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Published byAnn Shaw Modified over 9 years ago
Introduction to PL/SQL Lecture 1 [Part 1] Nick Rossiter (Emma-Jane Phillips-Tait) Room PB121
Overview of next 3 sessions Overview of PL/SQL Development of a coded block Interacting with an Oracle Database Controlling PL/SQL process flow Cursor handling Error handling
Session 1 Using PL/SQL to access Oracle Variable assignment Overview of the next 2 weeks
Re-visiting SQL Instructions to Oracle identifying the information you wish to select, insert, delete or update SQL*Plus is Oracle's version of the SQL standard Notes on SQL are on Blackboard
PL/SQL - introduction Procedural extension allowing for modularity, variable declaration, loops and logical constructs. Allows for advanced error handling Communicates natively with other oracle database objects. Managed centrally within the Oracle database.
Other Databases All have procedural facilities SQL is not functionally complete Lacks full facilities of a programming language So top up functionality by embedding SQL in a procedural language PL/SQL techniques are specific to Oracle but procedures and functions can be ported to other systems
Why use PL/SQL Manage business rules – through middle layer application logic. Generate code for triggers Generate code for interface Enable database-centric client/server applications
Centralised V’s De-centralised Begin : End; Begin : End; Begin : End; Begin : End; Common copy of executed code – one copy to maintain Multiple copies of executable code on the decentralised system – multiple copies to maintain leading to increase difficulty in maintaining the system Server
Advantages of using PL/SQL to access Oracle PL/SQL is managed centrally within the database Code is managed by the DBA and execution privileges are managed in the same was as with other objects PL/SQL objects are first-class Oracle DB objects Easy to read With modularity features and error handling
Centralised control Enables DBA to: Specify rules in one place (as procedure, function, package in PL/SQL) Force user access through the predefined PL/SQL so users cannot write their own procedural code and use this instead. Define for instance security privileges giving users access to table(s) only through a particular procedure
Using PL/SQL as a programming language Permits all operations of standard programming languages e.g. Conditions IF-THEN-ELSE-END IF; Jumps GOTO Provides loops for controlling iteration LOOP-EXIT; WHEN-END LOOP; FOR-END LOOP; WHILE-END LOOP Allows extraction of data into variables and its subsequent manipulation
Modules in PL/SQL There are 4 types of modules in PL/SQL Procedures – series of statements may or may not return a value Functions – series of statements must return a single value Triggers – series of PL/SQL statements (actions) executing after an event has triggered a condition (ECA) Packages – collection of procedures and function that has 2 parts: a listing and a body.
Procedures Creation command Variable declarations Body of code Create or replace procedure sample1 as v_num1 constant number := 2.5; v_num2 constant number := 4; v_product number; BEGIN v_product := v_num1 * v_num2; END;
Use of Data-Types Number – used to store any number Char(size) & varchar2(size) e.g.: char(10) – used to store alphanumerical text strings, the char data type will pad the value stored to the full length declared. Date – used to store dates Long – used to store large blocks of text up to 2 gigabytes in length (limited operations)
More data-types Long raw – stores large blocks of data stored in binary format Raw – stores smaller blocks of data in binary formal Rowid – used to store the special format of rowid’s on the database
Non-database Data Types DEC, DECIMAL, REAL, INTEGER, INT – these are numerical data types that are a subset of number. Binary_integer – binary format for number type but can not be stored in database unless converted first. Character – same as char Boolean – true/false value Table/record – tables can be used to store the equivalent of an array while records store the variables with composite data types.
Using SQL in procedures Select values into PL/SQL variables using INTO Record.element notation will address components of tuples (dot notation) %rowtype allows full rows to be selected into one variable Empid empnameaddr1addr2addr3postcodegradesalary V_employeeemployee%rowtype
Example – Single record retrieval – No cursor necessary Declare v_employee employee%rowtype; Begin select * into v_employee from employee where empid = 65284; update employee set salary = v_employee.salary + 10000 where empid = v_employee.empid; end Selects entire row of data into 1 variable called v_employee Is updating the value of salary based on selected element of a variable
Cursor overview Very powerful in PL/SQL modules Allows more than one set of data to be retrieved and accessed at the same time in loops Sets are created by executing SQL statements embedded in the PL/SQL code Cursor attributes - %notfound, %rowcount, %found & %isopen
Error handling Prevents database locking Ensures that errors are presented to the user in a sensible format Makes code robust Essential when using PL/SQL as formal programming language or interfacing with Oracle applications.
PL/SQL programming Procedures and Cursors Lecture 1 [Part 2] Nick Rossiter (Emma-Jane Phillips-Tait)
SQL refresher Basic commands SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE Always remember to state the table(s) you are selecting data from Join tables by primary and foreign keys Filter data using WHERE clause SELECT... FROM... [WHERE...]
