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The CGMYmodel Finance seminar by Mari Hodnekvam supervised by Prof.Korn.

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Presentation on theme: "The CGMYmodel Finance seminar by Mari Hodnekvam supervised by Prof.Korn."— Presentation transcript:

1 The CGMYmodel Finance seminar by Mari Hodnekvam supervised by Prof.Korn

2 Introduction of the process; parameters, characteristic function, moments, distribution etc. Simulation of the process Application in finance Extended version Today

3 Introduction of the process; parameters, characteristic function, moments, distribution etc. Simulation of the process Application in finance Extended version Today

4 VG CGMY Relationship to VG

5 The parameter Y Y < 0Finite activity 0 ≤ Y ≤ 1Infinte activity, finite variation 1 ≤ Y < 2Infinte activity, infintite variation

6 Interpretation of parameters CMeasure of averall level of activity GMeasure of skewness M YMeasure of fine structure

7 Density of the CGMY-model

8 The characteristic function

9 Moments – variance = – skewness = – kurtosis =

10 Introduction of the process; parameters, characteristic function, moments, distribution etc. Simulation of the process Application in finance Extended version Today

11 Simulation of the CGMY-process Idea: treat the jumps as compound Poisson process and sample from its Lévy density Problem: for infintite activity Lévy processes the jump arrival rate is infinite

12 Simulation of the CGMY-process Divide the simulation into three parts: – Negative large jumps, x < -ε – Positive large jumps, x > ε – Small jumps, -ε < x < ε

13 Simulation of the CGMY-process The algorithm Simulate the number of positive and negative jumps in the time interval by a Poisson process Simulate the large jumps by using the acceptance-rejection method

14 Simulation of the CGMY-process Acceptance-rejection method: Find a function f(x) whose value is close to those of the Lévy density function for every x Draw samples from the probability distribution function of f(x); F(x) The samples are then either accepted or rejected, when you test them towards a restriction

15 Simulation of the CGMY-process The algorithm Simulate the number of positive and negative jumps in the time interval by a Poisson process Simulate the large jumps by using the acceptance- rejection method Simulate the small jumps by

16 Simulation of the CGMY-process The algorithm Simulate the number of positive and negative jumps in the time interval by a poisson process Simulate the large jumps by using the acceptance-rejection method Simulate the small jumps by Return the simulated jumps

17 Simulation of the CGMY-process

18 Introduction of the process; parameters, characteristic function, moments, distribution etc. Simulation of the process Application in finance Extended version Today

19 The CGMY stock price process – stock price process: – extended stock price process: – extended CGMY model:

20 Diffusion term

21 Density fit


23 Introduction of the process; parameters, characteristic function, moments, distribution etc. Simulation of the process Application in finance Extended version Today

24 Summary Pure jump process Parameter Y Kurtosis, skewness Time change, volatility clustering

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