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SHOP JACKSON! June 3, 2009. Who is the JRC? Sally Bligh Wayne Garibaldi Connie Gonsalves Rich Hoffman Gary Little Stan Lukowicz Aaron May Craig Murphy.

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Presentation on theme: "SHOP JACKSON! June 3, 2009. Who is the JRC? Sally Bligh Wayne Garibaldi Connie Gonsalves Rich Hoffman Gary Little Stan Lukowicz Aaron May Craig Murphy."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHOP JACKSON! June 3, 2009

2 Who is the JRC? Sally Bligh Wayne Garibaldi Connie Gonsalves Rich Hoffman Gary Little Stan Lukowicz Aaron May Craig Murphy John Plasse Lana Vukovich Jane Wilkinson & many other volunteers Appointed by the City Council to assist City with economic development ideas

3 Shop Jackson: WHAT? Shop Jackson is a shop local campaign developed by the Jackson Revitalization Committee in partnership with the Jackson Rancheria Casino & Hotel Dreamcatchers Club Program

4 Shop Jackson: WHAT? Dreamcatchers Club Members are invited to take further advantage of their membership by shopping at Jackson businesses, offering Dreamcatchers Club members- only discounts

5 Shop Jackson: WHEN? Initial Campaign: August 1, 2009 through January 31, 2010 (in two three month blocks)

6 All businesses located in the city limits of Jackson are invited to participate. Ongoing relationships with Dreamcatchers Club Members Shop Jackson: WHERE?

7 Shop Jackson: WHY? Businesses in Jackson can capitalize on the thousands of casino visitors and local Dreamcatchers market The Jackson Rancheria has 500,000 active Dreamcatchers members; 300,000 monthly visitors, and over 26,000 Dreamcatchers Club Members in Amador/Calaveras Co.

8 Shop Jackson: WHY? Collectively the businesses of Jackson have an opportunity to ensure that more locals and visitors Shop Jackson!

9 Shop Jackson: The Requirements City of Jackson business license and location within the city limits of Jackson $45 participation fee (one $45 fee covers both quarters) Completed participation form Promotional offer commitment created by participating businesses

10 Shop Jackson: The Benefits Arrow Magazine will print a map of businesses for 6 issues, beginning with the August 2009 issue. This magazine has a monthly distribution of over 100,000 copies The map will also be printed as a separate sheet and be provided to all participating businesses as an additional promotion

11 Shop Jackson: The Benefits Websites like Amador Council of Tourism, Amador County Chamber of Commerce, City of Jackson and the Jackson Rancheria will list participating businesses Distribution, Promotion and Exposure at 2009 Amador County Fair

12 Shop Jackson: Promotion Examples 5% off Monday - Thursday Buy 2, get 1 free; Buy 1, get 2nd item ½ off Provide game opportunities, chances to win a higher discount Free XXXXX with YYYYY

13 Marketing Jackson This is a Direct Response Advertising Campaign An effective ad includes a call to action The Best Ads emphasize Benefits over Features FREE is the most powerful word to use in an advertisement

14 Marketing Jackson An effective ad has Measurable Results Do not use Institutional Advertising Use Relational Advertising Emphasize that your Business has a Relationship with Dreamcatchers Club 26 Keys to Effective Marketing to Dreamcatchers Club Membership…

15 Timeline June 15:Deadline to Participate July 1:Last Day to submit final ad copy July 30: 3 rd Quarter Campaign Begins Sept. 15:Deadline to jump in 4 th Quarter Oct. 1:Last Day to submit changes for 4 th Quarter Campaign Nov. 1:4 th Quarter holiday period starts Jan. 31:New Program Launches!!

16 Questions?? For More Information Contact: Mike Daly, City Manager 223-1646 or

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