SQL scripts Set of commands to run in sequence. Stored in a ‘note pad’ not data dictionary and accessed by file name Executed by @ command Script called: Create_lecturer_copy.sql Executed by: SQL> @create_lecturer_copy.sql
The SQL Procedure Block of SQL statements stored in the Data dictionary and called by applications Satisfies frequently-used or critical application logic When called all code within the procedure is executed (unlike packages) Action takes place on server not client Does not return value to calling program Not available in Oracle 6 or older Aids security as DBA may grant access to procedures not tables, therefore some users cannot access tables except through a procedure
Building a procedure: contents 1. Create or replace command 2. Object to be created 3. Name of object 4. Any variables accessed or imported 5. Local variables declared 6. Code 7. End procedure declaration
1. Create or replace command 2. Object to be created 3. Name of object 4. Any variables accessed or imported 5. Declared local variables 6. Code 7. End procedure declaration Create or replace procedure inflation_rise (inf_rate in number) Begin update employee set salary = salary + (salary * inf_rate / 100); commit; End; This procedure is called inflation_rise and uses a variable accessed as inf_rate which is a number, this is passed in when the procedure is used. It simply updates the salary by the rate of inflation.
Compiling and executing procedures Like any program the code needs to be compiled. @inflation_rise compiles the procedure in a file with this name makes it available to the database Execute inflation_rise executes the procedure. Remember to compile a procedure again once it has been amended. For ease of use, it is best to write procedures in notepad and then run them, this means that they can be easily edited and you have a backup copy
Example – Counting Entries Create or replace procedure validate_customer (v_cust in varchar2(10)) as Countnumber; Begin count = select count(*) from customer where cust_code = v_cust; if count > 0 then dbms.output ‘customer valid’; else dbms.output ‘customer not recognised’; end if; End; Any variables passed into procedure Local variables used by procedure SQL
Cursors in SQL Enable users to loop around a set of data. Store data selected from a query in a temp area for use when opened. Useful in complex actions which would not be feasible in standard SQL selection queries Cursor attributes - %notfound, %rowcount, %found & %isopen
Syntax for Cursors Declared as a variable in the same way as standard variables Identified as cursor type SQL retrieval set is included e.g. Cursor cur_emp is Select emp_id, surname ‘name’, grade, salary From employee Where regrade is true;
Cursor Population The data is populated when the cursor is opened. Once opened the data must be moved from the temp area to a local variable to be used by the program. These variables must be populated in the same order that the data is held in the cursor. The cursor data is looped around until an exit clause is reached.
THE JELLY BABY DEMO! Data has been selected from the employee table. This data needs to be amended in the following way: Each member of staff is to be increased one grade. Each member of staff is to have a £500 pay rise If the pay rise does not take them to the minimum for their new grade they are to be increased to the minimum for that grade If the pay rise moves them above the maximum for a grade they are to be increased to the maximum only
Create or replace procedure proc_test as v_empidnumber; Cursor cur_sample is Select empid from employee where grade > 4; Begin open cur_sample; loop fetch cur_sample into v_empid; exit when cur_sample%notfound update employee set salary = salary + 500 where empid = v_empid; end loop; End; Open cursor for use Loops round each value returned by the cursor Places the value from the cursor into the variable v_empid Stop when no more records are found 25463 12245 55983 12524 98543 Data returned by cursor Declare Cursor
While - loop Declare V_empidnumber; Cursor cur_sample is Select empid from employee where grade > 4; Begin open cur_sample; while cur_sample%found loop fetch cur_sample into v_empid; update employee set salary = salary + 500 where empid = v_empid; end loop; End; Will loop around as long as %found returns a true value While loops and cursors
For loops and cursors for - loop Declare V_empidnumber; V_countnumber :=1; V_maxnumber; Cursor cur_sample is Select empid from employee where grade > 4; Begin open cur_sample; v_max :=cur_sample%rowcount for v_count in 1.. V_max loop fetch cur_sample into v_empid; update employee set salary = salary + 500 where empid = v_empid; v_count := v_count + 1; end loop; End; Declare the additional variables required Will loop around as long as v_count is not greater than the number of rows returned Remember to increment the value of v_count
Placing cursors into procedures Creation command Variable declarations Body of code Create or replace procedure sample1 as v_deptname varchar2(10); v_deptid number cursor cur_deptchange is select distinct deptid, deptname from dept; BEGIN open cur_deptchange; loop fetch cur_dept into v_deptid, v_deptname; exit when cur_deptchange%notfound update employee set emp_deptname = v_deptname where emp_deptid = v_deptid; commit; end loop; END;
Use of conditions If statements can be used If then … Else …... End if; Remember to end the if statement Use of indented code will make the code easier to debug!
