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10 Early Childhood Program Standards. Relationships  Promote positive relationships with all parents and children.  Children’s learning is encouraged.

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Presentation on theme: "10 Early Childhood Program Standards. Relationships  Promote positive relationships with all parents and children.  Children’s learning is encouraged."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 Early Childhood Program Standards

2 Relationships  Promote positive relationships with all parents and children.  Children’s learning is encouraged when they feel safe and secure

3 Curriculum  A high quality curriculum fosters development in social, emotional, physical, language and cognitive.

4 Teaching  Use developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate and effective teaching approaches to enhance children’s learning and development.

5 Assessment of Child Progress  By assessing children regularly teachers are able to select appropriate curricula to meet a child’s individual needs.

6 Health  Encourage the nutrition and health of staff and students.  Health is physical, oral, mental and social.

7 Teachers  Employ qualified teaching staff.  A teacher need to keep up to date on new developments to ensure her education is up to date.

8 Families  Start and keep a collaborative relationship with families.  Parent-Teacher relationship will build trust and respect.  Families are encouraged to be involved.

9 Community Relationships  Having relationships and resources from the community may allow you to help direct a family needing resources or assistance.

10 Physical Environment  Provide a safe and healthy physical environment.  A healthy and safe school environment will be a positive and welcoming climate for students, families, and teachers.  Attention to both physical and social environments promotes learning, comfort, health, and safety.

11 Leadership and Management  Strong program management policies result in high-quality service.

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