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LO: Learn how to develop your game further to include interactions with the device.

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2 LO: Learn how to develop your game further to include interactions with the device

3  Go to  Sign in using a windows live ID.  Click on the open link at the top of the screen.  Click on the name of your script used previously.

4 Using the sheets, put the correct buttons in the correct order. Your teacher will show you the correct order once you have finished putting the shapes together. (Time 5 mins)

5  Touch develop to build a application which : Uses IF Statements  Control Character movement on the device. (When Touched)  Control sprites interacting with each other (Overlap)

6  Set up a score variable.  Use the main function.  Assign the score to the board.  Change the width, height, font  Set the position  Change the colour.  Use the hand out to support this task.

7  Create the “Game Loop” event.  Create the IF to check when the board is touched.  Program the sprite to move to the touch position.  Remember to update the board. To make sure the character is always shown in the new position.  Use the hand out to support this task.

8  Time to apply what you have learnt! See if you can press the correct buttons to come up with this combination. Where would you put this?  BeeCharacter represents your own sprite.  Create the appropriate variables to do this.

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