Notepad file called: Create_procedures.sql 1) Open SQL*Plus and logon 2) At the prompt enter: @create_procedures You will get a prompt which should say ‘procedure created’ 3) To run the procedure enter: Execute proc_test 4) If you check your data you should now find that the procedure has run successfully
Lecture 2: Active Databases Procedural Extension of DBMS using Triggers Advanced Databases CG096 Nick Rossiter [Emma-Jane Phillips-Tait]
Content 1 Limitations of Relational Data Model for performing Information Processing 2 Database Triggers in SQL 3 Using Database Triggers for Information Processing within DBMS 4 Restrictions for Database Triggers
Limitations of Relational Data Model Database vs. Information Systems DBMS manages data regardless of its usage IS processes information with respect to its usage Data model vs. system architecture data model does not give interpretation in terms of the application domain e.g. relational model, hierarchical model, set model IS architecture is developed so, that the data can be interpreted as information about a particular applied domain e.g. HR information, financial information, sales information
ECA Event occurs in database e.g. addition of new row, deletion of row Condition is checked e.g. is batch complete? Has student passed? Actions are executed if condition is satisfied e.g. send batch to supplier, congratulate student
Extending Information Processing Capabilities of DBMS using Triggers Processing of database content, performed by the DBMS engine itself, not by the application client execution of the trigger (E) Initiated by certain specified condition, depending on the type of the trigger firing of the trigger (C) All data actions performed by the trigger execute within the same transaction in which the trigger fires, but in a separate session (A) Triggers are checked for different privileges as necessary for the processed data Cannot contain transaction control statements (COMMIT, SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK not allowed)
Database Triggers in SQL Not specified in SQL-92, but standardized in SQL3 (SQL1999) Available in most enterprise DBMS (Oracle, IBM DB2, MS SQL server) and some public domain DBMS (Postgres) but not present in smaller desktop (Oracle Lite) and public domain DBMS (MySQL) Some vendor DBMS permit native extensions to SQL for specifying the triggers e.g. PL/SQL in Oracle, Transact SQL in MS SQL Server Some DBMS also allow use of general purpose programming language instead of SQL e.g. C/C++ in Poet, Java in Oracle, VB in MS Access Some DBMS extend the triggers beyond tables for example also to views as in Oracle
Types of SQL Triggers How many times should the trigger body execute when the triggering event takes place? Per statement: the trigger body executes once for the triggering event. This is the default. For each row: the trigger body executes once for each row affected by the triggering event. When the trigger can be fired Relative to the execution of an SQL DML statement (before or after or instead of it) Exactly in a situation depending on specific system resources (e.g. signal from the system clock, expiring timer, exhausting memory)
SQL> INSERT INTO dept (deptno, dname, loc) 2 VALUES (50, 'EDUCATION', 'NEW YORK'); SQL> INSERT INTO dept (deptno, dname, loc) 2 VALUES (50, 'EDUCATION', 'NEW YORK'); Example 1: Monitoring Statement Events SQL> UPDATE emp 2 SET sal = sal * 1.1 3 WHERE deptno = 30; SQL> UPDATE emp 2 SET sal = sal * 1.1 3 WHERE deptno = 30; Example 2: Monitoring Row Events Statement and Row Triggers Execute for each row of the table affected by the event Execute only once even if multiple rows affected
DEPTNO10203040DNAMEACCOUNTINGRESEARCHSALESOPERATIONSLOC NEW YORK DALLASCHICAGOBOSTON DEPT table BEFORE statement trigger BEFORE row trigger AFTER row trigger AFTER statement trigger Firing Sequence of Database Triggers on a Single Row
EMPNO783976987788ENAMEKINGBLAKESMITHDEPTNO303030 BEFORE statement trigger BEFORE row trigger AFTER row trigger BEFORE row trigger AFTER row trigger BEFORE row trigger AFTER row trigger AFTER statement trigger Firing Sequence of Database Triggers on Multiple Rows EMP table
Syntax for creating triggers in SQL Trigger name - unique within one database schema Timing - depends on the order of controlled events (before or after or instead of) Triggering event - event which fires the trigger (E) Filtering condition - checked when the triggering event occurs (C) Target - table (or view) against which the trigger is fired; they should be both created within the same schema Trigger Parameters - parameters used to denote the record columns; preceded by colon :new, :old for new and old versions of the values respectively Trigger action - SQL statements, executed when the trigger fires; surrounded by begin... End (A)
Syntax for Creating Statement Triggers CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER trigger_name timing event1 [OR event2 OR event3] ON table_name BEGIN SQL statements; END CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER trigger_name timing event1 [OR event2 OR event3] ON table_name BEGIN SQL statements; END The trigger body consisting of SQL statements will be executed only once according to the prescribed timing, when the event1 (event2, event3) occurs against the monitored table in question table_name
Example: Registering Operations SQL> CREATE TRIGGER increase_salary_trg 2 BEFORE UPDATE 3 ON emp 4 BEGIN 5 INSERT INTO sal_hist (increased, t) 6 VALUES (YES, SYSDATE); 7 END; 8 / SQL> CREATE TRIGGER increase_salary_trg 2 BEFORE UPDATE 3 ON emp 4 BEGIN 5 INSERT INTO sal_hist (increased, t) 6 VALUES (YES, SYSDATE); 7 END; 8 / Trigger name:increase_salary_trg Timing:BEFORE executing the statement Triggering event:UPDATE of table Target:emp table Trigger action:INSERT values INTO sal_hist table Can stop code being wrongly executed more than once
Syntax for Creating Row Triggers CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER trigger_name timing event1 [OR event2 OR event3] ON table_name [REFERENCING OLD AS old | NEW AS new] FOR EACH ROW [WHEN condition] BEGIN SQL statements; END CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER trigger_name timing event1 [OR event2 OR event3] ON table_name [REFERENCING OLD AS old | NEW AS new] FOR EACH ROW [WHEN condition] BEGIN SQL statements; END The trigger body consisting of SQL statements will be executed once for each row affected by event1 (event2, event3) in the table named table_name subject to the additional condition.
SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER derive_commission_trg 2 BEFORE UPDATE OF sal ON emp 3 FOR EACH ROW 4 WHEN (new.job = 'SALESMAN') 5 BEGIN 6 :new.comm := :old.comm * (:new.sal/:old.sal); 7 END; 8 / SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER derive_commission_trg 2 BEFORE UPDATE OF sal ON emp 3 FOR EACH ROW 4 WHEN (new.job = 'SALESMAN') 5 BEGIN 6 :new.comm := :old.comm * (:new.sal/:old.sal); 7 END; 8 / Example: Calculating Derived Columns Trigger name: derive_commission_trg Timing: BEFORE executing the statement Triggering event:UPDATE of sal column Filtering condition: job = ‘SALESMAN’ Target:emp table Trigger parameters:old, new Trigger action: calculate the new commission to be updated Note: no (colon): before new in WHEN
Trigger Execution order 1. Execute all BEFORE STATEMENT triggers 2. Disable temporarily all integrity constraints recorded against the table 3. Loop for each row in the table Execute all BEFORE ROW triggers Execute the SQL statement against the row and perform integrity constraint checking of the data Execute all AFTER ROW triggers 4. Complete deferred integrity constraint checking against the table 5. Execute all AFTER STATEMENT triggers
Controlling Triggers using SQL Disable or Re-enable a database trigger Disable or Re-enable a database trigger Disable or Re-enable all triggers for a table Disable or Re-enable all triggers for a table Removing a trigger from the database Removing a trigger from the database ALTER TRIGGER trigger_name DISABLE | ENABLE ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE | ENABLE ALL TRIGGERS DROP TRIGGER trigger_name
Using Database Triggers for Information Processing Auditing Table Operations each time a table is accessed auditing information is recorded against it Tracking Record Value Changes each time a record value is changed the previous value is recorded Protecting Database Referential Integrity: if foreign key points to changing records referential integrity must be maintained Maintenance of Semantic Integrity e.g. when the factory is closed, all employees should become unemployed Storing Derived Data e.g. the number of items in the trolley should correspond to the current session selection Security Access Control e.g. checking user privileges when accessing sensitive information
USER_NAME SCOTT JONES TABLE_NAME EMP COLUMN_NAME SAL INS 1 0 UPD 1 0 DEL 1 0 MAX_INS 5 MAX_UPD 5 0 MAX_DEL 5 0 … continuation Auditing Table Operations
Example: Counting Statement Execution Whenever an employee record is deleted from the database, the counter in an audit table registering the number of deleted rows for the current user in system variable USER is incremented. SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER audit_emp 2 AFTER DELETE ON emp 3 FOR EACH ROW 4 BEGIN 5 UPDATE audit_table SET del = del + 1 6 WHERE user_name = USER 7 AND table_name = 'EMP’; 7 END; 8 / SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER audit_emp 2 AFTER DELETE ON emp 3 FOR EACH ROW 4 BEGIN 5 UPDATE audit_table SET del = del + 1 6 WHERE user_name = USER 7 AND table_name = 'EMP’; 7 END; 8 /
SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER audit_emp_values 2 AFTER DELETE OR UPDATE ON emp 3 FOR EACH ROW 4 BEGIN 5 INSERT INTO audit_emp_values (user_name, 6 timestamp, id, old_last_name, new_last_name, 7 old_title, new_title, old_salary, new_salary) 8 VALUES (USER, SYSDATE, :old.empno, :old.ename, 9 :new.ename, :old.job, :new.job, 10 :old.sal, :new.sal); 11 END; 12 / SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER audit_emp_values 2 AFTER DELETE OR UPDATE ON emp 3 FOR EACH ROW 4 BEGIN 5 INSERT INTO audit_emp_values (user_name, 6 timestamp, id, old_last_name, new_last_name, 7 old_title, new_title, old_salary, new_salary) 8 VALUES (USER, SYSDATE, :old.empno, :old.ename, 9 :new.ename, :old.job, :new.job, 10 :old.sal, :new.sal); 11 END; 12 / Example: Recording Changes Whenever some details for an employee are deleted or updated, both the previous and new details are recorded in an audit table to allow tracing the history of changes. An insert operation cannot be recorded with this trigger as old.empno has no value.
Example: Protecting Referential Integrity SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER cascade_updates 2 AFTER UPDATE OF deptno ON dept 3 FOR EACH ROW 4 BEGIN 5 UPDATE emp 6 SET emp.deptno = :new.deptno 7 WHERE emp.deptno = :old.deptno; 8 END 9 / SQL>CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER cascade_updates 2 AFTER UPDATE OF deptno ON dept 3 FOR EACH ROW 4 BEGIN 5 UPDATE emp 6 SET emp.deptno = :new.deptno 7 WHERE emp.deptno = :old.deptno; 8 END 9 / Whenever the department number changes, all employee records for this department will automatically be changed as well, so that the employees will continue to work for the same department.
