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Program Planning and Evaluation in Higher Education 2/26 EAD 877.

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Presentation on theme: "Program Planning and Evaluation in Higher Education 2/26 EAD 877."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Planning and Evaluation in Higher Education 2/26 EAD 877

2 Introduction and Review w Interactive Model - Sorting and Prioritizing Program Ideas w Using People, Organizational, and Environmental Factors - Cristy w Criteria - Importance and Feasibility w Nominal Group and Delphi w HEP Speaker

3 Agenda for February 26 w The Internship Experience w Developing Program Objectives w Sisco & Cochenour w Donaldson & Kozell w Case Study, D’Andra w SOSSeminar, Karen w Dr. Cliff Akujobi, MDCD Consultant for Adult Education w Goals w Objectives w Outcomes w Exercise with Internship Experience

4 The Case of Carolyn as useful example for the Internship w Where to begin? Develop Objectives Find Instructors Determine Costs Facilities Evaluation

5 Internship -Where do you want to go with this program? w Objectives w Instructional Plans w Transfer of Learning

6 How will you determine if you have gotten there? w Evaluation w Communicating Results

7 How do you want to get there? w Formats w Staff w Budgets w Market

8 Using the Internship as Example w Does it fit with the Mission? w Is there a match between and among the program objectives - how they are evaluated - how they are designed? w What is the outcome? Using HEP program as an example:

9 Was the outcome of HEP to have 50 GEDs a year or: to be a productive member of society? Or both - or is one a GOAL and one an OBJECTIVE

10 Goals and Objectives of the Internship program w Goal is the INTENT - Why are we doing this? Why is this worthwhile? w Usually goals are part of the Mission Statement w Objective - is to provide a clear statement of the anticipated results to be achieved through the program. Objectives then serve as a foundation for

11 Instructional plans, Evaluation Components, & Transfer plans Think through the GOAL of the Internship Program, then Objectives of the program - the GOAL should line up with the mission; the OBJECTIVES would be specific statements that the internship experience would provide

12 Program objectives focus primarily on what participants are expected to learn as a result of attending a specific education program. This learning results in changes in individual participants, groups of learners, organizational practices and procedures, and/or communities or segments of society. Program

13 Objectives that focus on change in individuals are often translated into learning objectives

14 Wrapup w Define the Program Objectives for the Internship Program w Interviews w Critical Analysis - Metaphors w Reflections - due week of Feb 26 w Spring Break - Play Hard

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