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Open Systems Model Adapting to acquire resources from environment Emphasizes political adaptation and change management.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Systems Model Adapting to acquire resources from environment Emphasizes political adaptation and change management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Systems Model Adapting to acquire resources from environment Emphasizes political adaptation and change management

2 Two Roles Broker: Represent, negotiate to acquire resources Innovator: Facilitates change

3 The Broker Role: Building and Maintaining a Power Base

4 Learning Goals Depict dependencies Explain how dependencies affect power Identify which of the 5 sources of power exists when Recommend appropriate influence strategies

5 What Determines Power? Whom we depend upon (and how much) Who depends upon us (and how much)

6 Why Dependencies Determine Power Power is ability to get things done When you need someone to get something done, s/he has power over you.

7 Relevance to Health Care Challenging contexts of dependency –Complex –Dynamic

8 So… Whom you depend upon matters

9 But -- Also matters how each of you is connected to others

10 Goal: Variety of ties that protect you against dependencies



13 Major Points about Dependence Power arises from dependence –Us on others –Others on us –Need the whole picture to gage Health care managers face very challenging contexts of dependency

14 5 Sources of Power Position Personal Expert Opportunity Information

15 Building Power: Use a Balance of Influence Strategies Involve others in decisions Control the situation Engineer the situation Use your position authority Use rational persuasion Offer rewards Share your vision Acknowledge that you need people

16 Managing Up: Influencing Your Boss Help them solve their problems Be supportive Be proactive Be loyal

17 Managing Sideways: Influencing Peers Help people succeed Be supportive Look for common goals Don’t always deal with problems alone

18 Managing Down: Subordinates Recognize what they do Help them succeed Work on your own competence Admit when you don’t know something Provide regular, constructive feedback Clarify roles and responsibilities Admit that you need them too

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