Restrictions for Database Triggers Problem: impossible to determine certain values during execution of a sequence of operations belonging to one and the same transaction Mutating tables: contain rows which change their values after certain operation and which are used again before the current transaction commits Preventing table mutation: Should not contain rows which are constrained by rows from other changing tables Should not contain rows which are updated and read in one and the same operation Should not contain rows which are updated and read via other operations during the same transaction
Triggering event Trigger action SQL> UPDATE dept 2 SET deptno = 1 3 WHERE deptno = 30; SQL> UPDATE dept 2 SET deptno = 1 3 WHERE deptno = 30; EMP table EMPNO 7698 7654 7499 ENAME BLAKE MARTIN ALLEN DEPTNO 30 30 30 Referential integrity DEPT table DNAME ACCOUNTING RESEARCH SALES OPERATIONS DEPTNO 10 20 30 40 Failure Constrainingtable AFTER UPDATE row xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Triggeredtable CASCADE_UPDATEStrigger Changing Data in a Constraining Table Example: Reenumeration of the departments
SQL> CREATE TRIGGER cascade_updates 2 AFTER UPDATE OF deptno 3ON dept 4 FOR EACH ROW 5 BEGIN 6 UPDATE emp 7SET emp.deptno = :new.deptno 8WHERE emp.deptno = :old.deptno; 9 END 10 / SQL> CREATE TRIGGER cascade_updates 2 AFTER UPDATE OF deptno 3ON dept 4 FOR EACH ROW 5 BEGIN 6 UPDATE emp 7SET emp.deptno = :new.deptno 8WHERE emp.deptno = :old.deptno; 9 END 10 / SQL> UPDATE dept 2 SET deptno = 1 3 WHERE deptno = 30; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-04091: table DEPT is mutating, trigger/function may not see it SQL> UPDATE dept 2 SET deptno = 1 3 WHERE deptno = 30; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-04091: table DEPT is mutating, trigger/function may not see it Example: Constraining Table Under the bar is code entered in SQL-PLUS which triggers cascade_updates in this case. Triggers are not executed directly.
Rules for Good Practice Rule 1: Do not change data in the primary key, foreign key, or unique key columns of any table Rule 2: Do not update records in the same table you read during the same transaction Rule 3: Do not aggregate over the same table you are updating Rule 4: Do not read data from a table which is updated during the same transaction Rule 5: Do not use SQL DCL (Data Control Language) statements in triggers
Additional Literature P. Atzeni, S. Ceri, S.Paraboschi and R. Torlone. Database Systems, Chapter 12 “Active Databases”. McGraw-Hill (1999) Oracle Database Server Documentation. Oracle9i Database Concepts, Chapter 17 “Triggers”. Application Developer's guide link: Oracle Database Server Documentation. Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide – Fundaments, Chapter 15 “Using Triggers”.
Lecture 3: Transactions and Recovery Transactions (ACID) Recovery Advanced Databases CG096 Nick Rossiter [Emma-Jane Phillips-Tait]
Content What is a Transaction? ACID properties Transaction Processing Database Recovery
1. What is a Transaction? Definition The sequence of logically linked actions that access a common database often used in online or live systems Examples Airlines ticketing Select an airline route, date and time. Reserve an airline seat. Pay for seat. ATM Cash operation Check credentials. Check money. Withdraw amount from account. Pay cash. Credit card sale Log on with card. Verify credit card details. Check money. Deliver goods. Issue withdrawal. Internet sale Request an item from an on-line catalogue. Check availability. Provide credit card details. Check details. Issue order. Dispatch. Issue withdrawal.
Origin and Needs for Transactions in DB
Automated Teller Machines (ATM)
2. A.C.I.D. properties Transactions have 4 main properties Atomicity - all or nothing Consistency - preserve database integrity Isolation - execute as if they were run alone Durability - results are not lost by a failure
2.1 Atomicity All-or-nothing, no partial results. An event either happens and is committed or fails and is rolled back. e.g. in a money transfer, debit one account, credit the other. Either both debiting and crediting operations succeed, or neither of them do. Transaction failure is called Abort Commit and abort are irrevocable actions. There is no undo for these actions. An Abort undoes operations that have already been executed For database operations, restore the data’s previous value from before the transaction (Rollback-it); a Rollback command will undo all actions taken since the last commit for that user. But some real world operations are not undoable. Examples - transfer money, print ticket, fire missile
2.2 Consistency Every transaction should maintain DB consistency Referential integrity - e.g. each order references an existing customer number and existing part numbers The books balance (debits = credits, assets = liabilities) Consistency preservation is a property of a transaction, not of the database mechanisms for controlling it (unlike the A, I, and D of ACID) If each transaction maintains consistency, then a serial execution of transactions does also
2.3 Isolation Intuitively, the effect of a set of transactions should be the same as if they ran independently. Formally, an interleaved execution of transactions is serializable if its effect is equivalent to a serial one. Implies a user view where the system runs each user’s transaction stand-alone. Of course, transactions in fact run with lots of concurrency, to use device parallelism – this will be covered later. Transactions can use common data (shared data) They can use the same data processing mechanisms (time sharing)
2.4 Durability When a transaction commits, its results will survive failures (e.g. of the application, OS, DB system … even of the disk). Makes it possible for a transaction to be a legal contract. Implementation is usually via a log DB system writes all transaction updates to a log file to commit, it adds a record “commit(T i )” to the log when the commit record is on disk, the transaction is committed. system waits for disk ack before acknowledging to user
3. Transaction Processing Identifying critical points for database changes through set of database states Preparation for control over transaction progress using labels of transaction states Management of the transactions using explicit manipulation of transaction states and enforcing transaction operations Can be automatic (controlled by the RDBMS) or programmatic (programmed using SQL or other supported programming languages, like PL/SQL)
