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Mysterious Locations.

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Presentation on theme: "Mysterious Locations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mysterious Locations

2 Items to Study Bermuda Triangle Stonehenge Noah’s Ark Nazca Lines
Atlantis Crop Circles Pyramids of Egypt Easter Island Troy Sphinx Fountain of Youth Area 51

3 Why are these locations mysterious?
Lack of historical evidence as to who built them Belief that the structures are too complex to be built of people of that time period Unknown uses Quest to find location from oral tradition Strange phenomena surround the location Once thought to be only myth or religious folklore

4 Stonehenge Group of standing stones in Salisbury Plain, England
Structure is enclosed by a circular ditch with banking on inside, a long roadway leading up to it, and 4 separate series of stones arranged in circles, horseshoe, and ovoid patterns

5 Who built it? Once thought to be druids but druids did not arrive in England until 250 BCE Radiocarbon dating has it built in several stages from 3000 BCE to 1500 BCE Many doubt it could be built by the Neolithic peoples of the Bronze Age because of the complexity of the structure

6 Why was it built? Some modern astronomers and archaeologists suggest that it was used to measure eclipses, solar, and lunar movements Most agree it had something to do with astronomy Others suggest it was used for religious rituals, centers of healing, or even burial grounds

7 Stonehenge Today

8 Pyramids of Egypt Pyramids used as tombs for pharaohs
Great Pyramid created to show greatness of the Khufu Built over 20 year period ending about 2500 BCE Controversy on how it was built and who built it


10 Theories How was it built? Who built it and how many?
Took stones from a quarry and pulled into place Cut from a cast of stone Who built it and how many? Slaves (Israelites) Skilled workers 10,000 100,000 divided into 5 groups that rotated How was it planned? Same format as previous pyramids 1 to 1 scale


12 Sphinx Symbolized the pharaoh as an incarnation of sun god Ra
Head of a man and body of lion Others in Egypt had ram and hawk heads Thousands built in Egypt

13 Great Sphinx Near the Great Pyramids of Giza
Carved out of natural rock Considered to be one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World Sphinxes common throughout Middle East and Greece as well


15 Sphinx Mystery How did they build it? Who built it?
Who is the pharaoh depicted?

16 Easter Island Located 3540 km west of Chile in the southern Pacific Ocean One of the most isolated, inhabited places in the world Island is somewhat triangular in shape 166 square km in area Uninhabited until 400 AD when Polynesians colonized Famous for its hieroglyphs and for hundreds of remarkable monolithic stone heads (Maois)


18 Statues on Easter Island
Carved from soft volcanic tufa 10 to 40 ft high Some weigh over 50 tons Who built them?

19 After Reading, Who Built the Statues on Easter Island? P 75
What was the story about? What did we find out? What was said to offer a solution to the mystery?

20 Who built the statues? Fair-skinned invaders from the East carved the monoliths Later (c.1680) the present Polynesians conquered the island French ethnologist Alfred Métreaux believes that the statues are no more than years old They were built by the Polynesian ancestors of the present inhabitants. DNA samples taken from the oldest bones found on the island reveal Polynesian characteristics. Among other ideas now disproven are those connecting Easter Island with Egyptian or Hindu cultures or making it the remnant of a "lost continent."

21 Was there really a Noah’s Ark?
The ark that saved humanity and animals alike in the Bible, Torah, and Koran might be reality At least a giant ark of some kind has been found, some believe What appears to be the remains of a large, wooden ship are found in the mountains of eastern Turkey


23 Other interesting facts
Length is same number of cubits and same shape as mentioned in the religious texts Petrified wood has been found at the site Other details have been found via radar scan, including keels and bulkheads Signs for the ark have been found, showing it was at one point an ancient tourist spot Supposedly rested on Ararat, which is the name of the ancient country Urartu which covered this region


25 Mystery? Is this the ark of Noah from the religious texts?
Did someone else just happen to build a large boat? If so, who built it? Did someone just move a boat into the area? YOU DECIDE

26 Did Troy actually exist?
Ancient city of Homer’s Iliad, an account of the Trojan War Story involves mythology, including the gods and goddesses determining the victors Recently made famous in a movie Was it real or just myth?



29 Recent Discoveries Some believe it is in Hissarlik in Turkey
Heinrich Schliemann in 1871 identified the site and found that 9 separate cities were built there He thought it was the 6th but later researchers said it was the 7th city Controversy because of the mythology surrounding the story



32 Is there a Fountain of Youth?
The Fountain of Youth was a mythical fountain that had the power to renew youth Belief was widespread especially throughout the Middle Ages After discovery of America, said to be in the Bahamas Spanish explorer, Juan Ponce de Leon, was sent to find it in 1512


34 Exploration Reheard myth from Native Americans
Thought fountain was in Garden of Eden in Asia Thought America was Asia Continued to explore Florida repeatedly until he died due to battle wounds


36 Did the City of Atlantis exist?
Greek legend Large island in western sea Possibly in the Atlantic Ocean Somewhere in the Mediterranean Near the Caribbean Sea Plato tells of a high civilization that flourished but was destroyed by an earthquake


38 Pursuits Today Many societies for its discovery still exist
Described as an ideal state and is often associated with utopias Search now found on History Channel’s new series “Mysteryquest”

39 Bermuda Triangle Also known as the Devil’s Triangle
Imaginary area outlined by connecting Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the Bermuda Several unexplained disappearances of boats and planes have occurred in the area Readings of directional devices do not operate normally in the Triangle


41 History of Disappearances
Christopher Columbus mentioned in 1493 how his compass was acting weird while in the Triangle In 1918, USS Cyclops disappeared during World War I In 1945, Flight 19 went missing 5 Navy Bombers The searchplane also went missing


43 Explanations Several other planes and ships also went missing and the wreckage of many have yet to be found Why the strange activity? Magnetic fields Time warps Atlantis Alien abductions Worm holes


45 Scientific Reasons Gulf stream creating dangerous and unpredictable weather Compass variation Inexperienced captains and pilots

46 Crop Circles Large elaborate designs cut into farm fields
Started appearing in southern England in 1972 Most scientists believe engineered by people playing pranks Have proven some are made by humans Others had no footprints or tools


48 Explanations? Freak meteorological phenomena
Messages from extraterrestrials UFOs seen near the circles Tornadoes Ball lightning Associated with mythological beliefs Found near many ritualistic sites like Stonehenge

49 Reasons to Doubt In 1991, two men admitted to creating the circles in the 1970s Used rope, wooden planks, hats, and wire as only tools

50 Shapes Geometric figures Sacred geometry Some are 3 dimensional
Others relate to religious or animal shapes

51 Nazca Lines Geoglyphs on western side of Andes Mountains that were geometric shapes or animals Lies between the Nazca and Grande Rivers in Peru Discovered in 1927 From a culture that flourished in 300 BCE Originally thought to be channels for water but pilots in 1930s noticed detailed patterns


53 Nazca Lines (con.) Up to 300 meters long
Only seen from altitude of at least 1500 ft Culture not believed to be capable of manned flight More than 30 figures etched into the plain

54 Explanations for Lines
Acquisition of water Used lines in soil to indicate where water was Astronomical purposes Some lines point to sun setting and rising on Winter Solstice Sacred rituals of Nazca people Animal symbols line up with other symbols found on pottery involving religion and worship of animal spirits

55 More Explanations Landing strips for aliens Giant seismograph
People of Peru believe the Nazca Lines are a giant calendar.


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