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 Psychoanalysis – the study of personality from the viewpoint of conflict  Ego tries desperately to cope with conflict and the anxiety it generates.

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3  Psychoanalysis – the study of personality from the viewpoint of conflict  Ego tries desperately to cope with conflict and the anxiety it generates  Does this primarily through repression  Fixation can occur and manifest as symbolic behavior



6 ProjectionSeeing error in others, but not recognizing it in oneself RationalizationConcocting plausible but false explanations for events and actions Reaction FormationTaking a stance opposing one’s deeper feelings DisplacementDirecting an emotional response onto something or someone other than its appropriate target SublimationEngaging in a socially acceptable behavior as an indirect expression of socially unacceptable impulses

7  Oral stage (birth – 2 years)  Anal stage (2 – 4 years)  Phallic stage (4 – 6 years)  Oedipus complex  Latency stage (6 years – onset of puberty)  Genital stage (puberty – adulthood)

8 Oral Stage (birth to 2 years)Sarcasm, argumentativeness, greediness, acquisitiveness, over-dependency Anal Stage (2-4 years)Emotional outbursts such as rages and temper tantrums; compulsive orderliness and overly controlled behavior Phallic Stage (4-6 years)Sexual deviance; Problems with gender identification Genital Stage (puberty to adulthood) Narcissism or extreme self-love

9 Developmental Phase Psychosocial StageRelated Adjustment Problems InfancyTrust vs. MistrustMistrust of others Early Childhood (ages 1-3) Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt Doubt in oneself and mistrust in environment Play Age (ages 3-5)Initiative vs. GuiltOverdeveloped conscience which prevents independent action; excessive guilt School Age (ages 5- 10) Industry vs. InferiorityDoubt in one’s ability to perform adequately for society; feelings of inferiority and inadequacy AdolescenceIdentity vs. Identity diffusion Doubt in one’s sexual, ethnic, and/or occupational identity

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