procedure cashWithdrawal (cardID INTEGER) is PINcode, PINkeyed, accNo integer; requestedSum, availSum money; error, deficit exception; begin PINkeyed := inputInteger(‘Please, enter Your PIN’); -- input pin code SELECT c.pincode, c.accno INTO PINcode, accNo -- read card pin FROM cards c WHERE c.cardid = cardID; if not (PINcode = PINkeyed) then raise error; -- authentication requestedSum := inputMoney(‘Enter cash amount’); -- input request SELECT a.balance INTO availSum -- read account balance FROM accounts a WHERE a.accno = accNo; if (requestedSum > availableSum) then raise deficit;-- authorization UPDATE accounts a -- write balance SET a.balance = a.balance - requestedSum WHERE a.accno = accNo; outputString(‘Operation successful’); COMMIT; -- commit transaction exception outputString(‘Operation cancelled’); -- rollback transaction when error or deficit then ROLLBACK; -- logical problems when others then ROLLBACK; -- physical problems end; Example PL/SQL Procedure handling a Transaction
Notes on Procedure Items in red are transaction-related Variables are declared of type exception Similar to Logical/Boolean – set on or off Exceptions are raised when problems occur At end either: commit if no problems or rollback if exceptions raised Including others including e.g. disk errors
3.1 Database State and Changes D 1, D 2 - Logically consistent states of the database data T - Transaction for changing the database t 1, t 2 - Absolute time before and after the transaction
Transaction Parameters diff D = D 2 - D 1 can have different scale: single data item in one memory area many items across several files and databases structural changes such as new database schema t = t 2 - t 1 is the time for executing T T occupies real physical resources between D 1 and D 2 there may be intermediate states D 11, D 12 …; some of them can be inconsistent the final state D 2 could be unreachable When T fails first come back to D 1 (recovery) then try again to reach D 2 (redo)
Transaction Operations 1 For recovery purposes the system needs to keep track of when a transaction starts, terminates and commits. begin: marks the beginning of a transaction execution end: specifies that the read and write operations have ended marks the end limit of transaction execution commit: signals a successful end of the transaction Any updates executed by the transaction can be safely committed to the database and will not be undone
Transaction Operations 2 rollback: signals that the transaction has ended unsuccessfully Any changes that the transaction may have applied to the database must be undone undo: similar to rollback but it applies to a single operation rather than to a whole transaction redo: specifies that certain transaction operations must be redone to ensure that all the operations of a committed transaction have been applied successfully to the database
Reading and Writing Specify read or write operations on the database items that are executed as part of a transaction read (X): reads a database item named X into a program variable also named X. 1. find the address of the disk block that contains item X 2. copy that disk block into a buffer in the main memory 3. copy item X from the buffer to the program variable write (X): writes the value of program variable X into the database 1. find the address of the disk block that contains item X 2. copy that disk block into a buffer in the main memory 3. copy item X from the program variable named X into its current location in the buffer 4. store the updated block in the buffer back to disk (this step updates the database on disk)
active partially committed aborted terminated BEGIN READ, WRITE END ROLLBACK COMMIT 3.2 Transaction State and Progress A transaction reaches its commit point when all operations accessing the database are completed and the result has been recorded in the log. It then writes a [commit, ] and terminates. When a system failure occurs, search the log file for entries [start, ] and if there are no logged entries [commit, ] then undo all operations that have logged entries [write,, X, old_value, new_value]
3.3 Controlling Transactions
Logging transaction states Save the initial database state D 1 before starting the transaction T: D 1 ->D 2 (transaction begins) Save all intermediate states D 11, D 12 … (checkpoint logs) In the case of a failure at an intermediate state D 1i before reaching D 2 restore D 1 (rollback) the simplest strategy is to apply a series of atomic actions R which change the state to the initial state R: D 1i ->D 1 In the case of successful reach of the last intermediate state D 2, force-write or flush the log file to disk and change the database state to it (transaction ends) Note: if the transactions are controlled in SQL (using COMMIT), the rollback operation should be initiated explicitly (using ROLLBACK)
17 Entries in the log file [start, ]: the start of the execution of the transaction identified by transaction-id [read,, X]: the transaction identified by transaction-id reads the value of database item X [write,, X, old-value, new-value]: the transaction identified by transaction-id changes the value of database item X from old-value to new- value [commit, ]: the transaction identified by transaction-id has completed all data manipulations and its effect can be recorded [rollback, ]: the transaction identified by transaction-id has been aborted and its effect lost Procedure Credit ( trans_id INTEGER, accno INTEGER, bcode CHAR(6), amount NUMBER) old NUMBER; new NUMBER; begin SELECT balance INTO old FROM account WHERE no = accno and branch = bcode; new := old + amount; UPDATE account SET amount = new WHERE no = accno and branch = bcode; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN FAILURE THEN ROLLBACK; END credit;
Controlling Subtransactions All intermediate states of the transaction which are end states of the defined subtransactions should become consistent database states In the case of successful reach of an intermediate state of this type the actions are temporary suspension of transaction execution forced writing of all updated database blocks in main memory buffers to disk flush the log file resume transaction execution Note: If the transactions are controlled in SQL, the rollback operation can be made to an intermediate state which is labeled (using ROLLBACK TO )
Adding checkpoints to the log file A [checkpoint, ] record is created each time a new checkpoint is encountered [commit, ] entries for the active subtransactions are automatically written when the system writes to the database the effect of write operations of a successful transaction In the case of a rollback to a given checkpoint within a transaction an entry [commit, ] is logged against this subtransaction In the case of a rollback of the global transaction to a given checkpoint no subtransactions in the path will be committed either
4. Database Recovery Need for recovery from failure during transaction for preventing the loss of data for avoiding global inconsistency of the database for analyzing the possible reasons for failure Factors considered in database recovery what is the nature of the failure? when did the problem occur in the transaction? what do we need to recover?
