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Presentation on theme: " Beyond the EHR: The Next Steps for Healthcare J. Bryan Bennett, Adjunct Professor and Predictive Analytics SME, Northwestern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond the EHR: The Next Steps for Healthcare J. Bryan Bennett, Adjunct Professor and Predictive Analytics SME, Northwestern University BDPA Technology Conference August 7, 2014

2 2 Agenda State of Healthcare Technology Healthcare Transformation Model  Why is it so important? Opportunities in Healthcare @enabledhealth

3 The State of Healthcare Technology

4 4 Healthcare Technology Mandate The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, was enacted in February of 2009 with $19 billion in funding  Part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009  It promotes the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology Healthcare providers will be offered financial incentives for demonstrating meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs)  Incentives will be offered until 2015 @enabledhealth

5 5 Healthcare Technology Mandate Healthcare providers will be offered financial incentives for demonstrating meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs)  Incentives will be offered until 2015. Not related to the Affordable Care Act  Sometimes called Obamacare  Completely separate funding @enabledhealth

6 6 EHR Adoption @enabledhealth

7 7 EHR Usage By State @enabledhealth

8 8 Who’s Using An EHR? @enabledhealth

9 9 Type of EHR by Practice Size @enabledhealth

10 10 E-Prescription Use @enabledhealth

11 11 The Current Situation Healthcare organizations are faced with the challenges of transitioning from a paper-based system to one that is data- enabled Most organizations are primarily focused on the technology and data  Neglecting key components that will significantly improve their chances for success and improved effectiveness @enabledhealth

12 Healthcare Transformation Model The continuums and steps required for a healthcare organization to transform from a paper-based organization to one that is data-enabled.

13 Healthcare Transformation Change Model Paper-Based Healthcare Organization Data-Enabled Healthcare Organization DATA / TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATIONAL / PEOPLE PROCESS / WORKFLOWS 13@enabledhealth

14 14 Data-Enabled vs Data-Driven Data-Driven: letting the data dictate how we treat and manage customers with as much automated decisions as possible Data-Enabled: providers are provided real- time information to enable them to make better final decisions and diagnoses based on hundreds or thousands of patients with similar symptoms @enabledhealth

15 15 Data-Enabled Healthcare Organization A DEHO will also be able to better manage their “patient portfolio” or community to provide more consistency and an improved overall quality of care* * “Big Data Needs the Big Three to Succeed”, August 8, 2013, @enabledhealth

16 Healthcare Transformation Change Model Paper-Based Healthcare Organization Data-Enabled Healthcare Organization 16@enabledhealth

17 Paper-Based Healthcare Organization Data-Enabled Healthcare Organization DATA / TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATIONAL / PEOPLE PROCESS / WORKFLOWS 17 Healthcare Transformation Change Model @enabledhealth

18 Paper-Based Healthcare Organization Data-Enabled Healthcare Organization DATA / TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATIONAL / PEOPLE PROCESS / WORKFLOWS Integration of Clinical & Non-Clinical Data Sources Real-Time Decision Support EHR Implementation Analysis & Modeling 18 Healthcare Transformation Change Model @enabledhealth

19 Paper-Based Healthcare Organization Data-Enabled Healthcare Organization Resistance To Change Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 DATA / TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATIONAL / PEOPLE PROCESS / WORKFLOWS Real-Time Decision Support EHR Implementation Analysis & Modeling Minimal Data Capture Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 19 Integration of Clinical & Non-Clinical Data Sources Healthcare Transformation Change Model @enabledhealth

20 20 Continuum Alignment Continuums must be aligned to make sure organization doesn’t get too far out front on any particular continuum  Great processes with no capture commitment or poor data will negate impact of process change  Allows for possibility of lower morale and/or project management Multi-stage project @enabledhealth

21 Paper-Based Healthcare Organization Data-Enabled Healthcare Organization Resistance To Change Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 DATA / TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATIONAL / PEOPLE PROCESS / WORKFLOWS Real-Time Decision Support EHR Implementation Analysis & Modeling Minimal Data Capture Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4 21 Integration of Clinical & Non-Clinical Data Sources Healthcare Transformation Change Model @enabledhealth

22 22 Process is Least Addressed Continuum We performed an ethnographic study of a sample of over 1,000 physicians during the implementation of a computerized provider order entry system we observed that:  Comments and behaviors related to the process represented 62% of the issues Positive and negative @enabledhealth

23 23 Comments & Observations Negative Comments Included:  I don’t have time for this; I will call from my phone to place orders  I did not know I went to med school to become a secretary.  This is ridiculous!! All it does is take time away from my patients. I am with the patient now 5 minutes and with the computer 15 – 20 minutes.  I have not put orders in the computer for over 20 years and I am not starting now. I will retire before I start with this crap. @enabledhealth

24 24 Comments & Observations Negative Observations included:  Many would not ask questions because it seemed they would feel diminished.  Some doctors kept complaining about how this is a “waste of my time”  A few doctors left the floor and then proceeded to call in the orders because they refused to place the orders themselves. @enabledhealth

25 Process Rules! 25 Process, Solution & Hardware Solution & Hardware @enabledhealth

26 Implementation Problems Summary Automating or adding technology to a bad process or not giving the process enough attention just results in a bad automated process.  Personnel Buy-In  Delayed training Category Observations & Comments Process Only47% Process & Solution13% Process, Solution & Technology2% Total62% 26 @enabledhealth

27 27 Healthcare Transformation Next Major Step - Analytics Most organizations can do some form of Description Analytics from their current legacy or EHR systems With some additional data management, many are capable of performing some Diagnostic Analytics Predictive Analytics are being implemented by many advanced healthcare organizations Prescriptive Analytics is only being implemented by the most elite organizations @enabledhealth

28 Opportunities in Healthcare Technology

29 29 Technology Continuum EHR Implementation Data Warehouse Development Predictive and Advanced Analytics Implementation Real-time Decision Support @enabledhealth

30 30 Opportunities – Current Needs EHR Implementation Change Management Specialist Project Management Consumer Behavior  Physician Engagement @enabledhealth

31 31 Opportunities – Future Needs Data analyst Statisticians / Modelers Transformation Consultants @enabledhealth

32 32 Questions and Answers Contact Information:  J. Bryan Bennett, “The Professor” Healthcare Transformation Specialist, Data Scientist and Predictive Analytics Professor  E-mail  Website / Blogs www.himssfuturecare/blog/1266  Twitter @enabledhealth

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