or Life in the Woods By Henry David Thoreau

2 What are these words? fnyorncnomoit isiidluvanitd

3 Consider… “How do you really want to live?” “What do you need to feel fulfilled?” “What are you doing right now that isn’t really necessary?”

4 Reading Strategies Making inferences- What is this again?? Generalization- Making assumptions and connections based on your own experience and prior reading Essentially, a reasonable guess

5 First-person point of view Thoreau uses “I” to describe his experience

6 Begin reading Walden (pg. 233) Fill out the reading questions as you read!

7 Begin reading Walden (pg. 233) As you are reading, we will stop and periodically answer the questions together. Please follow along and pay attention so you know what is happening! Fill out the reading packet as we go; we will do this together.

8 PowerPoint Reminders!

9 Make sure your font is easy to read against your backgrounds. Go into DETAIL  I want more than the “basic” information. When you present, you should be referring to notes, not reading off the slides. Make sure you aren’t simply reading your notes. Come to class prepared!! Make sure you have cited all outside pictures.

10 Vocabulary (pages 233-244) Pertinent Encumbrance Impervious Temporal Derision Tumultuous Ethereal Review: Superfluous / Incessantly

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