4.1 Categories of Transactions at Failure T 1 - Can be ignored (committed before the previous checkpoint) T 2 - Must Redo completely T 3 - Must Undo completely and then Redo T 4 - Must Redo completely T 5 - Must Undo completely and then Redo After checkpoint t check cannot assume any changes saved to disk
4.2 Types of Failure Catastrophic failure Restore a previous copy of the database from archival backup Apply transaction log to reconstruct a more current state by redoing committed transaction operations up to failure point Perform an incremental dump logging each transaction Non-catastrophic failure Reverse the changes that caused the inconsistency by undoing the operations and possibly redoing legitimate changes which were lost The entries kept in the system log are consulted during recovery. No need to use the complete archival copy of the database. If an error or hardware/software crash occurs during transaction processing, the database may be inconsistent
4.3 Recovery Strategy Mirroring keep two copies of the database maintained simultaneously Backup periodically dump the complete state of the database to some form of tertiary storage System Logging keep track of all transaction operations affecting the values of database items. the log is kept on disk so that it is not affected by failures except for disk and catastrophic failures.
Lecture 4: Transaction Serialization and Concurrency Control Advanced Databases CG096 Nick Rossiter [Emma-Jane Phillips-Tait]
Content 1 Concurrent Transactions and Parallel Execution of Operations 2 Problems with Concurrency 3 Scheduling of Transaction Execution 4 Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control 5 Optimistic Strategy for Transaction Management
1. Concurrent Transactions Transaction resources Transactions consist of operations, which are executed in a fixed sequence (serially) Operations have starting point and end point (duration) Operations manipulate data (parameters) Sources of Concurrency during transaction execution Operations from different transactions can overlap (parallel execution) Data can be visible by more then one transaction (shared data)
Example: Flight Reservation seats seat seats
1.1 Typical situations requiring concurrency control Exclusive access to an external device or shared service (e.g., managing printer queues) Coordination of applications which process parallel data (e.g. parallel DB servers) Disabling or enabling execution of the client programs in a specific moment (typically for database administration - e.g. database backups, enforcing resource occupation, etc.) Detection of transaction ends when managing multiple sessions for connection to the database (client/server architectures, Web access)
1.2 Transaction Properties and Transaction Management ACID properties as implemented by DBMS guarantee correct behaviour for transactions only to certain extent operations are independent the effect of the operation execution does not change if operations from other transactions mix with them In other cases the application should incorporate an explicit control mechanism for preserving the original logics of transaction operations using DBMS utilities for programming the application (e.g. Oracle DBMS_TRANSACTION package) using specialized transaction servers between the application and DB (e.g. Microsoft MTS, Java JTS)
2. Problems with Concurrency (in absence of locking) Lost Update problem - losing values due to intervention of write operation from other overlapping transactions Temporary Update problem - discarding previous changes made by overlapping transaction after rollback Incorrect Summary problem - overwriting of certain values used for calculation by write operations from other transactions
2.1 Lost Update Problem Time T0T0 Transaction A Transaction BValue Start A6 T1T1 Read Value (6) 6 T2T2 Add 2 (6+2=8)Read Value (6) 6 T3T3 Write Value (8)Add 3 (6+3=9)8 T4T4 End AWrite Value (9)9 Start B What should the final Order Value be? Which Update has been lost? T5T5 End B9
2.2 Temporary Update Problem Time T0T0 Transaction ATransaction BValue Start A6 T1T1 Read Value (6) 6 T2T2 Add 2 (8)6 T3T3 Write Value (8)8 T4T4 Failure: Rollback!8Read Value (8) Start B T5T5 Write Value (6)Add 3 (8+3=11)6 Write Value (11)T6T6 End A 11 What should the final Order Value be? Where is the temporary update? T5T5 End B11
2.3 Incorrect Summary Problem Time T0T0 Transaction A Transaction BValues T1T1 Read 1 st Value (6) 6363 T2T2 Add 2 (6+2=8) 6363 T3T3 Write 1 st Value (8) 8383 T4T4 8383 T5T5 Add 2 (3+2 = 5) 8383 Write 2 nd Value (5) 8585 Read 2 nd Value (3) Read 1 st Value (8) Read 2 nd Value (3) Total Sum = 11 What should the total Order Value be? Which order was accumulated before update, and which after?
3. Scheduling of Transaction Execution A schedule S of n transactions is a sequential ordering of the operations of the n transactions. The transactions are interleaved A schedule maintains the order of operations within the individual transaction. For each transaction T if operation a is performed in T before operation b, then operation a will be performed before operation b also in S. The operations are in the same order as they were before the transactions were interleaved Two operations conflict if they belong to different transactions AND access the same data item AND one of them is a write. read x write x read x write x read x write x T1 T2 S
3.1 Serial and Non-serial Schedules A schedule S is serial if, for every transaction T participating in the schedule, all of T's operations are executed consecutively in the schedule; otherwise it is called non-serial. Non-serial schedules mean that transactions are interleaved. There are many possible orders of operations in alternative schedules. A schedule S consisting of n transactions is serialisable if it is equivalent to some serial schedule of the same n transactions. The results from serial schedules always leave the database in a consistent state never suffer from interference by one transaction with another vary according to the order in which the transactions are performed
Schedule B Example of Serial Schedules Schedule A
Example of Non-serial Schedules Schedule C Schedule D We have to figure out whether a schedule is equivalent to a serial schedule, i.e. the reads and writes are in the right order in the schedule. Do a precedence graph.
Precedence Graphs Schedule E Schedule F Schedule G Schedule H Not conflict serialisable Conflict serialisable Conflict serialisable Conflict serialisable
3.2 Transaction Serialisability The effect on a database of any number of transactions executing in parallel must be the same as if they were executed one after another (I-property guaranteed)
Syntactic (View) Serialisability Equivalence: As long as each read operation of a transaction reads the result of the same write operation in both schedules, the write operations of each transaction must produce the same results The read operations are said to see the same view of data in both schedules The final write operation on each data item is the same in both schedules, so the database state should be the same at the end of both schedules View serialisation A schedule S is view serialisable if it is equivalent to a serial schedule Testing for view serialisability is NP-complete: it is is highly improbable that an efficient algorithm can be found
3.3 Methods for Transaction Serialisation Timestamps unique identifiers for each transaction generated by the system order transactions by their timestamps to ensure a particular serialisability used extensively in databases including mirroring and distributed application
4. Locking Techniques The concept of locking data items is one of the main techniques for controlling the concurrent execution of transactions. A lock is a variable associated with a data item in the database. Generally there is a lock for each data item in the database. A lock describes the status of the data item with respect to possible operations that can be applied to that item used for synchronising the access by concurrent transactions to the database items. A transaction locks an object before using it When an object is locked by another transaction, the requesting transaction must wait
4.1 Types of Locks Binary locks have two possible states: 1.locked (lock_item (X) operation) and 2.unlocked (unlock (X) operation Multiple-mode locks allow concurrent access to the same item by several transactions. Three possible states: locked or shared locked (other transactions are allowed to read the item) 2.write locked or exclusive locked (a single transaction exclusively holds the lock on the item) and 3.unlocked. Locks are held in a lock table. upgrade lock: read lock to write lock downgrade lock: write lock to read lock
4.2 Locking Granularity A database item which can be locked could be a database record a field value of a database record a disk block the whole database Trade-offs coarse granularity the larger the data item size, the lower the degree of concurrency fine granularity the smaller the data item size, the more locks to be managed and stored, and the more lock/unlock operations needed.
Record Locking Every record has a lock. The lock may have 3 states: Unlocked = U Read Locked = R, n Write Locked = W Note: n is the number of transactions which have put a read lock on the record.
The lock must be checked, then set before the record is accessed. Decision Table for Lock Management: Record Locking Protocol
Example: Prevention of Lost Update Time T0T0 Transaction ATransaction BValue Start A6 T3T3 Add 2 (6+2=8)Request Write6(W) T4T4 Write ValueWait6(W) T5T5 Set Write Lock 8(W) T1T1 6 End B T2T2 Set Write Lock 6(W) Read Value (6) Start A Read Value T6T6 8 T7T7 8(W) Release Lock (8) Wait Value 8 appears to other tasks when lock is released
Example: Locking with Lost Update
4.3 Ensuring Serialisability: Two-Phase Locking All locking operations (read_lock, write_lock) should precede the first unlock operation in the transactions. Two phases: expanding phase: new locks on items can be acquired but none can be released shrinking phase: existing locks can be released but no new ones can be acquired The two phases are completely disjoint, no overlapping Record access occurs during or after the expanding phase but must be complete before the shrinking phase starts.
Example: Prevention of Incorrect Summary Time T0T0 Transaction ATransaction BValues T1T1 6(R,1) 3 T2T2 Wait 6(R,1) 3(R,1) T3T3 T4T4 T5T5 Read Lock record 1 Total Value (6+3= 9) Read 1 st Value (6) Read 2 nd Value (3) Read Lock record 2 Release Locks 6(R,1) 3(R,1) 6(R,1) 3(R,1) 6(R,1) 3(R,1) 6(R,1) 3(R,1) Wait Write Lock record 1 6363 T6T6 ExpandIngExpandIng ShrinkingShrinking Request Write record 1
4.4 Locking Problems: Deadlock Time T0T0 Transaction ATransaction BValues T1T1 Write Lock record 1 6363 T2T2 6(W) 3 T3T3 6(W) 3(R,1) T4T4 6(W) 3(R,1) Wait 6(W) 3(R,1) Read Lock record 2 Read 1 st Value (6) Read 2 nd Value (3) Request Write record 2 Request Read record 1 Wait Each Process is waiting for the other to release a lock!
Deadlock Prevention Killing processes: Victim selection Explicit Timestamping of the operations Enforcing Timeouts of the transactions Detection of “Waiting for” loops Diagrammatically Process 1 Process 2 Object 1 Object 2 Locked by Waiting for
5. Optimistic Strategy for Concurrent Transaction Management No checking while the transaction is executing. Check for conflicts after the transaction. Checks are all made at once, so low transaction execution overhead Relies on little interference between transactions Updates are not applied until the end of transaction Updates are applied to local copies in transaction space
Phases in optimistic strategy 1. read phase: read from the database, but updates are applied only to local copies 2.validation phase: check to ensure serialisability will not be validated if the transaction updates are actually applied to the database 3.write phase: if validation is successful, transaction updates applied to database; otherwise updates are discarded and transaction is aborted and restarted.
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